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Wilburtha Road bridge work complete

Road reopened Feb. 14


TRENTONN.J.— Mercer County Executive Brian M. Hughes recently announced that the bridge on Wilburtha Road in Ewing Township reopened  to the motoring public the evening of Feb. 14, 2022.


Officially known as Bridge No. 414.1 on Wilburtha Road, the structure traverses a tributary to Reeds Creek located in the West Trenton neighborhood of Ewing Township.


The old historic bridge built in 1835 is a stone masonry arch. The structure was closed Dec. 6, 2021 on an emergency basis due to a widespread collapse of the curve of the arch.


The rehabilitated bridge includes a newly installed steel liner preserving the structural integrity of the old historic arch. The remainder of the historic spandrel walls and parapets were re-pointed. The cross section at the bridge consists of two 12-foot travel lanes.

“I appreciate the effort put forth by our engineering department to preserve the historic integrity of the structure while ensuring safe passage for all motorists,” Mr. Hughes said.


The contractor Underground Utilities Corp. of  Linden was the successful low bidder of the emergency job.

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