Art & Life

New art group to showcase premiere exhibition

A new arts and culture organization is marking its inception with an opening reception downtown Fort Lee Nov. 8., debuting a pop-up show entitled “2019 All Media Exhibition.’’

The company of artists are known as Fort Lee Art Group (FLAG) who have adopted the slogan, “Art for Everyone,” and is dedicated to connecting people and facilitating collaboration between every art form and creative endeavors.

FLAG’s Art for Everyone includes, “art marketing; networking events; corporate workshops; individual fundraisers; private auctions; and traveling shops with art, crafts, and gifts from local creators…,” explains Nichell Delvaille, FLAG gallery manager.

She states that these are just some of the items on FLAG’s burgeoning catalog of projects and programs that are available to individuals, small businesses and large companies.

FLAG’s debut show will feature its “flagship” artist, Tony “Claxon Du Soleil” Seker, who is a local creative personality, an abstract painter of colorful works of art that represent his self-created French moniker, which roughly means “blast from the sun.”

Tony “Claxon Du Soleil” Seker is FLAG’s featured artist for debut exhibition Nov. 8.
— Provided photo

Seker is a pillar of the arts community in the Fort Lee area. He acts as vice president of the non-profit organization Fort Lee Artists Guild, and he shows his work throughout Bergen County from the Modern and the Recreation centers to local fairs and festivals.

His artistic reach and exhibitions have also extended into the larger metropolitan regions such as Hoboken, Manhattan, Brooklyn, and New York State. He has received multiple awards from juried shows throughout the tri-state area.

In addition to Seker’s paintings, FLAG will also present pieces from several other artists in the upcoming exhibition. It is still seeking submissions for artwork as well as applications for live musical performances during the opening reception.

The Group expects the occasion to attract all kinds of different artists as well as art enthusiasts and hopes to act as a breeding ground for new and exciting ideas in the future, says Delvaille.