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Don’t be an easy target: ‘Armed & Female II’ empowers women to protect themselves

NEW YORK CITY — Self-defense and firearms expert Paxton Quigley paved the way for the women’s gun movement decades ago and continues to advocate for responsible gun ownership, particularly in light of today’s shifting social landscape.


Every month, 70 women on average are shot and killed by an intimate partner, according to the latest figures from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).


“If you find yourself in a potentially violent situation,” Quigley said, “you should understand that in almost every case you will be the only person you can truly depend on to protect yourself. You cannot count on the police, unless they happen to be nearby, and bystanders most likely won’t be able to help you.


“There are more women living alone and more single mothers than ever, and more women are realizing that they have to learn to take responsibility for their own safety, as well as that of their loved ones,” Quigley said.


“And in a country with more guns than people, owning a firearm for self-defense has become a necessity for many women.”


But with the right to own a gun comes extraordinary responsibility and accountability, and Quigley wants to help new and existing gun owners realize their potentially lethal as well as non-lethal options.


Quigley’s latest book, Armed & Female II: Never an Easy Target (available in paperback and Kindle versions from, aims to help guide readers through the process of making the initial decision to purchase a firearm, choosing the right one, finding the right path for learning how to shoot and care for the gun, and most important, keeping children safe in a home from firearms.


Federal background checks for gun purchases hit an all-time high of 21 million in 2020 (according to the National Shooting Sports Foundation). Nearly half (48%) of the new, first-time gun buyers were women, and of these female buyers, 21% were Black (according to the 2021 National Firearms Survey), none of which surprises Quigley.


“The pandemic caused many changes in American society, not the least of which was making people, especially women, feel vulnerable,” she said.


“The increase in women choosing to arm themselves, especially those who have suffered intimate partner violence or race related threats, has resulted in more choices and diversity in shooting clubs and firearms instruction. There are liberal gun clubs, gay gun clubs, African American and Latinx gun clubs, and so many excellent women shooting instructors, three of which I profile in my book.”


With plenty of helpful photos and diagrams, Armed & Female II also includes compelling true stories about women who have survived life-threatening situations; everything readers need to know about handguns and non-lethal self-defense, including non-lethal strategies for personal safety at home and while traveling; and expert advice from some of the country’s most respected firearms safety instructors.


“Though written for women, this book is also excellent for men who are new to firearms or want to learn as much as they can as quickly as they can,” Quigley added.


“Because when it comes to self-defense, what you don’t know canhurt you.”


About the Author

Paxton Quigley is the author of the bestselling women’s gun self-defense series: Armed & Female (hardcover, E.P. Dutton; paperbacks, St. Martin’s Press); Not an Easy Target (Fireside); Staying Alive: Armed & Female in an Unsafe World (Merril Press); and Armed & Female: Taking Control (Merril Press). She has taught personal protection strategies to more than 7,000 women in the U.S. and abroad.


No stranger to the media, Paxton has appeared on more than 300 TV and radio shows, including Oprah, 60 Minutes, The Today Show, Good Morning America and NBC Nightly News. She was briefly a bodyguard for Yoko Ono and other high-profile women, and taught self-defense to numerous celebrities, including actresses Laura Dern, Diane Ladd, Geena Davis and Judith Light.


For more information, visit, or follow the author on Instagram at @Armed_and_female and on Facebook, Armed & Female II: Never An Easy Target.

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Mercer County gets $175,000 grant for Johnson Trolley Trail study

TRENTON, N.J. — Mercer County has been awarded a $175,000 grant from the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) for a Johnson Trolley Trail Corridor study, County Executive Brian M. Hughes recently announced.

The County will develop an alignment for the Johnson Trolley Trail. This identified Circuit Trails network component provides enhanced connections from the City of Trenton through Ewing and Lawrence townships, and the Municipality of Princeton.

The project is the largest among the six selected in New Jersey by the DVRPC and will be funded through the Transportation and Community Development Initiative (TCDI) grant program.

“I thank the DVRPC for this generous grant award to help Mercer County, the Lawrence Hopewell Trail, and our municipal partners advance this proposed bicycle and pedestrian trail link,” said Mr. Hughes. “The Johnson Trolley Trail Corridor would benefit our communities by promoting economic opportunity, transportation, recreation, and health in a climate-friendly way.”

