
Women’s marches voice messages worldwide

Millions of women and others marched worldwide Saturday to express unity and concern, and to protest any idea that the new President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, would reverse women’s rights, marginalize immigrants, gays, the disabled, muslims, Mexicans, and other minority groups, and repeal ObamaCare.

There were about 700 sister marches that were held in about 60 countries, the day after President Trump took office as the 45th U.S. president.

There was a march in Trenton, NJ., Philadelphia; Washington, D.C.; Colorado, and several other U.S. cities and states. Worldwide, there were marches in Sydney and Melbourne, Au; Kenya, Africa; Canadian cities of Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver; Barcelona, Spain; Puerto Rico; Virgin Islands; and other cities and countries.

These marches outnumbered the protestors on President Trump’s inauguration day.

Women's March-6962

Women's March on Denver

Women's March on Denver

Womens March

Women's March on Denver

Women's March on Denver

Women's March on Denver

Images via Flickr.com

Michelle Dryden (Author)

Michelle Dryden has come full-circle back to the exciting world of news media. Dryden lives in New Jersey where she is an Independent Multimedia Journalist. With college degrees and experiences in both digital and traditional journalism since 1996, Dryden is a news veteran. The Media Pub news blog publishes core news and community features. What's your story? Email me at mdryden@themediapub.com. Cheers!!!