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Smith Family extends principles of annual Kwanzaa event to everyday

TRENTON, N.J. – When the Smith Family Foundation of New Jersey (SFFNJ) began celebrating

At the Smith’s Family Kwanzaa365 event last Saturday from L-R are Kimberly Clark-Bryant of CM Events Planners; Trenton Mayor Reed Gusciora; and Katherine Nunnally, executive director of the Smith Family Foundation of NJ.
– Photo by Michelle Dryden

community Kwanzaa two years ago, they did not realize it would grow so fast.

After attaining national attention as New Jersey Powerball lottery winners in 2016, the family formed SFFNJ, and decided to give back to the Trenton community where they are from.

So last Saturday, the SFFNJ hosted their 2nd  Annual Community Kwanzaa 365  (Umoja) Celebration at the Trenton War Memorial for about seven hours starting at 11 a.m.

This year, the event got bigger and now the family wants everyone to implore the principles of Kwanzaa everyday of the year.

“There were about 1000 people,” said Kimberly Clark-Bryant, event coordinator of CM Event Planners. “It doubled” from the previous year at the Trenton YMCA, she said.

In the mix at the new location, were members of Trenton Police Department, and Trenton Mayor Reed Gusicora, who applauded the SFFNJ and their hosts of corporate and community partners for a daylong of events that focused on unity, or Umoja, which is one of the seven Kwanzaa principles.

“If we are going to progress as a City we have to work together,” said Mayor Gusciora. “Smith Foundation is really instrumental in bringing people together,” he said.

The mayor commented that the event was a great celebration of Kwanzaa, and also mentioned other events going on in the City at that time such as the Battle of Trenton re-enactment. He said the City is lively and it celebrates life, and that it was a great day to celebrate unity as well.

Katherine Nunnally, executive director of SFFNJ, was excited to have the mayor to represent the Trenton community for the purpose of unity.

“I am excited that the mayor is here today, because we really wanted to reach out to the entire Trenton community, so we’ll be able to celebrate together; so we can tell a great story about what’s happening in Trenton, and show the wonderful things that Trenton has to offer.”

She explained that Kwanzaa is a seven-day African-American holiday that “celebrates the entire diaspora of the African people all over the world,” and that by celebrating one of its principles name Umoja, they wanted to involve all Trenton’s residents.

The daylong event Saturday featured a marketplace of fun activities and local talents.

Wowing the audience, were performers from Trenton Circus Squad, Youth Turn Performing Arts Company, and Watson & Johnson Dance Theatre.

There were also activities in The House of Zawadi where Trenton Artist Kenneth Lewis Sr. taught the children how to create African-styled masks, Romare Beardon style collages, and quilt making.

In another room, lecturers told tales of the diaspora that included the history and principles of Kwanzaa by Harold Smith; dance movements throughout the diaspora by Patricia Matos; and “The cultural relevance of holiday celebrations,’’ by Nwasha Edu.

At the end of the day, Sprout U Performing Arts School of Trenton entertained the crowd with “The Lion King Jr.” performance.

SFFNJ also gifted several prizes to attendees as donations in celebration of Kwanzaa365.

Kwanzaa began Dec. 26 through Jan. 1, 2019.

For more information about the SFFNJ, please visit

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Michelle Dryden (Author)

Michelle Dryden has come full-circle back to the exciting world of news media. Dryden lives in New Jersey where she is an Independent Multimedia Journalist. With college degrees and experiences in both digital and traditional journalism since 1996, Dryden is a news veteran. The Media Pub news blog publishes core news and community features. What's your story? Email me at Cheers!!!