“We are very grateful to the DVRPC, Mercer County, the City of Trenton, Ewing and Lawrence townships, and the Municipality of Princeton as partners in this endeavor,” said Lawrence Hopewell Trail Corporation Chair David Sandahl. “Working together, we will make the vision of reconnecting our communities a reality.”

The Johnson Trolley, named after Albert Johnson, a Kentucky native who operated a streetcar company in Cleveland and then acquired franchises in New Jersey among other states, began operating in 1902 and in its peak year of 1921, carried 1.6 million fares. A one-way trip between Princeton and Trenton took 35 minutes. The trolley’s heyday was short-lived, cut short by the automobile. The last passengers traveled the line in 1940. Today, the Lawrence Hopewell Trail and many other trails make use of former rail lines, offering hikers and bikers a calmer alternative to the highway.

Created by DVRPC, TCDI grants utilize federal transportation funds to support planning initiatives that further our region’s progress toward DVRPC’s vision for an equitable, resilient, and sustainable region. Since its beginning in 2002, the TCDI program has awarded over 300 grants, invested over $22 million, and leveraged over $250 million to municipal and county partners.

“The TCDI program furthers local efforts to improve the quality of life for communities,” said Ariella Maron, Executive Director, DVRPC.

“This year’s projects seek to expand access to existing public transit, business centers, and recreational areas; make streets safer for all users, including pedestrians and cyclists; contribute to healthier neighborhoods by encouraging active transportation and decreasing congestion; and help to reduce our region’s carbon footprint.”

About the Transportation and Community Development Initiative

Initiated in 2002, TCDI is a competitive grant opportunity that provides funds to local planning initiatives that further progress towards the region’s long-range plan, Connections 2050: Plan for Greater Philadelphia. TCDI focuses on linking land use, transportation, and economic development by improving community quality of life; enhancing the existing transportation infrastructure access; promoting and encouraging the use of transit, bike, and pedestrian transportation modes; building municipal capacity; and protecting our environment. To date, the TCDI program has invested over $22 million and leveraged over $250 million to municipal and county partners.


DVRPC is the federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization for the bi-state, nine-county Greater Philadelphia region. It includes Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, and Philadelphia counties in Pennsylvania; and Burlington, Camden, Gloucester, and Mercer counties in New Jersey.

The Connections 2050 Long-Range Plan vision is an equitable, resilient, and sustainable Greater Philadelphia Region that: preserves and restores the natural environment; develops inclusive, healthy, and walkable communities; grows an innovative and connected economy with broadly shared prosperity; and maintains a safe, multimodal transportation network that serves everyone. Learn more at

Business Culture Education Lifestyle Programs & Events Technology

Disruptive digital marketing agencies harness power of PR affiliate program for client success

TAMPA, Fla. — In terms of establishing their organization’s position and showcasing their subject matter expertise through thought-leadership and content marketing, business leaders possess a clear vision.


However, the issue lies in the fact that a majority of individuals, including marketing agencies, lack a proper understanding of public relations (PR) and frequently misinterpret it when attempting to employ it.



There is a misinterpretation of the concept of thought leadership; often failing to recognize that it must be earned. The remedy lies in a strategy unveiled by crisis management expert Karla Jo Helms of JOTO PR Disruptors, which “ignites the marketing plan by harnessing the influence of public relations to attain third-party credibility and establish thought leadership.”


Helms notes that by using powerful targeted communication channels to communicate your story to thousands, hundreds of thousands or millions of people—before and while marketing is promoting a client’s goods and services ─ trust and credibility are established so people are more interested and comfortable in doing business with the client.


So, WHAT does PR offer to a marketing strategy? “Marketing is driven by four ‘p’s: product, price, place, and promotion. (2) What is missing? A FIFTH ‘p’; public perception,” notes Helms.

