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On Instagram, journalists and creators inside Gaza see a surge in followers as they document the Israel-Hamas war

—  One journalist has added more than 12 million followers.  The work highlights some of the challenges and dangers of covering the conflict.



NBC News:


Before early October, Motaz Azaiza’s Instagram account documented life in Gaza to about 25,000 followers with a mix of daily life and the ongoing hostilities between Israel and Hamas.


That began to change in the days after Hamas’ terrorist attack on Israel and the retaliation on Gaza. Since then, more than 12.5 million people have begun following Azaiza’s feed, which has become a daily chronicle of Israeli strikes.

Many other journalists, digital creators and people active on social media based in the region have seen a similar uptick in followers. Plestia Alaqad, a journalist whose work has been featured by NBC News, has gained more than 2.1 million, according to the social media analytics company Social Blade. Mohammed Aborjela, a digital creator, gained 230,000. Journalist Hind Khoudary drew 273,000 in the last five days of October. Photographer and videographer Ali Jadallah added more than 1.1 million.


Those surges have made Instagram, an app generally associated with lighthearted social media posts and lifestyle influencers, a suddenly crucial view into Gaza. The app has previously been embraced by some journalists, most notably photojournalists, but the sudden increase in followers appears to have no precedent.


The posts can at times be difficult to absorb. Most if not all appear to be firsthand videos rather than recycled content: People pulled from rubble, children crying over the bodies of their parents, and to-camera accounts of what the journalists are seeing and feeling.


The unfiltered coverage, as seen in the Instagram post below, adds a unique element to the broader journalistic efforts to capture what’s happening in Gaza.


It’s a role that Instagram may not fully embrace (parent company Meta has broadly moved away from the news), but it appears the company is doing little to discourage the growth of the accounts. The app has rules against graphic content but does make exceptions for posts that are “newsworthy and in the public interest.” Some posts are initially covered by a “sensitive content” warning.


Instagram and other social media apps have come under some scrutiny over concerns that pro-Palestinian voices have been censored or suppressed. Meta confirmed in October that the company had accidentally limited the reach of some posts but said the problem was a bug that did not apply to one specific type of content and denied any censorship.


Meta also worked with the people behind the account Eye on Palestine after the company said it had detected a possible hacking attempt. That account had already been among the most-followed accounts focused on Palestinians before the war, with about 3.5 million followers. The account is back online after a multiday outage and now has more than 7 million.


The emergence of Instagram also comes as the social media platform X, once the go-to destination for journalists and witnesses to breaking news, has come under fire for its shortcomings around misinformation related to the conflict. Telegram is also a popular app for unfiltered updates but has a relatively small user base in the U.S.


A Meta spokesperson declined to make anyone from Instagram available for an interview.


Foreign journalists covering the Israel-Hamas war are facing enormous challenges obtaining firsthand information, and that dynamic is having a deep effect on the world’s understanding of what’s happening especially in Gaza, according to organizations that monitor press freedom.


The obstacles for reporters are wide-ranging even for a war zone. These include physical danger to journalists, lack of access to Gaza itself and the logistical challenges of operating within Gaza such as electricity and internet blackouts.


Many major media operations including NBC News have sent reporters to Israel to cover Hamas’ attack and the ongoing conflict, during which more than 1,400 people in Israel have been killed and more than 200 have been taken hostage, according to Israeli authorities. More than 9,000 people have been killed in Gaza from the Israeli counteroffensive, according to Gaza’s Ministry of Health.


Few foreign reporters are believed to be in Gaza, according to journalists outside the territory. Israel and Egypt control entry to Gaza and have not allowed in foreign journalists, according to a petition this week signed by nearly 100 French journalists demanding access to the strip, France 24 reported Tuesday.


Marc Owen Jones, an associate professor of Middle East studies at Hamad Bin Khalifa University in Qatar who closely follows social media, said the accounts are important “precisely because of the chaotic and toxic information environment that is so heavily mediated and sanitised.”


“It is so hard for anyone to get into Gaza that these journalists using Instagram are one of the only windows into bearing witness,” he said in a text message.


Those challenges were most apparent last Friday when a near-total communications blackout and Israeli bombing made it almost impossible to tell what was happening in Gaza. Also Friday, Reuters reported that Israel’s military had told international news organizations that it could not guarantee the safety of their journalists operating in Gaza.


As communication systems were gradually restored, voices from Gaza began to cut through the silence on social media.


A video of Khoudary and Azaiza uploaded on Saturday served as a sort of public service announcement confirming they were alive. Many commenters expressed their concern, worried that their lack of posts meant they had been hurt or killed. Neither responded to interview requests.


They both said they were struggling to get in touch with family members in other parts of the Gaza Strip.


“We don’t know where our families are and we don’t know if they’re ok and we really need to know what they’re going through because yesterday was a very bad night,” Khoudary said. “It was one of the deadliest nights on the Gaza strip.”


