Local News

6-year cancer survivor makes 15 years of ministry

TRENTON, N.J. – Experiencing 15 years of challenges, an area pastor

Rev. Leon Alexander is pastor of Life Abundant Church of God in Trenton, where he celebrates his 15th year pastoral anniversary this month.
— Provided photo

overcame many obstacles to face the month of October with grace.

The Rev. Leon S. Alexander, Jr., Senior Pastor at Life Abundant Church of God, started the celebration of his 15th-year pastoral anniversary at the church, Sunday.

During his 15-year ministry, Rev. Alexander recalls “personal trials…racial tensions, workplace issues, an ever-changing government, and a host of other challenges.”

However, he proclaims that God has remained faithful and it is His Word that sustains him.

One of the Rev. Alexander’s most personal trials was his battle with stage four breast cancer when he was diagnosed in July 2008.

He said he has been through surgery, chemotherapy, radiation and recovery. Rev. Alexander is grateful to be able to tell his story of breast cancer survival.

So, the Rev. considers the month of October as a “reminder of life!”

October is important to Rev. Alexander because it is designated as breast cancer awareness month, among other significance such as domestic violence and pastor appreciation.

However, it is the reminders for annual mammograms that resonate most with the pastor.

“I cannot, nor will not forget many who lost the battle to breast cancer. This month is a time to remember those persons who fought a good fight,“ states Rev. Alexander.

He also emphasizes that the month of October is a celebration of life for breast cancer survivors.

Therefore, as a believer in the celebration of life, the Rev. was also instrumental in the name change of his historically located church.

Located in historic Mill Hill District, Rev. Alexander’s church was previously called Mill Hill Church of God at the time his call to pastoral leadership there in 2003.

Pastor Alexander, Jr. became the fifth pastor of Mill Hill Church of God, but decided to change its name to Life Abundant Church of God to affirm a biblical proclamation, rather than to reflect a geographical location.

The Rev. Alexander announced the official name change on Resurrection Sunday morning, April 8, 2007.

To exemplify his love for life that is reflected in the church’s new name, the Rev. quoted the Holy Bible in St. John 10:10:

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”

Rev. Alexander believes it is part of God’s plan that led him to pastor specifically at Life Abundant Church of God while overcoming obstacles and various life events.

However, he admits there is some truth to what many other pastors have said that, “anyone who wants to pastor, is either crazy or does not fully understand the responsibility.”

But, he says pastoral duties are an “awesome responsibility” and that he has no regrets.

Life Abundant Church of God continues their celebration of Rev. Alexander’s 15thpastoral anniversary Oct. 28 at 10:30 a.m. and at 5 p.m.

— Follow Michelle Dryden on Twitter @Michelle_Dryden

Local News

Mill Hill 50th House Tour delivers fun, surprises

– Photo by Michelle Dryden
The 50th annual House Tour in Mill Hill District featured a Horse and Buggy ride during the touring event from noon to 5 p.m. Saturday.
Historic Mill Hill District commemorates nostalgia and contemporary living as seen on 50th Anniversary House Tour event that featured various art forms and fun activities today.

Visitors and residents came out to tour homes, sing in choirs, see art show exhibits at Artworks, enjoy live music, look at classic/antique cars, have lunch from the Crepe Food Truck, enjoy the crisp fall weather, take fun photos, among other fun stuff.

The annual House Tour happens on the first Saturday of December each year. This year’s event was bigger and better than the tours in recent years because it marks a half-century milestone since Mill Hill residents have been opening their doors for visitors to see unexpected views and charms of homes in Trenton.