  • Third-party endorsement gains goodwill and trust for your brand, increasing gross
  • Marketing sign-up and conversion rates increase, also increasing ROI
  • Friction during shorter sales conversions is reduced
  • Complete metrics showing how much press is needed to make an impact is the bridge for marketing and public relations
  • In short, customer acquisition costs (CAC) are reduced



The Great Consolidation 

Outside of selling products and services, every business has a story to tell – and the court of public opinion has an insatiable appetite for information. To gain exposure for a client, think of yourself as an ‘internal reporter’ and open your eyes and ears to what is going on in your client’s company, their industry or community. Look for:

  • Introduction of a new product or service – or a new business
  • Newsjacking a recent breaking news event
  • Speaking or exhibiting at a conference or event
  • Releasing findings of a new study or research
  • Developing a new technology or unique procedure for an industry
  • Rebranding a business
  • Financial news such as the addition of a new investor


Each of these has the potential to be exploited into real, NEW news through a blitz campaign. How does real news factor into exposure? As an example, key industry media usually attend a convention. Getting interest before, during and after the event can increase the success at the convention. Also, big breaking headlines regarding such news as an economic issue, new legislation or story of harm to a population segment that has far-reaching effects on which a client’s technology, product or service will have significant positive impact can create a firestorm of media interest.


Professional Affiliation

Marketing agencies interested in learning how to amplify their client’s exposure and marketing campaigns by 10X as a professional affiliate of JOTO PR Disruptors should reach out to the veterans at JOTO PR. Thus far, the organization has enlisted the participation of four digital marketing agencies across the technology industry, and intends to support the collaboration of 18 agencies by 2024.


About JOTO PR Disruptors™:  

After doing marketing research on a cross-section majority of 5,000 CEOs of fast-growth trajectory companies and finding out exactly how they used PR, how they measure it and how they wanted the PR industry to be different, PR veteran and innovator Karla Jo Helms created JoTo PR and established its entire business model on those research findings. Astute in recognizing industry changes since its launch in 2009, JoTo PR’s team utilizes newly established patterns to create timely Anti-PR® campaigns comprising the mathematical precision of crisis management techniques with the latest media algorithms. This unique skill enables them to continue to increase their market share and improve return on investment (ROI) for their clients, year after year—beating usual industry standards. Based in Tampa Bay, Florida, JoTo PR is an established international public relations agency. Today, all processes of JoTo are streamlined Anti-PR services that have become the hallmark of the JoTo PR name. For more information, visit JoTo PR online at


About Karla Jo Helms:  

Karla Jo Helms is the Chief Evangelist and Anti-PR Strategist for JOTO PR Disruptors™.

Karla Jo learned firsthand how unforgiving business can be when millions of dollars are on the line—and how the control of public opinion often determines whether one company is happily chosen, or another is brutally rejected.

Being an alumni of crisis management, Karla Jo has worked with litigation attorneys, private investigators and the media to help restore companies of goodwill back into the good graces of public opinion—Karla Jo operates on the ethic of getting it right the first time, not relying on second chances and doing what it takes to excel.

Karla Jo has patterned her agency on the perfect balance of crisis management, entrepreneurial insight and proven public relations experience. Helms speaks globally on public relations, how the PR industry itself has lost its way and how, in the right hands, corporations can harness the power of Anti-PR to drive markets and impact market perception.



  1. Mudd, Jason. “Thought Leadership and Content Marketing are the New Public Relations”, The Business Journals, 12 April 2023,
  2. Barone, Adam. “Marketing Strategy: What it is, How it Works, How to Create One”, Investopedia, 15 May 2023,,price%2C%20place%2C%20and%20promotion.
Culture Environment Government Healthcare Lifestyle Local News Programs & Events Science

Who you gonna call? Mercer Mosquito Control

Summer’s most unwelcome guest, the mosquito, is here, and even though Mercer County runs a highly sophisticated Mosquito Control program to safeguard the health of residents, mosquitoes remain a reality throughout the warmer months.

PHOTO: Mercer County Mosquito Control staff with Gen. Supervisor Nick Indelicato, kneeling, right.

“While our crews can help mitigate the nuisance, mosquitoes are a backyard problem, and community involvement is crucial for success in controlling them,” said Mercer County Executive Brian M. Hughes.