More than 30 journalists and media workers have been killed in the conflict as of Tuesday, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists, a press freedom organization based in New York. Another nine journalists were reported missing or detained, it said.


Sherif Mansour, the Middle East and North Africa program coordinator at the Committee to Protect Journalists, said any journalist working in Gaza is in danger.


“In a way, the people who are needed the most are the ones who are most vulnerable right now,” Mansour, who is based in the U.S., said in a phone interview.


He said that Hamas has contributed to the censorship of journalists within Gaza including through harassment.


“It’s basically hard to get by or be able to do work, but there has always been enough people trying to tell the story,” he said.


A regular stream of videos and images has made it out of Gaza, but the spread of misinformation and unverified claims — often in the form of legitimate content that is old or inaccurately described — has added to the challenge of verifying information from the region. On Instagram, many of the Palestinian journalists are verified, which means Instagram confirmed the identity of the person behind the account.


Jones noted that declining trust in the media has pushed some people to seek information directly from firsthand sources.


“They are also providing unfiltered coverage that has a raw and authentic quality, and the current distrust of the mainstream media is not helped by the more sanitised (for understandable reasons) content,” he wrote.



CORRECTION (Nov. 3, 2023, 9:30 a.m. ET): A pervious version of this article misstated Marc Owen Jones’ position at Hamad Bin Khalifa University in Qatar. He is an associate professor, not assistant.



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Google completes its switch to mobile-first indexing of Search, a process that began in November 2016, and plans to reduce use of its legacy desktop crawler

—  Google said it will turn off the indexing crawler information in the settings page in Search Console.



Barry Schwartz / Search Engine Land:


Google’s mobile-first indexing initiative that started just about seven years ago is now complete, according to Google. “It’s been a long road, getting from there to here. We’re delighted to announce that the trek to Mobile First Indexing is now complete,” John Mueller from Google wrote on the Google blog.


History. As a reminder, Google started mobile-first indexing over 6.5 years ago, and eventually, after publishing deadline after deadline, Google removed the deadline. Google first introduced mobile-first indexing back in November 2016, and by December 2018, half of all sites in Google’s search results were from mobile-first indexing. Mobile-first indexing simply means that Google will crawl your site from the eyes of a mobile browser and use that mobile version for indexing and ranking.


Google in early March 2020, before all the lockdowns began across most of the world, announced the deadline for all sites to switch over to mobile-first indexing would be September 2020. At that time, Google said, “To simplify, we’ll be switching to mobile-first indexing for all websites starting September 2020.”  Then in July 2020, Google moved that deadline once again to March 2021.


But in May, Google told us that it was done switching sites over to mobile-indexing, so this announcement, that it is “done” now is a bit confusing.


What now. Google said there is “a very small set of sites which do not work on mobile devices at all.” Google explained that those “are primarily that the page shows errors to all mobile users, that the mobile version of the site is blocked with robots.txt while the desktop version is allowed for crawling, or that all pages on the mobile site redirect to the homepage.”


Google said these types of issues are issues that Google cannot workaround. Google said it will “continue to try to crawl these sites with our legacy desktop Googlebot crawler for the time being, and will re-evaluate the list a few times a year.”


Google will also reduce its crawling with legacy desktop Googlebot.


Search Console changes. Google also announced that it will be turning off the indexing crawler information in the settings page in Google Search Console. Google is removing this because the “information is no longer needed since all websites that work on mobile devices are now being primarily crawled with our mobile crawler,” Google explained.


Why we care. That is all folks – this is one for the history books. Mobile-first indexing is now really done, and Google will soon stop crawling via its legacy desktop crawler completely.



Read more here:

Google says mobile-first indexing is complete after almost 7 years



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A Twitter user since 2007 reflects on leaving due to Elon Musk swapping stasis at the company for chaos

Leaving Twitter

I was on Twitter since 2007, and built a meaningful part of my career on it, and I won’t be posting at all for the foreseeable future

Benedict Evans:



—  Twitter always used to look a lot like Craigslist.


It stumbled into something that a lot of people found very useful, with very strong network effects, and then it squatted on those network effects for a generation, while the tech industry moved on. Twitter, as a technology company, has been irrelevant to everything that’s going on for a decade. It was the place where we talked about what mattered, but Twitter the company didn’t matter at all – indeed it did nothing for so long that people got bored of complaining about it.


Meanwhile, lots of people tried to build a better Craigslist and a better Twitter, but though a better product was pretty easy, the network effects were too strong and none of them really worked. Instead, we unbundled use cases one by one. As Andrew Parker pointed out in 2010, a whole range of people from Airbnb to Zillow to Tinder unbundled separate pieces of Craigslist into billion dollar companies that didn’t look like Craigslist and solved some individual need much better. This is often the real challenge to tech incumbents: once the network effects are locked in, it’s very hard to get people to switch to something that’s roughly the same but 10% better – they switch to something that solves one underlying need in an entirely new way.


