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Mercer County has new voting machines for the 2023 General Election

Mercer County Clerk Paula Sollami Covello is very proud to report, on behalf of the three election offices representing Mercer County, that there are new voting machines for November General Elections.

She said,  “our Mercer County Administration and Board of Commissioners have purchased new voting machines for use in the 2023 General Election and beyond.”

Covello said, that the voting machines are Dominion ICX Touchscreen machines, which allow voters to vote, print out their ballot, and then scan the ballot into the scanners for improved accuracy and accountability in the voting process.

“These are the same voting machines the County presently uses for early voting, however now, they will also be used in every voting district in Mercer County on Election Day,” she reported.

It is really a great achievement that our County has made in providing voters with voting machines that produce a verifiable paper trail. Voting advocacy groups urge that a paper trail be a part of any new voting system to allow for a auditable backup to any electronic voting. Why? Because if the computer in the machine fails, you will still have the paper to count and recheck. In fact, the State of New Jersey only certifies voting machines designed with a paper backup for counties to purchase.

Because we have had very positive feedback about the voting machines used in Early Voting, I’m excited for the voting public to try out these new machines in the November General Election. For one, they are simple to use because you just touch the screen and it marks your ballot. No more Sharpie pens will need to be used! Also, voters can enlarge the font on the machine screens and request the ballots to be shown in different languages.

Lastly, the new machines will allow you to print out your ballot and scan it into the scanner. However, if you prefer to hand-mark your ballot, you still can do that by printing out a blank ballot and requesting a marker from the poll worker. Mercer didn’t want to take the ability to hand mark your ballot away.

The new voting machines mean that as a voter, you will have more options in how to cast your vote. You can vote on a new voting machine on Election Day, or you can vote during the Early Voting period at a voting center, several days prior to the election, or you can vote by mail — an option many people prefer because the ballot comes right to your home.

We leaders of our other three County election offices; County Clerk, Office of the Superintendent of Elections, and the Board of Elections, have been preparing videos and news releases to educate the voting public about the new voting machines. These will be released on our County websites and on our social media pages. There will also be new enhanced training classes for poll workers on how to use the new voting machines.

In summation, we want you to know that Mercer County heard the voters and invested in a new voting system to our County in time for the upcoming November General Election. Hopefully, the new voting machines will prove to be a positive addition to our County services for many years to come.

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