Business International & World Lifestyle Regulations & Security Science Technology

New research: Only 9% of global organizations avoid network outages in an average quarter

Opengear shares research revealing that 91% of global businesses experience at least one outage quarterly pointing to the need for improved network resilience


EDISON, N.J. — (BUSINESS WIRE) — Fewer than one in ten CIOs can claim that they have avoided a network outage, according to new research by Opengear, a Digi International company (NASDAQ, DGII, and provider of secure and Smart Out of Band management solutions.

This finding is among new research by Opengear of both CIOs and network engineers globally. The scale and frequency of network outages is revealed by 91% of CIOs stating that they experience downtime at least once a quarter.


Further survey statistics reveal that network downtime has a significant financial impact for businesses. Figures show that in the US for each minute of disruption, 24% of organizations lose between $2,501 and $5,000. As an average, this figure equates to $4,344 for every minute of downtime incurred.


Due to continued network outages and rising economic pressures, 79% of US CIOs now say it’s harder to meet customer expectations in today’s environment, a concern also reflected by 68% of US network engineers.


92% of US CIOs have therefore increased their budget over the last 12 months to improve their network resilience, with almost half (44%) dedicating over 50% of their IT budget to infrastructure spend in order to secure their operations.


“Our research findings lay bare the challenges that organizations globally are facing with network outages in 2023,” said Gary Marks, President at Opengear.


“It’s perhaps unsurprising that CIOs are allocating more investment to network resiliency to ensure that downtime doesn’t occur. The key is where this investment is being targeted. From critical first day deployments and everyday maintenance, to worst day scenarios such as network outages, organizations need always-on access to their critical resources to ensure business continuity. Smart Out of Band technologies can enable remediation of network issues from any location, helping to reinforce business resilience in a difficult economic climate.”


About Opengear

Opengear, a Digi International company, delivers secure, resilient access and automation to support critical IT infrastructure on the First Day, Every Day and Worst Day. Through presence and proximity, Opengear solutions enable provisioning, orchestration, and remote management of network devices through innovative software and appliances. Opengear solutions are trusted by global organizations across financial, digital communications, retail, and manufacturing sectors. The company is headquartered in New Jersey, with an R&D center in Brisbane, Australia.


For more information, visit


About Digi International

Digi International (NASDAQ: DGII) is a leading global provider of business and mission-critical Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity products and solutions. We help our customers create next-generation connected products and solutions to deploy, monitor, and manage critical communications infrastructures and compliance standards in demanding environments with high levels of security, relentless reliability, and bulletproof performance. Founded in 1985, the company has helped customers connect more than 100 million things – and counting. For more information, visit, or call 877-912-3444 (U.S.) or 952-912-3444 (International).


Opengear U.K. Media Contact
Emily Fishburn
+44 (0) 1252 727313

Opengear U.S. Media Contact
Peter Ramsay / Melinda Pham

Global Results Communications
+1 949.307.5908

Business Environment Lifestyle Science Technology

New research: Only 4% of US organizations avoid network outages in an average quarter

Opengear shares research revealing that 96% of US businesses experience at least one outage quarterly, pointing to the need for improved network resilience


EDISON, N.J. — (BUSINESS WIRE) — Fewer than one in twenty CIOs can claim that they have avoided a network outage, according to new research by Opengear, a Digi International company (NASDAQ, DGII, and provider of secure and Smart Out of Band management solutions.

This finding is among new research by Opengear of both CIOs and network engineers in the US. The scale and frequency of network outages is revealed by 96% of CIOs stating that they experience downtime at least once a quarter.


Further survey statistics reveal that network downtime has a significant financial impact for businesses. Figures show that for each minute of disruption, 24% of organizations lose between $2,501 and $5,000. As an average, this figure equates to $4,344 for every minute of downtime incurred.


Due to continued network outages and rising economic pressures, 79% of CIOs now say it’s harder to meet customer expectations in today’s environment, a concern also reflected by 68% of network engineers.


92% of CIOs have therefore increased their budget over the last 12 months to improve their network resilience, with almost half (44%) dedicating over 50% of their IT budget to infrastructure spend in order to secure their operations.


“Our research findings lay bare the challenges that organizations in the US are facing with network outages in 2023,” said Gary Marks, President at Opengear. “It’s perhaps unsurprising that CIOs are allocating more investment to network resiliency to ensure that downtime doesn’t occur. The key is where this investment is being targeted. From critical first day deployments and everyday maintenance, to worst day scenarios such as network outages, organizations need always-on access to their critical resources to ensure business continuity. Smart Out of Band technologies can enable remediation of network issues from any location, helping to reinforce business resilience in a difficult economic climate.”