Hence, Mastodon has been around since 2016 without getting much traction, but slices of conversation, content or industry have been unbundled to Reddit, LinkedIn, Instagram, Signal, Discord or, more recently, Substack, which someone joked was Twitter’s paywall.


Meanwhile, Twitter itself drifted aimlessly for a decade, becoming known in Silicon Valley as a place where no-one could get anything done. This is a big part of why Elon Musk was able to buy it – $44bn was a top-of-the-market price, but even Snap was worth $75bn in January 2022, when he started building a stake – how much bigger should Twitter have been? And so, when he made his bid, there was, briefly, a lot of enthusiasm in tech: pent-up frustration with the existing product and a sense of how much better it could be; enthusiasm that there could be innovation and new product ideas (and, from a small but noisy group, frustration with the politics of Twitter’s content policies, of which more in a moment).


It didn’t work out like that. The last year swapped stasis for chaos. Stuff breaks at random and you don’t know if it’s a bug or a decision. The advertisers have fled, and no-one knows what will be broken by accident or on purpose tomorrow. The example that’s closest to home for me was that the in-house newsletter product was shut down – and then links to other newsletters were banned. Pick one! It’s hard to see anyone who depends on having a long-term platform investing in anything that Twitter builds, when it might not be there tomorrow.


There are various diagnoses for this. Tesla has sometimes been run in chaos as well, but the pain of that is on the employees, not the customers: you can’t wake up in the middle of the night and decide the car should have five wheels and ship that the next day, but you can make those kinds of decisions in software, and Elon Musk does, all the time. Perhaps it’s a fundamental failure to understand how you run a community. Or something else. But whatever the explanation, Twitter now feels like the Brewster’s Millions of tech – ‘Watch One Man Turn $40bn Into $4 In 24 Months!’


Meanwhile, beyond the chaos, there has been no sense for the actual users of where we’re going. There was a plan, both ruthless and chaotic, to reset a broken and grotesquely overstaffed company culture and turn it into a place that can execute, but no coherent sense of what it should be executing. What should those newly hard-core engineers be shipping? A ‘super app’? A universal content platform with no external links? Your financial life? Seriously?


And then, there are the Nazis.


This is a debate with baggage. Part of the criticism of Old Twitter was a perceived tendency to trigger-happy moderation, and there is in fact a pretty mainstream view in the content moderation world that you shouldn’t (or indeed can’t, practically) try to ban and block anything you don’t like (unless it’s actually illegal), but instead you should have a spectrum of what’s objectionable and control things within that by controlling visibility. Keep things out of the recommendations and suggestions, down-rank them in the feed and replies, and don’t let them monetise or advertise. There will be some bad stuff, but the worse it is the fewer people will see it. Meanwhile, pour your effort into stopping scammers and state manipulation, and think about how your product design might encourage or discourage the rest of us from being mean. Reasonable people can disagree about that. But.


But it didn’t work out like that. The teams that looked for bots, scammers and state actors were mostly fired, and the scammers, Nazis and propagandists all bought the ‘Blue Ticks’. These little badges used to mean ‘notable person’ (in a chaotic and inconsistent way typical of the old Twitter) and are now supposed only to mean ‘real person’ (but often don’t) – and they give you both amplification in all the algorithms and a share of revenue if you drive a lot of replies. The more you troll, and the more furious replies you generate, the more Twitter promotes you and the more Twitter pays you. We saw this at its logical conclusion in the last week, with deliberate misinformation promoted by what we used to call ‘fake accounts’ that now get promoted by the algorithm because they pay their $8/month. It turns out that social networks are harder than rocket science.


And then, there’s Elon.


I once called Elon Musk ‘a bullshitter who delivers’ – he says a lot of stuff, and yet, there are the cars and the self-landing rockets. People generally struggle with one or other of these – they will refuse to accept the problem in selling a car that can’t drive itself as ‘full self driving’, or they will say ‘he didn’t found Tesla!’, forgetting that he’s run it for the last 15 years. Most of what you see at Tesla or SpaceX really is his creation – but half of what he says is bullshit.


Until recently, though, the bullshit was mostly about cars or tunnels. It wasn’t repeating obvious anti-semitic dog-whistles. It wasn’t telling us that George Soros is plotting to destroy western civilisation. It wasn’t engaging with and promoting white supremacists. It wasn’t, as this week, telling us all to read a very obvious misinformation account, with a record of anti-semitism, as the best source on Israel. Of course, it had bought a Blue Tick.


In talking about this, I am reminded very much of talking about the last leader of the UK’s Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, who had somehow spent much of a career devoted to anti-racism, well, supporting and praising anti-semites (‘the world’s most unlucky anti-racist’). The Chief Rabbi declared that British Jews were afraid of a Labour election victory, and yet too many people with a tribal loyalty to the party just refused to read, see or hear any of this. They decided to blind themselves.


