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Kodak Black thanks Donald Trump on Twitter for commuting his sentence before leaving office

Rapper Kodak Black thanked former President Donald Trump for commuting his sentence in one of his final acts before departing the White House.

— FOX News

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13,000 school districts, 13,000 approaches to teaching during Covid

To assess how public schools have navigated the pandemic and the impact on students, The Times examined seven representative districts. The answers were strikingly different.


— NYT: Top Stories

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Americans who live, work near capitols see peace, new hope

Isaac Smith, of Boston, speaks to a reporter near the Massachusetts Statehouse in Boston about the new incoming administration, Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2021. Smith, a 21-year-old Harvard University student, said he voted for Biden and was excited for what’s to come. “No matter which way you look at it, it’s historic. Things are going to change,” he said. (AP Photo/Elise Amendola)


SALEM, Ore. (AP) — Normally quiet streets around U.S. state capitol buildings have looked more like battlegrounds recently, putting those who live and work there on edge.

More than most people, these Americans will have front-row seats on whether the change of leadership Wednesday in the White House will lead to a lessening of tension that has been afflicting the nation. They’ll be watching what the next chapter brings from storefronts and the porches and stoops of their own homes.

Their sense of foreboding was lightened, just a little, by Wednesday’s inauguration. As President Joe Biden was sworn into office, demonstrations at state capitols were scant, with only a few protesters showing up, and some cities, none at all.

Some expect Biden’s focus on unity — a word he used eight times in his inaugural address — will have an effect, but they say how the people react will be key.

Jonathan Jones’ front-row seat to what happens next is his restaurant that is decorated with Black Lives Matter signs and art near the Oregon State Capitol. Epilogue Kitchen and Cocktails has been vandalized by a white supremacist. One day, police showed up as Jones, who is Black, and his friends were being accosted by neo-fascist Proud Boys. The police at first confronted Jones’ group as if they were the threat.

“There’s not a person who stood with me that day who didn’t think that they might die,” Jones said. “And the most awful part was not knowing if it was going to come from the police or from the Proud Boys.”

Jones watched Biden’s inauguration on TV, and in the afterglow called it “a beautiful moment.”

“It was fantastic to see the president of the United States denounce and repudiate white supremacy multiple times and to acknowledge that we’re long overdue as a country to actually achieve some form of racial justice,” Jones said. “My hope is that things are dealt with quickly, but my expectation is that it will take quite some time to to see any actual change.”

Brian Henderson, minister of First Baptist Church of Denver that sits across an avenue from the shuttered Colorado Capitol, was so close to the upheavals of 2020 that he was struck in the left knee with a pepper ball. Henderson had been handing out water from the front steps of his small brick church as thousands battled police during riots over George Floyd’s killing.

Many neighboring businesses and state government buildings have boarded up their windows and doors in anticipation of possible violence but the church has not, to avoid giving the wrong message.

“We can’t let fear stop us from doing what we have to do,” Henderson said.

Henderson watched the inaugural with church staff and then stepped outside to reflect and bask in the historic moment.

“There was this strong breeze. The sun was warm. The sky was blue. The air felt fresh. It’s a new day. We have a new president,” Henderson said.

In Washington state, a neighborhood next to the Capitol in Olympia boasts mid-century and 100-year-old homes. On normal days, the tranquil scene is one that Normal Rockwell could have depicted in idyllic portraits of American life, residents say.

But in recent weeks, frequent protests involving people in tactical gear and armed with guns have created a climate of fear. People shout into megaphones, loud trucks drive down narrow streets, residents are called names or harassed, media helicopters and police planes fly overhead.

“There’s no retreat, because it’s your house, it’s where you live. It’s been a little jolting, and exhausting,” said the woman, who is so afraid for the safety of herself and her family that she spoke to a reporter only on condition she not be identified.

She said she is optimistic that Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris will be able to accomplish many things.

“But I’m not sure that will change the real divisions we’ve all seen,” she said. ”People are behaving so differently, openly, that I don’t know — moving forward as a country — if we’ll be able to find each other again.”

Near the gold-domed statehouse in Boston, Catya Kurban said Wednesday she’s looking forward to more stability under Biden but worries about backlash and violence from supporters of former President Donald Trump.