About Opengear

Opengear, a Digi International company, delivers secure, resilient access and automation to support critical IT infrastructure on the First Day, Every Day and Worst Day. Through presence and proximity, Opengear solutions enable provisioning, orchestration, and remote management of network devices through innovative software and appliances. Opengear solutions are trusted by global organizations across financial, digital communications, retail, and manufacturing sectors. The company is headquartered in New Jersey, with an R&D center in Brisbane, Australia. For more information, visit


About Digi International

Digi International (NASDAQ: DGII) is a leading global provider of business and mission-critical Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity products and solutions. We help our customers create next-generation connected products and solutions to deploy, monitor, and manage critical communications infrastructures and compliance standards in demanding environments with high levels of security, relentless reliability, and bulletproof performance. Founded in 1985, the company has helped customers connect more than 100 million things – and counting. For more information, visit, or call 877-912-3444 (U.S.) or 952-912-3444 (International).


Opengear U.K. Media Contact
Emily Fishburn
+44 (0) 1252 727313

Opengear U.S. Media Contact
Peter Ramsay / Melinda Pham

Global Results Communications
+1 949.307.5908

Culture Environment International & World Lifestyle Regulations & Security Science Technology

Traversing the great divide: How to navigate the contentious debate over the future of AI

Addressing AI Angst: Expert offers 15 ways to having productive, civil discourse on artificial intelligence—the preeminent hot-button tech topic spurring heated discussions, debates and disagreements


As the digital era rages on, perhaps no technology topic is more polarizing at the moment than that of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). Specifically, what are the roles these rapidly emerging nextgen technologies will, and should play in our daily lives and professions?

In the ever-expanding realm of AI, having civil conversations that address the potential and concerns surrounding this technology has become increasingly challenging. The two most extreme camps—one fearing an apocalyptic future ruled by machines and the other advocating for unchecked AI development—clash vehemently, leaving little room (nor inclinations) for more nuanced discussions.


Recognizing the urgent need for far more open dialogue and understanding, Milan Kordestani, famed Gen Z author of the new, number one best-selling book “I’m Just Saying: A Guide to Maintaining Civil Discourse in an Increasingly Divided World,” provides the below insights to serve as a de facto roadmap for engaging in productive conversations about present and future implications of AI and ML.


“The conversation surrounding AI is fueled by two extreme and polarized viewpoints,” explains Kordestani.


“On one side, there are those who harbor deep-rooted fears, reminiscent of dystopian sci-fi movies, wherein AI spells the demise of humanity. These individuals see AI as Skynet (of Terminator movie fame) come to life. This as an uncontrollable force that will override human control and wreak havoc on society. On the other side of the spectrum, there are proponents of unregulated AI development, who argue for unbridled advancement without consideration for potential job loss, ethical concerns, and socio-economic implications. This clash of ideologies creates an environment rife with hostility and ideological impasses.”


“The stakes are undeniably high when it comes to AI,” underscores Kordestani.


“The fear-driven perspective believes that the very survival of humanity hangs in the balance, while the unregulated development camp emphasizes the limitless possibilities and potential for progress. Such deeply entrenched positions make it difficult to find common ground, and discussions often devolve into heated exchanges and stubborn resistance to opposing viewpoints. Moreover, the rapid pace of AI advancements and the complex nature of its implications exacerbate the challenges, leaving little time for informed discourse and reflection.”


To combat this, Kordestani believes that having civil conversations about AI is crucial because the stakes are high and the impact of this technology on society at large is profound. The above strategies offer an easy-to-undertake though much-needed roadmap for engaging in productive and respectful dialogue. By acknowledging fears, bridging gaps, educating, fostering collaboration, considering ethical implications, and encouraging long-term thinking, individuals can navigate the minefield of AI discussions with nuance and open-mindedness.


Kordestani’s strategies provided below, singularly and in combination, are intended to foster more civil discourse amidst the high-stakes nature of AI’s impact on society. Here’s how he suggests we can communicate more effectively and productively on the topic.


