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Friend forever, factor in Twin Towers tribute

Michelle Dryden
Prof. Michelle Dryden is an experienced newspaper journalist who has a master’s degree in New Media Journalism from Full Sail University, and a bachelor’s in traditional journalism from Rider University.

The adage is still true: Time heals. As passionate as I used to be about a close friend, who is a male and nearly two years older than me, time seems to change everyone as well as everything.

From time to time, I still think and even dream about my old, now estranged friend. And especially when we approach each anniversary of the World Trade Center Twin Towers tragedy, I remember him. I still remember visiting New York on my 27th birthday in July, 2001, with this male friend.

This was the last time I saw the Twin Towers still standing.

By the way, it was my friend who pointed to them as we stood across the Hudson River banks in New Jersey. Yes, as an American-born citizen, he was proud of them.  And, as an immigrant to this country, he knew I would marvel at their stature.

I was certainly amazed and proud to see those tall buildings, that I always associated with the island of Manhattan in New York City. I was excited when I told him that my family who lived in NYC when we first arrived here, took my siblings to see these buildings up close. I did not mention that I was told they took an elevator ride up one of these towers.

As different as we were, I felt really closely connected to this friend at the time; and as if we were twins, these towers represented us I said to him. I remember saying to him that one is you and the other one is me.

I could not wait to take the train across the river to NYC where we would get closer to these buildings. Who knew that would be the last time that I saw them?  Just like the towers are now a sad part of my memory, likewise is my friend.  As closely connected as we were, I am still appalled that our friendship has abruptly ended. Really, who knew we could be apart for so long?  I sometimes wondered if he died. How could he not call or reach out to me if he is still alive?

Luckily, I saw his now teenage son late 2010 and so I used the opportunity to ask him about his dad’s whereabouts. I was happy to know that he is alive. My healing began.

As we approach the 11th anniversary of the Twin Towers devastation, many families are still remembering and mourning their lost loved ones. The psychological, economical, social and even cultural impact that this tragedy still has on NYC, America and the world at large, remains overwhelmingly tremendous.

America and its allies will have to continue their mission of zero-tolerance for terroristic attempts and activities.  No doubt, all those closely affected by the heinous activities of September 11, 2001, will have to find a way to heal. As we approach that upcoming anniversary day, anti-terrorism individuals and groups will have to still be vigilant, as we plan, propose and prepare to have a better and safer future here in America.

As for me and my forever friend, I still feel a sense of connection each September 11 since then.  I have faith we will see each other again. And, going forward, I will pray that my Christian beliefs and his Islam upbringing, have not been factors keeping us apart as friends. We can be an example to this nation and others that when we unite as one people, nothing should separate us.

Michelle Dryden (Author)

Michelle Dryden has come full-circle back to the exciting world of news media. Dryden lives in New Jersey where she is an Independent Multimedia Journalist. With college degrees and experiences in both digital and traditional journalism since 1996, Dryden is a news veteran. The Media Pub news blog publishes core news and community features. What's your story? Email me at mdryden@themediapub.com. Cheers!!!