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NJSPRA announces new officers to share critical school districts information

TRENTON, N.J. — Whether it’s news about students participating in the Scripps National Spelling Bee competition, or an unexpected crisis on school premises, the New Jersey Schools Public Relations Association (NJSPRA) is prepared to disseminate that information to the public.

To fulfill this responsibility, NJSPRA recently held its annual meeting in Trenton, where it announced its newly elected officers for 2018-19, who include school communications professionals, supervisors and superintendents.

Lori Perlow of Cherry Hill, Communications Manager at Camden County Educational Services Commission.
–Provided photo

“Our members play a vital role in the day-to-day operations of their respective school districts,” says Lori Perlow, NJSPRA president.

“Between the ongoing need to share the good news happening in our schools and the unexpected crises that we’re faced with, our members are always prepared to effectively communicate critical information on behalf of their districts,” she says.

Thus, the new NJSPRA officials are:

– Lori Perlow, president (2-year term). She is communication manager at Camden County Educational Services Commission.

– Nancy Dries, treasurer (2-year term). She is the communications coordinator at Millburn Township Public Schools

– Kia Bergman, secretary. She is the outreach coordinator at Hillsborough Township Public Schools.

– Daniel Alston, vice president. He is the supervisor of innovation, design and communication at Middletown Township School District.

– Sarah Bilotti, vice president. She is the superintendent of North Warren Regional School District

– Maren Smagala, vice president. She is district communications coordinator at North Hunterdon – Voorhees Regional High School District

– Nicholas Diaz, superintendent advisory committee. He is superintendent of Union Township Schools (Hunterdon County)

– Judy Palermo, chair. She is the public information officer at Piscataway Schools.

In addition to the elected officers, Diaz will also lead the newly formed superintendent advisory committee, and Palermo will chair the new sponsorship committee.

The NJSPRA is a state chapter of the National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA). It is nationally recognized for its efforts on behalf of school public relations professionals. Members represent school districts and independent public relations agencies throughout New Jersey.

For more than 25 years, NJSPRA has provided professional development, resources and support in all facets of communication to education communities throughout New Jersey.


For 100 years now, Trenton College Club awards scholarships to public high school girls

The Trenton College Club recently awarded these nine girls $9000 in scholarships awards at a ceremony at First Presbyterian Church in Hamilton. (Provided photo)

HAMILTON, N.J. — The Trenton College Club branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) recently awarded $9000 in scholarships to deserving high school girls during a ceremony at First Presbyterian Church in Hamilton.

Trenton College club is 106 years old and has been awarding scholarships since 1917. It is a local 50-members branch of the AAUW that has chapters all over New Jersey and is a national organization.

The President of Trenton College Club, Maggie Kramer, said they are invested in the education of Mercer County public schools’ female students because “it is the mission of the AAUW and we are the Trenton branch.”

The overall mission of the Trenton College Club branch and that of the AAUW state that it is interested in “advancing equality for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy and research.”

This organization has grown in size and in giving over the last 106 years and has donated money to causes beyond education.

“In the last 10 years, we have given over $51,000 to the Kiwanis Club, $1,000 each year to Trenton Area Soup Kitchen (TASK), $1,000 to the Salvation Army…,” stated Kramer.

While some of their charities and donations are available just by word-of-mouth, the Trenton College Club chapter reaches out to guidance counselors in all Mercer County public high schools to inform them of scholarship applications for their female seniors.

The Scholarship Committee Chairperson, Mary Margaret Murphy, said, “We get tremendous satisfaction in seeing the bright, engaged, focused and smart girls that the schools in Mercer County are turning out. They are focused on their goals and we are happy to award them these scholarships.”

Corresponding Secretary, Marilyn Silverman, said that at the award dinner, each girl stood up and thanked the Trenton College Club for their scholarships and “told us what she’s going to do with the money and how the money is going to help her achieve these goals.” She added, “they’ll be studying in very interesting fields such as accounting and medicine.”

The nine Mercer County high school female senior awardees were students from Hamilton West, Steinert, and Ewing High School. From Hamilton West were Ashley Gerstnicker, Victoria Blankenmiller, and Amanda Sensi; from Steinert were Nicole Bumbera, Danielle Standifer, and Sabrian Queval; and from Ewing High School were Olivia Czelusniak, Caroline Unger, and Chidiebube Nwadiobgu.