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Expert advises creators and business founders on ‘Founder’s Exit Paradox’

The departure of founders from their business creations, termed the “Founder’s Exit Paradox,” is a complex phenomenon characterized by emotional involvement and detachment.


Despite existing research, a comprehensive understanding and guidance that encompass emotional, relational and existential dimensions are lacking.  As founders face the intricate interplay between emotional attachment and separation, they encounter challenges in employing effective coping strategies.


Furthermore, departing from not only their ventures, but also the people who contributed to their success, partnerships and collaborators, adds another layer of emotional complexity. Additionally, the transition brings forth questions about finding meaning and purpose in post-exit life

Business Exit Authority Jerome Myers, PE, MBA, PMP explores a holistic framework that addresses the emotional, psychological and practical aspects of the Founder’s Exit Paradox (self-image, relationships, work, health, prosperity and significance) in a way that empowers them to navigate the departure journey with resilience, transform personally and leave a lasting legacy.

To address the emotional complexities of departing from one’s creation, founders must first grasp the nuanced dynamics of the Founder’s Exit Paradox.


This understanding involves recognizing the interplay between emotional involvement and detachment, along with the amalgamation of behavioral, affective and cognitive processes. Jerome can extrapolate: 

  • Leveraging Coping Orientations
  • Integration of Positive Psychology Principles
  • Adoption of the Red Pill Model
  • Barrier Recognition and Dismantling
  • Promoting Awareness, Destigmatization, and Community Building
  • Fostering Personal Transformation and Legacy
  • Ongoing Self-Reflection and Adaptation


About the Expert

An award-winning engineer turned business strategist, Jerome uses his rich experience and innate understanding of human emotions to ensure that your journey from the corporate world to entrepreneurship is a fulfilling one.  At the helm of a division of a multibillion-dollar Fortune 550 company, Jerome created a thriving $20M operation with 175 dedicated team members. Now, he employs that expertise to advise leaders across diverse industries, from real estate to healthcare, guiding them to double their revenue, harmony in their work-life integration, and ramp up their charitable contributions.

His multifaceted experience also extends to the realm of real estate and academia. Jerome wears the hat of a general partner in a multifamily real estate portfolio and lends his strategic acumen to the North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University Entrepreneurship Advisory Board, driving entrepreneurial progress.  But, Jerome’s efforts to guide newly-exited operators (NEOs) doesn’t stop there. As the host of the DreamCatchers podcast, he assists founders in addressing the six centers of doubt they will face following a significant life transition. Self-image, relationship, work, health, prosperity, and significance; none of these challenges are insurmountable when navigated with the right guidance and perspective.

Jerome’s transformative program, the NEO Navigator, maps out the eight key exits a founder might encounter, from leaving a corporate role and becoming a ‘Chief Everything Officer’ to finally transitioning into roles of thought leadership and board chairmanship. He provides strategic guidance for each stage, culminating in successful business exits and the creation of a diverse post-exit investment portfolio. The ultimate goal? To help founders contribute to the causes they hold dear and leave a lasting legacy.  Whether grappling with the early stages of leaving corporate America or strategizing post-exit portfolio building, Jerome’s insightful advice and empathic approach helps founders navigate each transition with grace and confidence.

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