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Biden wins presidency

Joseph R. Biden Jr. achieved victory offering a message of healing and unity. He will return to Washington facing a daunting set of crises.

— New York Times: Top Stories

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Trump changes election night plans as campaigns begin last push

President Trump canceled plans to appear at Trump International Hotel for an election night party.

The President has reportedly called off plans to host an election night event at Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C., a person familiar with the plans told The New York Times.

The source told the Times that Trump will instead likely remain at the White House on Nov. 3.

This comes after the Trump campaign last weekend sent fundraiser emails to donors announcing a drawing that would give one winner, along with a guest, the chance to be flown to the nation’s capital, where they would stay for free and attend the Nov. 3 party at Trump International as VIPs.

The candidates head to swing states today.



— NYT: Top Stories

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Pelosi gets tested for coronavirus, raises ‘concerns’ on accuracy of White House tests as she awaits results

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi revealed Friday she’s been tested for coronavirus out of an “abundance of caution” and raised concerns about the accuracy of tests at the White House that “led to” President Trump’s exposure.


— FOX News: Marisa Schultz

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Amy Coney Barrett tested negative for coronavirus, last had contact with Trump on Saturday, White House says

Judge Amy Coney Barrett, President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, last had direct contact with President Trump on Saturday as Trump officially announced her nomination, according to the White House.


— FOX News: Tyler Olson

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White House accused of intervening to keep Bolton’s book from becoming public

A career official said political appointees “commandeered” the prepublication review process of John Bolton’s memoir.

— NYT: Michael S. Schmidt and Charlie Savage

Local News

Decision 2016 projects upset

With unprecedented controversies and unstable projections during the 2016 Presidential Race for the White House, voters are hoping that the winner will be the fair choice.

Photo by Michael Vadon/Wikimedia Commons  Business Mogul, Donald J. Trump is leading opponent Hillary Clinton, nationally, in the presidential votes and electoral votes: 238 to 209.
Photo by Michael Vadon/Wikimedia Commons
Business Mogul, Donald J. Trump is leading opponent Hillary Clinton, nationally, in the presidential votes and electoral votes: 238 to 209.
As they voted, Americans were hoping for favorable changes in benefits for veterans, the homeless, students, children, seniors, gays, the disabled, and basically anyone who needs help.

Election Day 2016 from Michelle Dryden on Vimeo.