  1. Consider Ethical Implications: Engage in discussions around the ethical dimensions of AI, such as data privacy, bias, and accountability. Encourage thoughtful examination of potential risks and safeguards to ensure responsible AI development.
  1. Reflect on Your Own Position: Think about your own position within discussions about AI and reflect on your biases. Honestly evaluate your views, and determine if biases or intent is skewing your perspectives. Listen to your own tone and language to ensure you are being respectful.
  1. Listen Actively: Acknowledge people’s fears and concerns genuinely. Actively listen to their questions, doubts, and criticisms. Create a safe space where they feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and emotions.
  1. Empathize: Understand that fears and concerns about AI often stem from misinformation or a lack of understanding. Put yourself in their shoes and show empathy for their worries. Avoid dismissing or trivializing their concerns.
  1. Provide Accurate Information: Offer clear, concise, and accurate explanations about AI. Avoid technical jargon and use simple language to ensure everyone can understand. Provide examples and real-life applications to illustrate how AI can be beneficial.
  1. Discuss Current Regulations: Talk about existing regulations and policies in place to ensure the ethical and responsible use of AI. Explain how governments, organizations, and researchers are working together to address concerns and develop frameworks for AI governance.
  1. Educate and Inform: Counter misinformation and misunderstandings about AI by providing accurate information and insights. Share real-world examples of how AI is already improving lives and address concerns regarding job displacement, ethics, and transparency.
  1. Address Potential Risks: Acknowledge the potential risks and challenges associated with AI, such as job displacement, ethical concerns, and privacy issues. Discuss ongoing research and initiatives aimed at mitigating these risks. Highlight the importance of responsible AI development.
  2. Showcase Benefits and Opportunities: While addressing fears and concerns, also emphasize the positive aspects of AI. Talk about the potential benefits, such as improved healthcare, enhanced productivity, and personalized experiences. Highlight how AI can augment human capabilities rather than replace them.
  3. Acknowledge Fears and Concerns: Start by validating the fears and concerns of those who envision a dystopian AI future. By acknowledging their perspective, a foundation for constructive dialogue can be established.
  4. Encourage Long-Term Thinking: Shift the conversation from immediate fears to long-term perspectives. Explore the potential for AI to amplify human abilities, solve complex problems, and enhance various aspects of daily life.
  1. Bridge the Gap: Emphasize the need for open-mindedness and the exploration of shared values. Look for common ground, such as the desire to ensure ethical AI development or the pursuit of technologies that benefit society as a whole.
  1. Involve Diverse Perspectives: Ensure that discussions about AI involve diverse voices and perspectives. Include experts from various fields, policymakers, ethicists, and individuals directly impacted by AI to provide a well-rounded understanding of the topic.
  1. Be Transparent: Maintain transparency about AI development, deployment, and decision-making processes. Discuss data handling practices, algorithmic biases, and any potential risks openly. Transparency fosters trust and helps address concerns about AI’s impact on society.
  1. Foster Collaboration: Encourage collaboration between technology experts, policymakers, ethicists, and other stakeholders to collectively shape AI’s trajectory. Highlight the importance of interdisciplinary dialogue and the need to find balanced solutions.


The urgency to leave behind extreme positions and embrace civil discourse is paramount. Only through respectful and informed conversations can we find common ground, address concerns, and work towards a future where AI is harnessed as a tool that benefits humanity. By following Kordestani’s guidance and approaching AI discussions with empathy, knowledge and a genuine desire to understand different perspectives, we can collectively shape the trajectory of AI in a responsible and inclusive manner.


In this era of rapid technological advancements, the need for civil conversations about AI cannot be overstated. Let us rise above the heated battles and engage in meaningful exchanges that pave the way for a future where AI is accurately represented and understood—even amid differing positions about its cultural value.


About the Expert
Milan Kordestani is author of the new book “I’m Just Saying: A Guide to Maintaining Civil Discourse in an Increasingly Divided World”—a straightforward look at the history and the art of maintaining courteous communication in an increasingly divided world.


In I’m Just Saying,  author Milan Kordestani shows us that although challenging conversations can be unpleasant, they can also help us grow. Sometimes, people inspire us to change how we speak, making us better communicators in the process as we search to find common ground with those with whom we disagree. Kordestani uses contemporary case studies and personal experience to teach readers how to have constructive conversations by engaging in civil discourse—the idea that good-faith actors can reach consensus on any opinion-based disagreement. He discusses influential leaders and reflects on his successes and failures in creating The Doe, an online publication focused on civil discourse. He addresses the challenges that digital media consumption presents when seeking common ground—especially when people are only digitally connected.

The book is broken into sequential order, like modules of a lesson plan. Each chapter tackles a specific aspect of civil discourse, from the importance of active listening to the dangers of point-scoring in confrontational conversations. The conversational tone and writing style make for an engaging read, and the Q&A sections that break up the chapters provide a refreshing change of pace.


Kordestani’s personal anecdotes make the book relatable and add another layer of personality and personability. He acknowledges his own wealth and upbringing and how that has played into his life, not hiding from it but thanking it. The book is a conversation, and the “Let’s Talk” section shows that he is open to two-way communication and sets a tone for the rest of the book.


Kordestani is an entrepreneur, writer and founder of several companies who is redefining the meaning of success in business. With a focus on building sustainable businesses that drive positive social change at scale, Milan is a three-time founder who wants to encourage solutions beyond his companies through storytelling and narration of civil discourse.


Milan’s companies prioritize transparent practice, civil discourse, and respect for creatives, including “The Doe,” an anonymously published narrative publication launched in 2019 to promote civil discourse. Audo, the only personalized career-building destination that lets you learn skills and earn money at the same time, and Guin Records, an innovative record label that offers artist-friendly deals and helps purpose-driven lyricists to produce their visions while retaining control of their masters.


I’m Just Saying is an essential guide for anyone who wants to learn how to communicate more effectively and respectfully in today’s polarized society. Kordestani’s personal anecdotes, practical advice, and engaging writing style make this book a must-read for anyone who wants to promote civil discourse and find common ground with those whose opinions differ from their own.


Milan’s overarching expertise in entrepreneurship and civil discourse makes him a sought after expert. Whether discussing the future of sustainable business practices, the importance of civil discourse in today’s polarized society, or the art of entrepreneurship, Milan offers unique insights that are sure to engage and inspire listeners.