If you see a man claim that he’ll have ‘full self-driving’ working ‘next year’ for half a decade and can’t make fun of that just a little, you are probably blinding yourself too, but it does’t matter much. And maybe you don’t care much about this, or have decided not to see it. But I was on Twitter since 2007, and built a meaningful part of my career on it, and I won’t be posting at all, for the foreseeable future, because I think it does matter.




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ChatGPT overtakes Netflix in web traffic

The digital landscape continues to evolve, mainly driven by the ceaseless march of technological innovation. Amid this ever-shifting landscape, ChatGPT, the artificial intelligence (AI) language model developed by OpenAI, has risen to prominence, outshining some of the most dominant players in the online ecosystem.


In particular, data acquired by Finbold indicates that between June 2023 and Aug. 2023, ChatGPT recorded an estimated average of 1.51 billion monthly website visits to its official website The figure places ChatGPT in the ninth position overall among the top ten selected major websites by visits. The AI platform is ahead of the streaming giant Netflix (NASDAQ: NFLX), which registered 1.49 billion trips during the same period.


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Meanwhile,, the Alphabet (NASDAQ: GOOGL)-owned search engine, continues to dominate the digital arena with a staggering 85.41 billion visits. Following closely behind is YouTube, with 33.56 billion visits. Facebook, a product of Meta (NASDAQ: META), secures the third position overall with 17.2 billion visits, while Instagram occupies the fourth spot at 6.68 billion. X (formerly Twitter) holds steady with 6.48 billion visits. Notable entities also include e-commerce giant Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN), which garnered 2.46 billion visits, securing the eighth position in the rankings.

Behind ChatGPT’s rise

ChatGPT’s website visits place the platform among the fastest-growing entities on the internet, considering it less than a year since its launch. Indeed, OpenAI launched the tool at a point when other established traditional players held back due to the uncertainty associated with interactive AI platforms, such as the potential harm it could cause, like spreading misinformation or hate speech.

What distinguishes ChatGPT and positions it for success against established traditional players is its remarkable ability to deliver personalized and diverse content recommendations, answer inquiries, provide comprehensive explanations, and even aid in creative endeavors such as writing, coding, and idea generation.


Its wide-reaching availability across many websites has transformed it into an indispensable companion for internet users in pursuit of instant and pertinent information. It has seamlessly woven itself into the very fabric of the digital world, making appearances on websites, chatbots, applications, and even customer service portals.


ChatGPT’s user-friendly design, which allows interactions as simple as typing a message, appeals to users of all ages and technical proficiencies. This intuitive interface has significantly contributed to the surge in website traffic.


Behind ChatGPT’s rapid rise is also a robust, continuous learning and improvement system. OpenAI’s substantial investments in refining the model, mitigating biases, and expanding its knowledge base ensure that ChatGPT remains current, precise, and dependable.


The underlying design of ChatGPT has placed it to surpass a platform such as Netflix. The streaming service, known for its vast library of movies and TV shows, has long been synonymous with online entertainment. While Netflix specializes in delivering scripted entertainment, ChatGPT appeals to a broader spectrum of users, from students seeking assistance with homework to professionals in need of quick information and inspiration. It’s this ubiquity and adaptability that have allowed ChatGPT to surpass Netflix in website visits.

Dealing with competition

As ChatGPT continues to evolve and expand its capabilities, we will likely witness a profound shift in how we interact with digital technology. The competition between AI models like ChatGPT and traditional content providers like Netflix may drive innovation in both sectors, benefiting consumers by providing more choices and tailored experiences. In this line, some traditional players in the digital space, such as Google, joined the race to incorporate AI into their system by launching the Bard platform. Indeed, such products are likely to expand the dominance of Google at the top of the digital landscape.


However, ChatGPT is countering this rising competition with consistent improvement. The improvement is highlighted by the recent upgrades that saw the platform introduce new features, such as removing the knowledge limit cut-off and the ability to browse the web. In the meantime, the industry will watch the planned AI tool that Tesla CEO Elon Musk developed to rival ChatGPT.

What the future holds

ChatGPT has ignited the race to incorporate AI; its impact is felt across various domains. Numerous companies strive to enhance AI’s capabilities by generating video music and developing detection tools to screen artificially generated content. Most individuals will probably encounter this emerging technology in the near future. The demand has been highlighted by a previous Finbold report that indicated that demand for AI spiked about 500% in 12 months as of August.


Overall, ChatGPT’s meteoric rise in website visitors is a testament to its transformative potential in AI. The success highlights our insatiable appetite for smart, accessible, and versatile AI solutions in an increasingly digital world.

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Sony researchers: skin tone measures adopted by Google, Meta, and others for their image algorithms don’t properly capture the red and yellow hues in human skin

—  Google, Meta, and others test their algorithms for bias using standardized skin tone scales. Sony says those tools ignore the yellow and red hues at work in human skin color.


