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In response to C19, virtual gala honors P’ton leaders, ‘Open Space is Open’

During the height of the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic in Princeton, N.J., D&R Greenway hosted their

From L-R: John Rassweiler and Phyllis Marchand – virtual honorees at D&R Greenway spring gala 2020.

annual awards gala virtually, earlier this month.

The local land trust organization quickly responded to the COVID-19 global health crisis by emphasizing that its central New Jersey 21,000 acres of preserved “Open Space is Open” for public enjoyment.

Earlier this spring, the nonprofit, D&R Greenway land trust organization announced its transition of their traditional spring fundraiser from an in-person event to a “Virtual Gala” celebrating “Open Space is Open,” and honoring community leaders such as former Princeton Mayor Phyllis Marchand and Business Leader John Rassweiler.

“While it is not safe to gather together physically, we can gather electronically to celebrate two great pillars of the Princeton community who have contributed mightily to preserving land: former Princeton Mayor Phyllis Marchand and John Rassweiler, who served longer than anyone on the D&R Greenway Land Trust’s board,” said D&R Greenway President & CEO Linda Mead.

D&R Greenway held their “Virtual Gala” and a participatory after-party utilizing Princeton TV and Zoom to show pre-recorded videos featuring the land preservation accomplishments of Marchand and Rassweiler, and the co-winners of the Donald B. Jones Conservation Award.

Virtual party goers who supported the Gala connected with honorees via Zoom, while they acknowledged the event sponsors in the film credits.

In acknowledgment of her award, Marchand commented, “I care about D&R Greenway because I care about the legacy I will leave to my grandchildren and to all future generations…take care of each other, take care of our planet and enjoy ‘Land for Life!’”

St. Michael’s Preserves of D&R Greenway Land Trust.

The other virtual honoree and over two-decades member of D&R Greenway Rassweiler said that, “D&R Greenway is one of my lead charities because its objectives have been consistent and are ones I strongly support. Its organization and execution always have been at a high professional level.”

The event also honored the family and friends of the late Michael “Iron Mike” Snyder with a community service award and also built a new trail for him off Rosedale Road.

D&R Greenway’s “Our Open Space is Open” messages have gotten attention both locally and nationally as people today realize more than ever the benefits of preserved lands and how a daily dose of walking is to their good health and well-being.

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