Regulations & Security

Live updates: Navalny protests in Russia face heavy policing

Tens of thousands took to the streets to show support for the jailed opposition leader Aleksei A. Navalny. The police were out in force and reports of brutality flared.


— NYT: Top Stories


Anti-Trump sentiments incite protesting

Photo by Michael Vadon/Wikimedia Commons  GOP Front-Runner, Donald Trump
Photo by Michael Vadon/Wikimedia Commons
GOP Front-Runner, Donald Trump

From New York to Arizona, Friday and Saturday, protestors were demonstrating a message that they do not want presidential GOP front-runner, and business mogul, Donald Trump, to become the Presidential nominee for the Republican Party.

While Trump’s opponents protested in NYC and Tucson, Ariz. Saturday, they were also sending him their messages of intolerance in Salt Lake City, Utah, at a Trump rally there.

Protesters have been blocking streets with vehicles, trying to breach the doors at Trump rally venues, and have been chanting, “No more hate,’’ and “Trump the racist.”

However, Trump rally organizers said that authorities are ready to deal with any problems that may arise from the anti-Trump sentiments.

Opponents are criticizing Trump for his comments about building a border to keep illegal immigrants from entering the United States, and other ill remarks they claim he made about Mexicans. Some even said he has made unflattering comments about women and even about his rival, Democratic front-runner, Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton.

According to CNN Politics, “Trump also criticized Sen. Ted Cruz, his main GOP opponent, once again calling him ‘”Lyin’ Ted.’’’

The protesting against Trump’s nomination is coming from within his own party. Trump is also at odds with 2012 GOP nominee, Mitt Romney, who is trying to deny him the delegates he needs to become the GOP nominee.

Protestors have marched in Manhattan from Columbus Circle to Trump Towers demonstrating and even threw water bottles at police who were trying to get traffic moving. The police arrested some of the them.

Anti-Trump sentiments are prevalent because of Trump’s outspoken nature. Trump supporters criticize his opponents saying he has a right to free speech, but others claim he is a bigot who is spreading hate, intolerance, and anti-immigration sentiments. They believe Trump does not represent what America or the Republican Party is all about.

People around the globe are expressing fear about Trump becoming the next president in the White House of the United States.

CNN Politics reported that a Hong Kong woman said she is “…actually very, very worried.”

According to CNN, some people fear that a Trump’s presidency would lead to a breakdown of America’s relations with other countries, which could eventually lead to World War III.

The same report claims that at Jakarta woman said if Trump is elected, “That’s it, that’s the end of America.”

The fear is real. The protests are ongoing. So, will American voters actually elect Trump to the White House in the upcoming 2016 presidential elections?