Regulations & Security

Myanmar Military charges Aung San Suu Kyi with obscure infraction

The move against the deposed civilian leader was a curious coda to the army’s rapid dismantling of the country’s nascent democracy.


— NYT: Top Stories

For Edit

Donald Trump made them furious, and organized. Now is the big test.

For a group of women in western Pennsylvania, 2016 was a shock and a reason to get politically involved for the first time. “Forget about taking no for an answer, they’re not even asking for permission.”

Carolyn Gibbs puts on the striped pants first, then the striped jacket. The hat is the final touch. That’s if it’s an Uncle Sam day. For Statue of Liberty, it’s a mint green dress, a foam halo and a political sign, usually, standing in as the torch.

Before Donald Trump became president, Ms. Gibbs, 59, rarely dressed up for Halloween, only occasionally for a costume party.

But for the better part of four years, she has shown up to rallies in shopping centers of suburban Pittsburgh in elaborate costumes, ready for the role of playful protester.

“I’m willing to make a fool of myself for democracy,” is how she often puts it.

Yet for all her playfulness — and it is boundless — Ms. Gibbs is driven by a sense of anger and residual shock. How could so many of her neighbors in western Pennsylvania vote for a man she saw as a threat? She still finds herself stuck on the question.

“I had begun to think we were including and serving everybody in this country,” Ms. Gibbs said. “But that’s totally not true anymore.”

For the past four years, Ms. Gibbs and half a dozen women (along with one man) have poured countless hours into Progress PA, a political group they created to get Democratic candidates elected in western Pennsylvania, a part of the state that helped fuel Mr. Trump’s victory last time. Joseph R. Biden Jr. is counting on voters like them — older, suburban dwellers — to win back Pennsylvania, where polls show him ahead. But their work is less about their enthusiasm for the former vice president than their revulsion at the current occupant of the White House.

— New York Times: Top Stories

Art & Life

NJ playwright envisions DREAM Act reality

Manuel vs. The Statue of Liberty, an award-winning musical comedy by a Princeton playwright, Noemi de la Puente, addresses the issue of illegal immigration and the “absurdities” brilliant students usually face in America’s schools, given the absence of the DREAM Act.

A Princeton University undergraduate who was an illegal immigrant, and could not accept a scholarship to Oxford University, UK, because he could not leave the United States to travel — considering he was undocumented, fights with the Statue of Liberty in the show. His story inspired the musical comedy. The character Manuel in the play represents this student.

Manuel vs Statue of Liberty from Michelle Dryden on Vimeo.

The Statue of Liberty depicts the “diva democracy’’ on immigration in the United States. De la Puente said that a musical comedy was the best vehicle to drive home the messages of the play. She said that the music is multicultural and the comedy lightens notions on the very serious reality of immigration in America.

Manuel vs. The Statue of Liberty play has won awards, including NYMF in 2014. The Statue of Liberty herself has won an individual award. This comedy has been shown at theaters in New York and at local theaters in New Jersey. This play was also at a Princeton University theater earlier this weekend.