Business Economics Lifestyle Regulations & Security Technology

2023 Chargeback Field Report: Friendly fraud, first-party misuse skyrockets to pandemic levels, industry survey reveals

TAMPA, Fla. – Chargebacks911, the first company dedicated to providing chargeback remediation services to the world’s largest banks and businesses, released its 2023 Chargeback Field Report, giving retailers and financial institutions an understanding into the current state of friendly fraud, first-party misuse and chargeback management within eCommerce and card-not-present (CNP) transactions.


Presented in tandem with Digital Commerce 360, this year’s Field Report features for the first time insight from more than 4,000 consumers who were surveyed on their preferred transaction dispute processes and perception of chargebacks in general, giving banks and businesses indicators as to what may be fueling the steady rise in chargeback fraud.


After surveying more than 300 retailers—from small businesses to enterprise merchants—one of the most alarming statistics revealed in the 2023 Chargeback Field Report was the spike in increased chargeback fraud; nearly three quarters of surveyed respondents reported a 19 percent average increase in friendly fraud. More than half of respondents said that friendly fraud is a significant or moderate concern for their business.


With this statistic rivaling 2020 quarantine levels, transaction dispute experts at Chargebacks911 say this is a cause for concern for online retailers.


“When we saw in 2021 that 76 percent of surveyed merchants reported an increase in friendly fraud, we were concerned, but not shocked, given that many storefronts were closed in 2020 and everyone was forced to do their shopping online where fraud is rampant,” said Monica Eaton, CEO of Chargebacks911.


“But now that we are well past the confines of the pandemic and that number remains the same, more action is needed to quell the ongoing rise in chargeback abuse.”


The 2023 Chargeback Field Report showed that friendly fraud was a much larger concern than criminal fraud. When asked to estimate the percentage of chargebacks that were the result of friendly fraud, merchants reported an average of 44 percent—with retailers making more than $100 million in annual revenue being more likely to identify disputes as friendly fraud.


Responses from the Field Report’s consumer survey revealed a strong disconnect between shoppers and the inner workings of the chargeback process. When cardholders were asked how many transactions they had disputed with their bank in the previous 12 months, the average number was six, with more than half of cardholders admitting to filing a chargeback with their bank without ever trying to contact the merchant.


Additionally, 72 percent of cardholders considered filing a chargeback with their bank a valid alternative to requesting a refund from the merchant and 75 percent of respondents considered the two dispute methods to be equivalent. Chargebacks911 Chief Growth Officer Pel Faquiryan says this misunderstanding is fueling the chargeback crisis and costing retailers billions in lost revenue.


“Most customers are unaware of what goes on behind the scenes when a chargeback is filed and I’m sure they would be surprised to know that merchants pay on average around $3.60 for every dollar lost to a fraudulent or illegitimate chargeback,” said Faquiryan. “Sometimes, retailers will raise the prices of goods and services to make up for lost revenue, passing along the cost of chargeback fraud and misuse to the customer.”


With chargebacks now easier than ever to file with an issuing bank, Mastercard reports that money lost to chargebacks will cost merchants an estimated $117.47 billion in 2023.


The main motivation for cardholders to seek resolution with their bank rather than the merchant was a matter of convenience, according to the Field Report, with nearly half of respondents claiming that the speed of resolution was the primary factor for filing a chargeback. Retailers must now compete with cardholders’ banks as to which can be more accommodating.


The experts at Chargebacks911 say the best response for merchants to address this trend is two-pronged: prevent and confront.


Just 32 percent of surveyed merchants said they currently use an alert system to resolve disputes and prevent chargebacks from being filed, but those merchants reported a 27 percent average reduction in chargebacks. Available alert solutions include Verifi Order Insight by Visa, Ethoca Consumer Clarity by Mastercard, and Rapid Dispute Resolution.


Merchants of all sizes are encouraged to challenge any chargeback they receive that shows signs of friendly fraud or first-party misuse, according to Chargebacks911. The majority of surveyed retailers say they have an internal team dedicated to managing chargebacks, but when comparing the numbers reported by merchants, the report found that companies who leverage representment software and services through a platform provider saw a net recovery rate more than 55 percent higher than merchants that managed the process internally.


About Chargebacks911

Chargebacks911® drives profitability for online merchants by decreasing payment disputes and recovering revenue lost to chargeback fraud. Through a proprietary suite of software and service offerings, the company delivers transparent, end-to-end chargeback management solutions backed by the industry’s only performance-based ROI guarantee.


To view the 2023 Chargeback Field Report in its entirety, visit


For more information on how to best combat fraudulent or illegitimate chargebacks, or to view available solutions, visit or email

Business Digital - AI & Apps Lifestyle Technology

Humanizing AI: Making digital marketing relatable with AI

Even before the launch of ChatGPT in November last year, AI has been increasingly adopted to assist with digital marketing tasks, but 66% of consumers want more human involvement in the design and delivery of their online experience. In fact, 59% of businesses report that they see a reduction in revenue by using AI without human intervention.