Paresh Dave / Wired:



After evidence surfaced in 2018 that leading face-analysis algorithms were less accurate for people with darker skin, companies including Google and Meta adopted measures of skin tone to test the effectiveness of their AI software.


New research from Sony suggests that those tests are blind to a crucial aspect of the diversity of human skin color.


By expressing skin tone using only a sliding scale from lightest to darkest or white to black, today’s common measures ignore the contribution of yellow and red hues to the range of human skin, according to Sony researchers. They found that generative AI systems, image-cropping algorithms, and photo analysis tools all struggle with yellower skin in particular. The same weakness could apply to a variety of technologies whose accuracy is proven to be affected by skin color, such as AI software for face recognition, body tracking, and deepfake detection, or gadgets like heart rate monitors and motion detectors.


“If products are just being evaluated in this very one-dimensional way, there’s plenty of biases that will go undetected and unmitigated,” says Alice Xiang, lead research scientist and global head of AI Ethics at Sony. “Our hope is that the work that we’re doing here can help replace some of the existing skin tone scales that really just focus on light versus dark.”


But not everyone is so sure that existing options are insufficient for grading AI systems. Ellis Monk, a Harvard University sociologist, says a palette of 10 skin tones offering light to dark options that he introduced alongside Google last year isn’t unidimensional.


“I must admit being a bit puzzled by the claim that prior research in this area ignored undertones and hue,” says Monk, whose Monk Skin Tone scale Google makes available for others to use.


“Research was dedicated to deciding which undertones to prioritize along the scale and at which points.”


He chose the 10 skin tones on his scale based on his own studies of colorism and after consulting with other experts and people from underrepresented communities.


X. Eyeé, CEO of AI ethics consultancy Malo Santo and who previously founded Google’s skin tone research team, says the Monk scale was never intended as a final solution and calls Sony’s work important progress. But Eyeé also cautions that camera positioning affects the CIELAB color values in an image, one of several issues that make the standard a potentially unreliable reference point.


“Before we turn on skin hue measurement in real-world AI algorithms—like camera filters and video conferencing—more work to ensure consistent measurement is needed,” Eyeé says.


Read more at links:

Sony researchers: skin tone measures adopted by Google, Meta, and others for their image algorithms don’t properly capture the red and yellow hues in human skin




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Gannett and Jackpocket announce exclusive agreement

Jackpocket to serve as the official digital lottery courier of the USA TODAY Network


MCLEAN, Va. — (BUSINESS WIRE) — Gannett Co., Inc. (NYSE: GCI) and the USA TODAY Network on Monday announced a multi-year agreement to become the official media partner of Jackpocket, America’s #1 lottery app*. As the exclusive digital lottery courier of the USA TODAY Network, Jackpocket will reach a broad audience across the country and provide a fun and convenient way for the USA TODAY Network audience to order lottery tickets – right from their phones.

“Partnering with Jackpocket as Gannett’s official digital lottery courier will leverage the synergies between our mutual audiences including our 45 million engaged sports fans,” said Kate Gutman, Gannett Senior Vice President of Content Ventures. “Given our reach and authority across the U.S., we hope to introduce Jackpocket as a simple and fun way to order official state lottery tickets from the comfort of home or on a device.”


Jackpocket will be integrated into lottery content across the USA TODAY Network including USA TODAY and local publications such as, and Jackpocket will also be the exclusive launch sponsor for the USA TODAY Network’s lottery hub at


“Jackpocket is thrilled to become the official Digital Lottery Courier of the USA TODAY Network,” said Peter Sullivan, Jackpocket founder and CEO. “This partnership signifies a pivotal moment in our mission to bring a convenient lottery experience to everyone. We’re excited to introduce Jackpocket to Gannett’s dedicated national audience, making the lottery more accessible and enjoyable for all.”


*According to data from AppFollow



Gannett Co., Inc. (NYSE: GCI) is a subscription-led and digitally-focused media and marketing solutions company committed to empowering communities to thrive. With an unmatched reach at the national and local level, Gannett touches the lives of millions with our Pulitzer Prize-winning content, consumer experiences and benefits, and advertiser products and services. Our current portfolio of media assets includes USA TODAY, local media organizations in 43 states in the U.S., and Newsquest, a wholly owned subsidiary operating in the United Kingdom with more than 150 local news media brands. Gannett also owns digital marketing services companies branded LocaliQ, and runs one of the largest media-owned events business in the U.S., USA TODAY NETWORK Ventures. To connect with us, visit



Jackpocket is on a mission to create a more convenient, fun, and responsible way to take part in the lottery. The first licensed third-party lottery courier app in the United States, Jackpocket provides an easy, secure way to order official state lottery tickets. Jackpocket is currently available in Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Texas, Washington D.C., and West Virginia, and is expanding to many new markets. Download the app on iOS and Android or participate via desktop. Follow along on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.


Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the safe harbor provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, that relate to our current expectations and views of future events. All statements other than statements of historical facts contained in this press release, including statements relating to whether the transaction will drive Jackpocket’s or Gannett’s revenue and cash flow growth, result in or be able to leverage any synergies or be accretive to Jackpocket’s or Gannett’s revenue, are all forward looking statements. These statements represent our opinions, expectations, beliefs, intentions, estimates or strategies regarding the future, which may not be realized. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terms such as “believe,” “may,” “estimate,” “continue,” “anticipate,” “intend,” “should,” “plan,” “expect,” “predict,” “potential,” “could,” “will,” “would,” “ongoing,” “future” or the negative of these terms or other similar expressions that are intended to identify forward-looking statements, although not all forward-looking statements contain these identifying words. Forward-looking statements are based largely on our current expectations and projections about future events and financial trends that we believe may affect our financial condition, results of operations, business strategy, short-term and long-term business operations and objectives and financial needs. These forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, contingencies, changes in circumstances that are difficult to predict and other important factors that may cause our actual results, performance, or achievements to be materially and/or significantly different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statement. For a discussion of some of the risks and important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from our expectations, see the risks and other factors detailed in Gannett’s 2021 Annual Report on Form 10-K and Gannett’s quarterly reports on Form 10-Q and each of Gannett’s other filings with the SEC, in each case as such factors may be updated from time to time. Any forward-looking statements contained in this press release speak only as of the date hereof and accordingly undue reliance should not be placed on such statements. Gannett disclaims any obligation or undertaking to update or revise any forward-looking statements contained in this press release, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, other than to the extent required by applicable law.


Lark-Marie Anton


Chief Communications Officer

(646) 906-4087

Lauren Hovey


Senior Vice President

(330) 819-2145

Business Culture Digital - AI & Apps Economics Lifestyle Technology

Fifty percent of online stores collapse within 6 months: ‘Customer Commerce’ rescues SMBs

The struggles of small-to-medium businesses (SMBs) to sustain growth and longevity, with a shocking 50% of online stores shutting down within 6 months, prove that website speed and performance are critical factors that can make or break an SMB’s online success.


Slow-loading websites lead to $2.6 billion in revenue losses annually.

  • The conversion rate for website visitors making online purchases is only 3.71%.



“Customer Commerce” is an affordable solution that is built on the foundation of establishing personalized customer relationships and providing tailored service.


It is a revolutionary, user-driven approach that empowers SMBs to forge connections with a brand-new range of customers that were previously out of reach.


“These alarming statistics highlight the uphill battle SMBs are currently facing,” explains Mikel Lindsaar, Founder and CEO of StoreConnect. “SMBs need a self-contained e-commerce solution called “Customer Commerce” without endless plug-in needs that slow down sites and lose customers.”

StoreConnect recently secured $9 million in funding in a seed round led by Bellini Capital to address the challenges faced by SMBs due to slow website speeds, stemming from unoptimized site content and excessive plugins through “Customer Commerce.”

  • Customer Commerce will liberate SMBs from the challenges of complex SaaS solutions and overwhelming plugin options.
  • SMBs do not need to collect data from different sources and can access consolidated customer data from one single platform.
  • They do not need to migrate across multiple applications and can save valuable time and money and build customer loyalty.

Having an optimized website is crucial for overall growth and success to enable a curated online customer experience, grow a brand, expand the reach, and increase profits.

  • 88% of online shoppers do not revisit a website after a bad experience.
  • 40% of online shoppers leave a site if takes more than 3 seconds to load.

Lindsaar states that SMBs’ fractured complexities can only be resolved through a fast and comprehensive all-in-one solution – “Customer Commerce.”

Mikel Lindsaar can further explain the features of Customer Commerce and how it can revolutionize SMBs. 

He can answers questions on the topics below:

  • What are the specific challenges that SMBs face when dealing with complex SaaS solutions, plugins, and slow website speed that adversely impact their growth?
  • In what ways does StoreConnect plan on utilizing the seed funding to develop “Customer Commerce” to help SMBs establish personalized customer relationships?
  • How does “Customer Commerce” aim to streamline the customer data collection and management process for SMBs?
  • How does “Customer Commerce” address the fragmented complexities that SMBs often encounter, and how does it provide a comprehensive solution?
  • In what ways does StoreConnect ensure that businesses can transition seamlessly to “Customer Commerce” without disrupting their existing operations?

