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Governor’s Conference on Housing and Economic Development examines ways to promote affordable housing and community revitalization across New Jersey

TRENTON, N.J.  — For nearly 50 years, New Jersey has been a national trailblazer in creating opportunities for residents to live in housing they can afford anywhere in the state.

This year’s Governor’s Conference on Housing and Economic Development, taking place at Harrah’s Resort in Atlantic City from Thursday, Sept. 28 to Friday, Sept. 29, is an event held by practitioners for practitioners and will help developers, property owners and managers, planners, housing advocates and local officials continue down that trailblazing path by convening experts to facilitate engaging discussions about ways to provide affordable housing and stimulate economic development in their communities.

The conference is co-hosted by New Jersey’s pre-eminent housing and economic development agencies: The New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency (NJHMFA), the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs (DCA), the New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA), and the New Jersey Redevelopment Authority (NJRA).

“Governor Phil Murphy has made equitable growth and development one of the hallmarks of his administration,” said NJHMFA Executive Director Melanie Walter. “The Governor’s Conference is the annual showcase where administration officials and external stakeholders come together to discuss, educate, and inform each other about the changing conditions and new best practices for development of affordable housing and stimulating community growth in the Garden State.”

The conference will hold a variety of panel discussions and breakout sessions. Attendees will learn ways to engage with communities in planning more equitable futures, revitalizing business and residential districts, and ensuring that every New Jerseyan has the opportunity to benefit from the Garden State’s prosperity and livability.

Attendees at the breakout panels can receive continuing education credits from the National Affordable Housing Management Association, certification maintenance credits from the American Institute of City Planners and continuing legal education credits from the NJRA’s Redevelopment Training Institute for each session pertaining to their fields.

Breakout panels will explore a wide range of topics relating to the financing, siting, development, construction and management of affordable housing and supportive housing for seniors. Topics include the Neighborhood Revitalization Tax Credit (NRTC) program, eviction prevention programs, landlord-tenant laws, infill development, property management, funding opportunities through new state programs, access to new data sources, and policy and regulatory changes from NJHMFA, EDA, and DCA.

In addition to the informative panels, conference attendees will hear from nationally renowned industry professionals during the conference’s two keynote speeches:

Don Peebles, chairman and CEO of The Peebles Corporation, will be the keynote speaker on Sept. 28. As one of America’s most successful real estate entrepreneurs, he is a longtime backer of what his company calls “affirmative development” to empower women and minorities to close the wealth gap. Peebles’ multi-billion-dollar project portfolio spans the nation, exemplifying a commitment to sustainable construction, innovative design, and equitable community development.

Jerrod Delaine, CEO of Legacy Real Estate Development, a company that puts private capital to work building better communities for all, will be the keynote speaker on Sept. 29. Delaine is a renowned scholar and thought leader in urban housing policy, bringing to the conference more than a decade of real estate experience spanning financing, construction, asset management, and design. He also serves as an adjunct professor at New York University, educating the next generation in development, urban economics, and related issues.

Registration: To learn more and register for the 2023 Governor’s Conference, visit


About Us: The New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency (NJHMFA) advances the quality of life for residents of and communities throughout New Jersey by investing in, financing, and facilitating access to affordable rental housing and homeownership opportunities for low and moderate-income families, older adults, and individuals with specialized housing needs. To learn more about NJHMFA, visit:

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