By 2025, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is projected to replace 85 million jobs globally. AI in marketing was valued at $20.82 billion in 2022 and is expected to surpass $107.5 billion by 2028. Although AI is gaining popularity in marketing, less than 40% of companies see gains from it.


Well-directed AI tools can mimic a brand’s identity but cannot be relied upon to generate or direct it. Without human direction and adjustment, the AI output lacks insight, humor, and structural diversity. Human sensibilities are required to ensure high-quality and clear messaging and easy readability.


AI in marketing is a complimenting tool, not a human replacement.

“Just because you CAN automate doesn’t mean you SHOULD. If a company makes its decisions purely on AI, it can lead to serious consequences,” says Derek Chew, CEO of Fullmoon Digital.


He believes that although AI helps analyze and predict customer behavior, personalize content, and optimize advertising campaigns, it lacks creativity, subjective thinking, and conscious thought, and relying too heavily on AI can lead to plagiarism, inaccuracies, and content that lacks emotional intelligence.


Chew affirms businesses need to look for uniquely tailored marketing processes for each client emphasizing the importance of effective communication and consistent collaboration. Even Google’s latest algorithm, the Helpful Content Update is designed to reward human-generated content that delivers valuable and useful information.


Derek Chew, CEO of Fullmoon Digital, can speak on the following:

  • Why is human creativity and decision-making important to enhance the effectiveness of AI in marketing?
  • Why is it necessary to have a personalized marketing strategy along with AI?
  • How will the increasing sophistication of AI impact job roles in the marketing industry, and what steps can marketing professionals take to prepare for these changes?
  • What businesses may be adversely affected if they continue to depend on AI more without human intervention?
  • How can digital marketers best cater to the evolving needs of their customers to ensure that their clients feel valued?


About Fullmoon Digital

Fullmoon Digital, founded by Derek Chew, a former early Yahoo! employee, is one of the few 100% independent digital marketing agencies in the United States. The firm is cross-functional, with deep experience in media planning and buying, digital consultancy, SEO, digital strategy, programmatic, analytics, performance marketing, paid media, social advertising, and creative. They push the envelope of what is possible in terms of marketing and technology, all the while providing best-in-class digital marketing service to their “pack” of clients. For more information, please visit

Business International & World Lifestyle Technology

Align voted Best Cloud Services Provider by both Hedgeweek and Private Equity Wire

NEW YORK — (BUSINESS WIRE) — #alternativeinvestment — Align, the premier global provider of technology infrastructure solutions and Managed IT Services, announces today that it has been awarded Best Cloud Services Provider in the 2023 Hedgeweek’s Hedge Fund Emerging Manager US Awards and the Private Equity Wire’s 2023 Emerging Manager Awards.


Both awards are earned from online voting in which financial services professionals are invited to nominate the “best in class” providers in a variety of categories.

As a managed service provider, offering top-of-the-line cloud services is imperative – especially today, when businesses rely so heavily on cloud-based applications. The Align IT Suite, Align’s complete Managed Services platform, is built on the foundation of the Microsoft public cloud, offering flexible, secure, compliant managed services for clients, particularly those in the alternative investment industry.


“We are honored to be recognized by both Hedgeweek and Private Equity Wire,” says Vinod Paul, Chief Operating Officer of Align Managed Services.


“The past several years has put an emphasis on service providers as we’ve all had to rise to the challenge of adjusting to meet the new set of needs and security risks introduced by the major shift in the workforce. We were proactive in this adjustment; and built our cornerstone managed IT offering, the Align IT Suite, in the Microsoft public cloud to provide clients with scalable, flexible IT solutions. It is always appreciated to be recognized for our commitment to providing the best-in-class solutions to our clients, even more so to be recognized for our outstanding performance as a cloud provider in two separate awards within the same year. We are very proud of this achievement.”


This double recognition only further cements Align’s reputation in the industry. Align was the first Managed Services Provider to offer a fully Public Cloud based platform focused on the Alternative Financial Services industry. As a Tier 1 Microsoft Azure cloud services provider focused entirely on the alternative investment industry, Align enhanced this offering by also delivering cybersecurity solutions designed for the Registered Investment Advisors and ALT’s community. Align spearheaded the adoption of public cloud computing as the optimal foundation from which a modern fund manager’s IT environment should be designed. Leading firms around the world trust Align with their managed IT.


Align’s clients are primarily within the financial services industry, and the largest technological challenges they face surround the regulatory requirements and the changing cybersecurity threat landscape. These changes both in the financial sector and throughout businesses have created an entirely new set of consideration for clients; from annual proposed SEC changes in regulations to the shift in the workforce from largely in-person to more hybrid or remote work.