“I’m also trying to be realistic about changes,” she said. “I know they won’t happen overnight.”

Isaac Smith, a 21-year-old Harvard University junior walking across the street, said he voted for Biden and was excited for what’s to come.

“No matter which way you look at it, it’s historic. Things are going to change,” he said. “The previous administration harmed American Democracy, and I think I’m with a lot of my fellow Americans in that I hope this administration can start to repair some of the relationships with our allies and the damage he’s done in terms of climate change and immigration.”

In Washington, D.C., a restaurant named We, the Pizza is located just one block from barricades surrounding the U.S. Capitol, where Biden was sworn in. The pizzeria has been feeding thousands of National Guard troops and other security and first responders, using donations from around the nation.

Manager Rob Earley said a girl around 6 years old brought in a check for $1,000 on Tuesday — money she had raised to feed the soldiers.

“I had tears in my eyes,” Earley said. “It’s good to see people that young that are wanting to be so involved in what’s going on and wanting to be part of making change.”

He believes Biden’s new tone “will help ease tensions and make things a little bit better. It will help mellow things out a little bit.”

Back in Oregon, Jones has been buoyed by people coming out in support of his restaurant, as customers and guardians. On Sunday, Robert Fox, a glass-blowing artist, sat in his sedan parked in front of the restaurant, keeping watch before Jones and his wife, Maura Ryan, showed up to prepare meals, available only for takeout during coronavirus shutdowns.

“I’m just making sure nothing happens,” Fox said as a dozen gun-toting, far-right protesters stood outside the Capitol, three blocks away.

Jones said actions like that give him hope.

“I think that in spite of how loud the far right is, I think the bulk of the country is not that,” Jones said. “And I think that the more that we can embolden people to show that solidarity and be willing to stand up and stand next to everybody and present that unified front, then I think the quicker we’ll get to the end of this.”


Associated Press writers Rachel La Corte in Olympia, Washington; James Anderson in Denver; and Philip Marcelo in Boston, contributed to this report.


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— Associated Press

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Joe Biden is now 46th President of the U.S.

President-elect Joe Biden has taken the oath of office to become the 46th president of the U.S.

United States 46th President Joe Biden takes office Wednesday.
— File photo

President Biden now gives his inaugural address where he congratulates Vice President Kamala Harris on becoming the first Black and South-Asian American woman to hold this office.

President Biden goes on to pledge that he will be a just president.

“I will be a president for all Americans…And I’ll fight as hard for those who didn’t support me as much as for those who did.”

The 46th President speaks of his devotion to his office, and the reasons he ran for the presidency.

He also talks about the importance of defending the truth and defeating the lies.

Biden reminds us that America has been tested by a raging virus, attacks on our democracy, climate changes and other cascading crises, but that the country has been proven strong.

He asked, “Will me meet our obligations and pass on a better world for our children?”

President Biden encouraged us to write the next chapter of the American story.

“…America, America, I gave my best to you,” he recited.

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Women will support Kamala Harris by wearing pearls on Inauguration Day

Women across the country are pledging to wear pearls on Inauguration Day to support the country’s first female vice president.

Kamala Harris has just been sworn in as Vice President. History has been made, and many barriers have been broken.


— NYT: Top Stories

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What time is Biden’s inauguration? Channel, streaming, schedule and performers

Joseph R. Biden Jr. will be sworn in as president of the United States today around 12 p.m. Eastern. In the evening, Tom Hanks will host a prime-time celebration.


— NYT: Top Stories

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The Daily’s Audio Guide to the inauguration

For Joe Biden, and for our country, it’s been a long road to this day.


— NYT: Top Stories

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Donald Trump pardons, commutes Lil Wayne, Kodak Black sentences prompting reactions from fans and critics

Donald Trump issued a pardon to rapper Lil Wayne.


— FOX News

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Defying convention once more, Trump opts to skip inauguration

After taking the oath of office in at noon, he is set to issue several executive orders aimed at reversing policies on issues like the environment and immigration. President Trump, who won’t attend the inauguration, issued a raft of pardons overnight.


— NYT: Top Stories

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‘The Ezra Klein Show’: A new podcast by New York Times Opinion

Real conversations about ideas that matter. And so many book recommendations.


— NYT: Top Stories