About StoreConnect:

Mikel Lindsaar is the CEO and Founder of StoreConnect, a Salesforce Partner Innovation Award Recipient. Mikel is a serial technology entrepreneur having successfully built and sold four SaaS companies within the last decade. StoreConnect has one goal: to help small and medium-sized businesses become scalable Customer Companies powered by Salesforce. Clients achieve this daily by breaking free of the shackles of what Mikel calls “Plugin Purgatory and SaaS Hell.” StoreConnect clients don’t need multiple SaaS systems connected by plugins to manage their online, in-store POS and in-person Customer Commerce business systems. Many of today’s eCommerce solutions are designed to get up and running quickly and inevitably hit a brick wall of scalability and extensibility as companies grow. That’s why StoreConnect is built on the world’s #1 CRM, so its customers will never need to re-platform no matter how fast they grow in size, product offerings or regions. Global growth now has no barriers for any SMB. Being built on Salesforce allows StoreConnect customers to update their websites, funnels and content in real time, providing an unparalleled competitive advantage. StoreConnect is Time. Well Spent. Visit



  1. Hannay. C, Durrani. T & Singh, M. Shopify has a growing problem with customer retention, Globe data study shows. October 22, 2022. The Globe and Mail.
  2. Haan, Kathy. Top Website Statistics For 2023. February 14, 2023. Forbes Advisor.
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Global TikTok downloads hit 3-year high, averaging 2.7 million daily

In a world where social media platforms vie for attention and engagement, TikTok is emerging as a true juggernaut, captivating audiences with its short-form videos. The platform has had a remarkable journey since its launch, recording significant downloads despite several challenges, such as content regulation.


As per data acquired and calculated by Finbold, TikTok’s global quarterly downloads for Q2 2023 reached the highest figure in the past three years, totaling 260.8 million downloads. This value equates to an average of 2.7 million downloads throughout 2023. What’s more, these download figures indicate a year-over-year growth of 17.86% compared to the Q2 2022 value of 221.3 million. In the first half of 2023, the app garnered a total of 503.52 million downloads.


Interestingly, over the last three years, TikTok’s quarterly download numbers have exhibited fluctuations. The peak was observed in Q2 2020, with 292.1 million downloads, while the lowest was recorded in Q4 2021, amounting to 162.3 million downloads.


TikTok downloads targeting pandemic numbers

Based on the data, TikTok’s latest download figures point to a rebound, with the numbers targeting pandemic figures. Notably, the pandemic was a key driver for TikTok’s gains in popularity, and the reopening of the global economy seemingly had an impact.


The rebounding figures are also motivated by the platform’s distinctive approach of offering short videos, coupled with its algorithmic prowess in understanding user preferences. With the continued introduction of new features, the downloads have propelled TikTok to the forefront of social media innovation.


The platform has shown resilience after deploying various strategies to reinvigorate momentum and entice fresh users. These approaches encompassed initiating focused marketing initiatives, partnering with influential content creators, and unveiling novel features designed to elevate user experience and bolster retention. These strategies have built on TikTok’s ability to transcend cultural boundaries and resonate with a diverse range of audiences characterized by short videos that are quick to consume and easy to produce while democratizing content creation.


At the heart of TikTok’s success remains its content creators. The app has given rise to a new breed of digital influencers who have amassed millions of followers and achieved celebrity status through their TikTok content. These creators, often hailing from diverse backgrounds, have forged connections with their audiences in ways that resonate deeply.


Impact of TikTok’s rebounding downloads

Certainly, TikTok’s capacity to recover in download numbers is a noteworthy achievement, particularly when considering the escalating competition within the social media space. As novel and inventive platforms gain prominence, users now have an expanded array of choices, diverting their focus and conceivably partly contributing to a decline in TikTok’s user acquisition. This phenomenon is compounded by platforms like YouTube and Instagram intensifying their endeavors to promote short video offerings.


TikTok’s download growth has also aligned with the revenues on the platform. According to a Finbold report in April, TikTok generated $5.5 million from in-app purchases daily in Q1 2023, which saw the platform register a rebound in downloads. At the same time, TikTok effectively utilizes user-generated content, appealing to brands and advertisers and generating revenue from in-app transactions and ads. This strategy even propelled TikTok to briefly claim the title of the world’s top-earning social app through in-app purchases.

Barriers to TikTok growth

The recent surge in downloads occurred against a backdrop marked by persistent regulatory scrutiny and questions surrounding data privacy and content moderation. It’s worth highlighting that ongoing endeavors to ban TikTok due to security concerns, primarily spearheaded by the U.S., have garnered global attention. Notably, nations such as the U.S., Britain, Canada, the European Union, and New Zealand have prohibited the app on official devices. Concurrently, the platform is now under fresh scrutiny in Somalia and Kenya due to concerns about misinformation and content moderation.


While TikTok’s popularity continues to skyrocket, the platform still holds untapped marketing potential, especially in the payment and online shopping sectors. Although the influence of the social media platform is clear, the primary emphasis remains on ensuring the sustainability of growth and fostering genuine user engagement, which will play a key role in remaining resilient amid regulatory scrutiny.

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County Exec. Hughes not long ago, announces Certified Diverse Vendor Directory

Building on his Small Business Set-Aside Program, Mercer County Executive Brian M. Hughes announced that a digital directory of participating businesses is now available online on Mercer County’s website.