“Our award-winning solution makes managing IT and meeting the demands of security and compliance easy,” says Vinod Paul, Chief Operating Officer of Align. “Our services offer firms the assurance, dependability, and resiliency that is required to thrive in today’s changing IT landscape. With Align Managed Services, clients can leverage solutions designed to reduce operational costs, accelerate workflows, mitigate risk, and strengthen and streamline the numerous controls designed to meet both the current and ever-evolving regulatory compliance requirements and the prevailing due diligence expectations.”


Align’s unwavering commitment to improving our Managed IT Solutions directly impacts the success of its clients – because once a firm can meet certain regulations with ease, its business begins to thrive.


“Alongside our double recognition in cloud computing, we have taken strides to enhance our longstanding Managed Detection and Response (MDR) platform, Align Guardian, powered by Adlumin, within the last year. We have also begun to leverage AI support services and launched an “out of the box” onboarding experience through automation and AI that allows our clients to fully deploy its solution in 30 minutes,” says Chris Zadrima, Managing Director, Align Managed Services.


“From fundamental support functions to Cybersecurity, we have incorporated automated SOAR (Security Orchestration, automation, and response) functionality. We are extremely proud of the accomplishments our teams have made—this award demonstrates our commitment to continuously striving to enhance our offering.”


To learn more about Align, go to and follow Align on LinkedIn and at @AlignITAdvisor on Twitter.


About Align

Align is a premier global provider of technology infrastructure solutions. For over 35 years, leading firms worldwide have relied on Align to guide them through IT challenges, delivering complete, secure solutions for business change and growth. Align is headquartered in Dallas, Texas and has offices in New York City, London, Chicago, San Francisco, Arizona, New Jersey, and Virginia. Learn more at


Ashley Holbrook

Business Healthcare Lifestyle Science Technology

Catalent, Inc. announces third quarter fiscal year 2023 earnings via conference webcast

SOMERSET, N.J. — (BUSINESS WIRE) — Catalent, Inc. (NYSE: CTLT), the leader in enabling the development and supply of better treatments for patients worldwide, today announced that it will release financial results for the third quarter of fiscal year 2023 ended March 31, 2023, before the market open on Monday, June 12, 2023. The Company’s management will host a webcast to discuss the results at 8:15 a.m. ET on the same day.


Catalent invites all interested parties to listen to the webcast and view a supplemental slide presentation, both of which will be accessible through Catalent’s website at The webcast replay, along with the supplemental slides, will be available for 90 days at


About Catalent

Catalent, Inc., is the global leader in enabling pharma, biotech, and consumer health partners to optimize product development, launch, and full life-cycle supply for patients around the world. With broad and deep scale and expertise in development sciences, delivery technologies, and multi-modality manufacturing, Catalent is a preferred industry partner for personalized medicines, consumer health brand extensions, and blockbuster drugs. Catalent helps accelerate over 1,000 partner programs and launch over 150 new products every year. Its flexible manufacturing platforms at over 50 global sites supply around 80 billion doses of nearly 8,000 products annually. Catalent’s expert workforce of approximately 18,000 includes more than 3,000 scientists and technicians. Headquartered in Somerset, New Jersey, the company generated nearly $5 billion in revenue in its 2022 fiscal year. For more information


Investor Contact:

Paul Surdez, Catalent, Inc.

(732) 537-6325

Business International & World Regulations & Security Technology

Frustrating and potentially dangerous spam calls continue to plague consumers around the world as businesses and regulators work to address the problem

Internet Day 2023 session with iconectiv’s Alberto Apablaza addressed ways to fight spammers and boost consumer trust in the communications ecosystem





Phone spam continues to plague consumers around the world, eroding their trust in the communications ecosystem. In fact, consumers globally were inundated with more than 655 million spam calls in the last few months of 2022 alone, many of those calls coming from fraudsters. The problem is so prevalent that 95% of people only answer a call when they recognize the number.

The issue is worse in Argentina, where 52% of calls from unknown numbers are spam and 22% of calls are fraudulent. This also makes it difficult for businesses and call centers to get their legitimate calls through to consumers.

During an Internet Day 2023 panel discussion, iconectiv’s Alberto Apablaza discussed ways the trusted communications ecosystem can address spam calls and other issues, including:

  • The state of fixed and mobile number porting
  • Streamlining processes around emergency numbers
  • Network security


Industry leaders for this panel session included:

  • Alberto Apablaza, Account Director, LATAM at iconectiv
  • Nacho Ribeiro, IP Telephone Commission Coordinator
  • Jeff Pulver, founder of Vonage and pioneer in the field of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)


You can watch a replay of the Internet Day 2023 session here.


About iconectiv

Your business and your customers need to access and exchange information simply, seamlessly and securely. iconectiv’s extensive experience in information services and its unmatched numbering intelligence helps you do just that. In fact, more than 2 billion people count on our platforms each day to keep their networks, devices and applications connected. Our cloud-based Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions span network and operations management, numbering, trusted communications and fraud prevention. For more information, visit Follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.


