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Input sought on Trenton’s Bike Plan

Needs Assessment Survey Released


Do you ride a bike in the City of Trenton? Or do you wish you could ride but don’t because of safety or other concerns?

The Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission and the City of Trenton want to hear from you!  Please fill out @DVRPC’s online survey to identify future needs and improvements.  Versions of the survey exist both in English and in Spanish.  Please fill out the survey if you live or work or go to school in Trenton.


Trenton’s bicycle plan complements previous work, including DVRPC’s downtown Trenton bicycle and pedestrian plan, its Complete Streets Design Handbook for the City, and a Trenton Health Team/Rutgers complete streets existing conditions analysis.

Trenton is not alone in planning for bicycle facilities.  Mercer County adopted a Bicycle Master Plan for its roads in 2020 and has been striping bicycle lanes, where feasible, as part of its annual paving program.  As County projects are implemented, they will link Trenton to surrounding destinations.

For more information about the Trenton project, please reach out to Cassidy Boulan, Assistant Manager, Bicycle Programs, DVRPC, cboulan@dvrpc.og

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