Local News

Christmas decorations at FBCT evoke festive moods

With Christmas Day almost here, lights and decorations are everywhere. Close to home in New Jersey, we can visit Rockefeller Center in New York City to see their famous Christmas tree. Also, residents from the southern region of  New Jersey can visit


Verizon’s workers picket for job security

Fearing loss of employment to contractors, close to 40,000 Verizon workers on the East Coast were picketing Wednesday during a labor dispute strike. Verizon’s spokesman, Ray McConville, said that the current contract does not offer Verizon enough flexibility to move workers around.

Local News

Trenton’s first-time author targets wide audience

Dr. Jo Anne Craig conveys universal message   TRENTON, N.J. — Dr. Jo Anne Craig chronicles her story in her first book, “When Is It My Time to Cry.”  Often depicted as a strong, black woman, Dr. Craig uses the main character,