Media Contacts:
Sharon Oddy



Casey Bush

Global Results Communications

Business Lifestyle Technology

Kinective formed through strategic combination of CFM, NXTsoft, and IMM

Kinective is the force multiplier financial institutions need to scale transformation efforts faster by integrating fintechs and banking cores


PHOENIX — (BUSINESS WIRE) — Kinective, a leading provider of connectivity, workflow, and analytics software for the banking sector,  announced on Tuesday, its formation through the combination of CFM, NXTsoft, and IMM.


Kinective delivers the most comprehensive, open, and connected technology ecosystem in banking. Across offices in Phoenix, Orlando, and New Jersey, its 300 team members serve more than 2,500 customers, representing one out of every four U.S. financial institutions. Kinective is backed by OceanSound Partners, a growth-oriented private equity firm.

The name ‘Kinective’ is derived from connective, the capacity to merge disparate systems into a unified experience. It also reflects the power to drive innovation and generate kinetic energy. Kinective’s mission is to help its customers connect to banking’s future. The new corporate identity follows the recent appointment of Stephen Baker as CEO and signifies the next phase of the company’s growth.


“We are thrilled to offer our customers a cohesive experience by launching Kinective, which leverages the combined solutions, resources, and seven decades of experience of our three complementary businesses,” said Baker. “Our brand connects our employees and customers under a shared vision and reflects our mastery in building connected digital experiences for financial institutions.


“Digital transformation in banking has been impaired by unavailable, incomplete, or vulnerable integrations between cores and fintechs. Kinective is a force multiplier in banking, enabling immediate access to innovation via integrations to cores used by 99% of U.S. financial institutions. Kinective’s software help banks and credit unions unlock new services, modernize operations, and enhance their competitive edge.”


Kinective’s family of solutions draws from existing CFM, NXTsoft, and IMM products, which will remain available and supported under their existing brands:

  • API Connectivity: turn-key solutions that securely connect over 80 fintech applications to over 40 core banking systems by compiling pre-built API integrations, empowering purchasing choice and a best-of-breed IT strategy;
  • Teller Workflow:API integrations between core banking systems and branch hardware that enables real-time transaction processing and improved teller productivity by automating labor-intensive tasks;
  • Document Automation: software that allows financial institutions to manage and enhance each stage of process workflow, including generation, execution, authentication, approval, and archiving;
  • Data Analytics: solutions that allow financial institutions to gain visibility into their branch operations, manage credit risk, and comply with reporting requirements; and
  • Data Connectivity: migration and archiving solutions that provide data integrity and access, especially around M&A, core conversion, and legacy data migration.


Kinective’s solutions are united by a mutual value proposition of driving IT modernization, operating efficiency, and elevated client experiences for financial institutions. Kinective’s solutions create compelling value for all stakeholders in the banking ecosystem, including financial institutions, fintechs, and cores:

  • Financial institutions: Kinective enables banks and credit unions to design a bespoke fintech strategy, tailored to their specific needs and compatible with their existing core, so they can transform at their own pace. Kinective’s workflow products create better employee experiences by automating previously manual or error-prone processes;
  • Fintechs: Kinective provides fintechs with one, unified connection to more than 40 cores, unlocking access to the entire banking ecosystem and a scaled customer base. With Kinective’s technology, developers can focus on product differentiation, not core integrations; and
  • Cores: Kinective equips cores with seamless integrations to modern fintech solutions, allowing them to meet increasing customer expectations without impeding existing developmental priorities. Kinective helps cores increase stickiness and extend the lifespan as they develop future platforms.


“We are excited to build upon the strength and capabilities of the three constituent companies and establish Kinective,” said Ted Coons, Partner at OceanSound. “Kinective has developed the industry’s most connected platform that allows banks and credit unions to scale innovation faster, deliver better client experiences, and realize cost savings. We expect to make additional investments to support Kinective’s mission of helping financial institutions connect to banking’s future.”


About Kinective

Kinective is a leading provider of connectivity, workflow, and analytics software to more than 2,500 banks and credit unions in North America. Kinective was created in June 2023 as the new brand uniting CFM, NXTsoft, and IMM, three complementary financial technology companies that together have over 70 years of experience in banking. Kinective provides financial institutions with access to innovation, helping them unlock new possibilities and connect to the future. For more information, please visit


About OceanSound Partners

OceanSound Partners is a New York-based private equity firm that pursues control investments in technology and technology-enabled services companies serving government and enterprise end-markets. OceanSound employs a partnership approach, working closely with founders, entrepreneurs, and executives of middle market businesses to drive transformational growth. For more information, please visit


Emily Sweillam


(602) 614-6864

Business Environment Lifestyle Science Technology

NJR Clean Energy Ventures and New Jersey American Water highlight innovative solutions with North America’s largest floating solar array

SHORT HILLS, N.J. — (BUSINESS WIRE) — From air conditioning to vacuum cleaners, New Jersey has long been known for its innovations, and now it is home to the largest floating solar array in North America. Consisting of 16,510 solar panels, the 8.9-megawatt (MW) solar array covers 17 acres of the Canoe Brook reservoir in Short Hills, New Jersey. The clean power generated is enough to power 1,400 homes annually and will provide approximately 95% of the power needs for New Jersey American Water’s Canoe Brook Water Treatment Plant.

