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Pedal Power: 2023 Full Moon Bike Ride set for Sept. 30 at Rosedale Park

HOPEWELL TOWNSHIP, N.J. — The Lawrence Hopewell Trail (LHT) and Mercer County Park Commission will host their eighth Full Moon Bike Ride on Saturday, Sept. 30, at Rosedale Lake in Mercer Meadows.


The six-mile loop ride on the LHT and other Mercer Meadow trails will offer a magical experience, with twinkling lights under a tree canopy, live music along the trail, glow-in-the-dark features, and a campfire with s’mores near Rosedale Lake. Enter the bike decorating contest for a chance to win fabulous prizes.


The Full Moon Bike Ride begins at 7:30 p.m. with a special sendoff near the Rosedale Lake parking area, though participants are welcome to arrive later. Registration will open at 7 p.m., as does the campfire and music. Participants are welcome to arrive early and bring a picnic dinner.


Adults and children of all ages are welcome at the activities around Rosedale Lake, with the expectation that adults supervise their children at all times. The Full Moon Bike Ride itself is open to adults and children aged 12 and above.


Registration for riders is $20 for adults (18 and over) and $15 for youth (12 to 17). Adult registration is $25 at the event. Details and registration at The 2023 Full Moon Bike Ride T-shirt will be available for pre-purchase.


Non-profits can email the LHT ( for group rates. There is no fee for non-riders, though donations are greatly appreciated. The event is a fundraiser for the Lawrence Hopewell Trail, a 501(c)(3) corporation.


For riders under 18, helmets are required by law. The LHT encourages helmets for all riders for safety reasons, and also highly recommends the use of front and rear bike lights. Moonlight, even on a clear night, will not fully light the trail in the woods.


Participants should use the park entrance on Federal City Road between Blackwell Road and Old Mill Road in Hopewell Township. Please car pool if possible.


The rain date is Sunday, Oct. 1, but if rain forces the change, the program will be limited to the bike ride.

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