Art & Life Lifestyle

NJ Photography Forum and NJ Media Center to present Beginning Digital Photography Workshops

Jan. 29, 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Nancy Ori of New Jersey Photography Forum will conduct digital photography workshops for beginning camera learners  on Sunday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
She states that “learning how to work your new digital camera or cell phone properly can make all the difference in the world for you to have fun while making great images of your family and vacations, or stepping up your photography for exhibition or video projects.”
This beginning in-person workshop for adults and mature teens will cover basic digital camera controls and how they relate to lighting, getting the correct exposure, getting good color and composition.
The goal of this stress-free afternoon is to develop a basic understanding of your camera controls while exploring some key elements of photography. There will be a balance of technical and creative information with a great publication to follow after the workshop.
“One of the words I often hear from people is ‘afraid.’ “I was afraid to fiddle with it because I was afraid I would not be able to get it back to the settings that would work for me.”
Ori said, “My major goal for this workshop is to help take the fear out of this technology for you. By the time we are finished, your fingers and brain will feel more comfortable setting up things in the menu, and most importantly, you will understand why you are doing that. These actions are not random. I will show you what is important to know for the type of photographs you like to make and how to quickly think through the process.”
She will also talk about composition because even using all the automatic settings, your pictures can be much better with more thought given to better composition.

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