Owned and operated by NJR Clean Energy Ventures (CEV), the renewable energy subsidiary of New Jersey Resources (NYSE: NJR), the array uses an innovative racking system that enables the panels to float on water. Projects like this offer a novel approach to developing solar and a practical solution to the challenge of finding suitable locations to accommodate large scale commercial solar installations. Built mostly on man-made lakes or reservoirs, where tides and saltwater will not impact the panels, floating solar projects turn beneficial use space into clean energy. Innovative approaches to clean energy, like Canoe Brook, are increasingly important in densely populated areas, such as New Jersey.


“Floating solar technology creates new opportunities for underutilized bodies of water, allowing space that would otherwise sit vacant to enable large-scale renewable energy generation, which helps to bring the benefits of clean energy to even more customers,” said Robert Pohlman, Vice President of NJR Clean Energy Ventures. “As a leader in New Jersey’s solar marketplace, we look forward to working with New Jersey American Water to support its power needs and advance the state’s clean energy and climate goals.”


“As the state’s largest water and wastewater utility company, it is essential for us to be good stewards of the environment by operating efficiently and in a manner that helps protect our natural resources,” said Mark McDonough, president of New Jersey American Water. “This initiative provides a meaningful reduction of traditional energy use that benefits the environment, as well as our customers through limited capital expense and reduced power costs.”


“Sound and consistent investment in renewable energy is critical to reducing climate pollution and the resulting flooding, wildfire, and extreme heat repeatedly harming New Jersey’s communities and economy,” said Commissioner of Environmental Protection Shawn M. LaTourette. “The Canoe Brook Floating Solar Facility project is an example of innovative leadership by critical partners in business and industry working hard to ensure the Garden State reduces its climate risk. My Department of Environmental Protection colleagues and I congratulate NJR Clean Energy Ventures and New Jersey American Water for their work on this project.”


“We are proud to see the largest floating solar facility in North America be built in New Jersey, It truly underscores the efforts that the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities puts towards a diverse, clean, energy future,” said Commissioner Mary-Anna Holden of the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities.


The Canoe Brook solar facility was placed into full commercial operation in January 2023. In addition to providing sustainable, clean energy, the array provides other benefits. The solar power produced is equal to removing 8,121 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions from the atmosphere compared to traditional power sources. Floating solar panels can also help reduce evaporation, which protects the water source and benefits the environment.


Since 2009, CEV has invested over $1 billion in commercial and residential solar projects. As one of the largest solar owner/operators in that state, today it maintains 65 commercial solar assets across four states and a portfolio of more than 440 MW of installed capacity.


Canoe Brook is the second floating solar project in CEV’s portfolio. The first, a 4.4 MW array located in Sayreville, New Jersey, was placed into commercial operation in 2020.


For video footage of the Canoe Brook floating solar array, click the following link:


About New Jersey American Water

New Jersey American Water, a subsidiary of American Water (NYSE: AWK), is the largest investor-owned water utility in the state, providing high-quality and reliable water and/or wastewater services to approximately 2.8 million people. For more information, visit and follow New Jersey American Water on Twitter and Facebook.


About New Jersey Resources

New Jersey Resources (NYSE: NJR) is a Fortune 1000 company that, through its subsidiaries, provides safe and reliable natural gas and clean energy services, including transportation, distribution, asset management and home services. NJR is composed of five primary businesses:

  • New Jersey Natural Gas, NJR’s principal subsidiary, operates and maintains over 7,700 miles of natural gas transportation and distribution infrastructure to serve over 570,000 customers in New Jersey’s Monmouth, Ocean and parts of Morris, Middlesex, Sussex and Burlington counties.
  • Clean Energy Ventures invests in, owns and operates solar projects with a total capacity of approximately 440 megawatts, providing residential and commercial customers with low-carbon solutions.
  • Energy Services manages a diversified portfolio of natural gas transportation and storage assets and provides physical natural gas services and customized energy solutions to its customers across North America.
  • Storage and Transportation serves customers from local distributors and producers to electric generators and wholesale marketers through its ownership of Leaf River and the Adelphia Gateway Pipeline, as well as our 50% equity ownership in the Steckman Ridge natural gas storage facility.
  • Home Services provides service contracts as well as heating, central air conditioning, water heaters, standby generators, solar and other indoor and outdoor comfort products to residential homes throughout New Jersey.


NJR and its over 1,300 employees are committed to helping customers save energy and money by promoting conservation and encouraging efficiency through Conserve to Preserve® and initiatives such as The SAVEGREEN Project® and The Sunlight Advantage®.


For more information about NJR:

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New Jersey American Water

Media: Denise Venuti Free

Mobile: 856-449-7357


New Jersey Resources

Media: Michael Kinney

Mobile: 732-684-3234


Investors: Adam Prior

Mobile: 732-938-1145