The  Mercer County New Jersey Certified Diverse Vendor Directory will include New Jersey State certified Women Business Enterprises (WBE), Minority Business Enterprises (MBE), Veteran Owned/Disabled Veteran Owned Businesses (VOB/DVOB) and Small Business Enterprises (SBE).

“The online directory is an effort to support the business enterprises of women, minorities and veterans, along with small businesses,”  Mr. Hughes said.

“Small  businesses are the lifeblood of our local economy, and our goal is to create and identify ways to increase business traffic to certified small businesses and encourage others to become certified. This online directory, managed by our Small Business Outreach Department, is another tool to support our business community.”

In his 2023 State of the County address, County Executive Hughes recognized Job One Lawn and Landscape, a Woman and Minority-owned small business in Ewing. Owned by Jocelyn and Stan Tucker of Ewing, Job One recently won a county contract for $75,000, and are just one of Mercer County’s set-aside success stories.

How will my business benefit?

No-cost advertising. The digital directory will be accessible to all Mercer County departments and the public, and for even greater exposure for businesses listed in the directory Mercer County will share information with municipal purchasing departments within the county. All businesses will be displayed by category and will include the business’s contact information and Capability Statement.

Hands-on help. Mercer’s Small Business Outreach pros will walk you through the process to learn how to participate in the county’s formal bidding process.

Free training. Mercer partners with the Small Business Development Center at The College of New Jersey to review business plans, and obtain funding from the UCEDC.

Please note, only current certified businesses registered with The State of New Jersey SAVI Selective Assistance Vendor Information Portal will be included.

Digital directory accessible at

Sign me up!


Questions? Please contact James Chambers, Coordinator of Small Business Outreach at (609) 989-6212,

Adopted in July 2018, the Qualified Minority-, Women-, Veteran-owned Business or Small Business Set-Aside Program reserves 10 percent of the dollar value of all the county’s goods, professional services and construction contracts to be utilized for qualified businesses. Of that 10 percent, 30 percent is allocated for qualified minority businesses; 30 percent for qualified women-owned businesses; 30 percent for qualified veteran-owned businesses; and 10 percent for small businesses. The Set-Aside Program makes it easier for qualified businesses to contract with the county, as it provides access to $70 million in procurement. An estimated $7 million worth of contracts will be available to eligible businesses as part of the new program.

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Hospitals fail to safeguard patient data, AI board governance essential

Hospital boards are suffering from not integrating AI into their board governance systems, leading to major data breaches and compromising patient safety.


Trinity Health is facing a class action lawsuit after a data breach compromised the protected information of an estimated 21,000 patients.


Hospital board members play an important role in safeguarding their organization’s care.


The relationship between hospital board oversight and patient safety is critical, and by integrating AI into the governance systems, hospital boards can aggregate data more effectively.

“Harnessing the power of AI, healthcare systems’ boards of directors can efficiently collect and analyze data, respond swiftly to data breaches, and in the future could even predict potential risks,” states Marion Lewis, Co-Founder and CEO of Govenda.


Govenda recently launched their Artificial Board Intelligence Innovation called ‘Gabii’, to address digital transformation and keep organizations sustainable.


With AI-driven analytics, anomaly detection in data reported, and predictive algorithms, these boards gain a comprehensive understanding of vulnerabilities, enabling them to take proactive measures to mitigate risks. AI has the potential to empower boards of healthcare organizations to protect patient data and uphold industry standards.

Marion Lewis, Co-Founder and CEO of Govenda can speak on the following:

  • How can the AI platform support Boards in helping healthcare systems respond to data breaches, including incident management and mitigating potential legal consequences?
  • Can you provide details about the specific features or mechanisms of the AI platform that can help Boards of Directors contribute to better protection of patient information in the future?
  • What kind of analytics or reporting tools does the platform offer to boards of directors for assessing and addressing data breach risks?
  • Can you provide information on the implementation process and integration of the AI platform with existing Boards of Directors in healthcare organizations?


About Govenda

Marion Lewis and Jeanette Thomas, two results-driven entrepreneurs, investors, philanthropists, and business community leaders co-founded Govenda. Govenda is reimagining how board of directors convene to provide intentional, strategic governance ─ by being the bridge between the boardroom and a company’s strategic goals. The board management software accelerates stakeholder governance as a force for good in the world and empowers organizations to create sustainable value by equipping stakeholders with innovative tools that transform practices. It was designed to magnify security and compliance as board tools to handle sensitive and confidential information crucial to compliance and control of proprietary data. Portability of access with enhanced collaboration is no longer a plus – it is essential. GABII, the Govenda product integrating its AI-driven portal tools with Microsoft 365 and enterprise resource planning (ERP) software streamlines workflows and improves efficiency. For more information on the most innovative platform in board governance visit