“I urge our residents to take some simple measures, such as eliminating standing water in and around their homes, to protect themselves and their families from mosquitoes.”

Female mosquitoes lay eggs on the walls of water-filled containers. To keep those eggs from hatching and becoming adult mosquitoes, residents should do the following:

• Empty out water from containers in your yard such as buckets, recycle bins and potted-plant saucers.
• Store tires indoors or away from rain. Check for tire recycling programs in your area.
• Empty and replace water in bird baths at least once a week. Remember: water plus seven days equals mosquitoes.
• Make sure drain pipes slope downward. These drain pipes are dominated by Asian tiger mosquito immatures, and this species is an aggressive day biter.
• Maintain your pool. Remove water from tarps and pool covers.


Other steps residents can take include keeping mosquitoes out of the home by installing or repairing window screens and using air conditioning when available; and preventing mosquito bites by using an Environmental Protection Agency-registered insect repellent with an active ingredient such as DEET, Picaridin, IR3535, Oil of lemon eucalyptus (OLE) or para-menthane-diol (PMD).


If you’ve done all you can to control the mosquito populations by removing water sources and believe you need further help, you can fill out an inspection request and a member of our team will assist.


For more information about protecting your family from mosquitoes all summer long, as well as up-to-date information about mosquito-borne diseases, visit the Mercer County Mosquito Control website or watch our video, Mercer County Mosquito Control in the field – YouTube.

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Fitness that’s fun: Groundbreaking cert program develops coaches who help kids thrive

LOS ANGELES, Calif. — Lionheart Fitness Kids has been transforming children’s lives since 2008, helping them develop confidence and fostering positive, healthy habits through its acclaimed sports programs designed for kids ages 2-5.


Now, the company is offering a nationwide opportunity for adults from diverse backgrounds to turn their passion for sports and their desire to make a difference in children’s lives into a lucrative career with the Lionheart Coach Certification program. In just five simple steps, aspiring coaches can embark on a journey that combines their love for sports with the chance to positively impact young minds.


“Our Lionheart Fitness Kids certification program equips you with the skills and knowledge to become an exceptional coach, teaching the fundamentals of sports to young children,” said Lionheart CEO John Skoryna.


“With our convenient online training, you can quickly start earning as a coach and make a real difference.”


What sets Lionheart’s certification program apart is its commitment to providing more than just training — the company offers a comprehensive business platform to help coaches run their entire coaching enterprise.


Once coaches become certified, Lionheart provides them with an online platform that includes:

  • A public profile visible to parents and preschools actively seeking coaches
  • A secure payment processing system
  • A class management system for effortless scheduling, rosters, and direct client communication
  • A mobile app featuring weekly sport-specific curriculums
  • A step-by-step sales process to help coaches build their businesses
  • Ongoing community support through regular updates


Under this groundbreaking business model, Lionheart’s Certified Coaches not only receive the most rigorous training and vetting in the field of children’s fitness coaching in the U.S., but they also enjoy some of the highest earning potential, Skoryna proudly revealed.


“When you earn, the money goes directly into your bank account — we take zero royalties,” Skoryna emphasized.


“Our mission is to empower hundreds of thousands of coaches worldwide to build sustainable livelihoods, fostering the rise of the next generation of fitness leaders.”


Lionheart encourages trainers, teachers, coaches and fitness professionals to join them on this remarkable journey and become a Lionheart Certified Coach today. Have a look at what Lionheart Fitness Kids Certified Coaches have to say about this dynamic and game changing program:


“Lionheart firmly believes in the power of creative play to foster confidence and instill positive habits in children,” Skoryna added.


“Our certified coaches utilize innovative approaches, ensuring that each child’s unique potential is unlocked. By blending the elements of physical activity, teamwork and imagination, Lionheart coaches cultivate an environment where young minds thrive.”


For more information on the coach certification program, please visit, or to view Lionheart’s virtual program:

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Mercer Great Western Bikeway plans new projects at recent PIC meeting

Mercer County planned a Public Information Center (PIC) to provide local residents and businesses in Hopewell, with information on the Mercer County Great Western Bikeway (GWB) project for June 27.

The project comes under the Regional Transportation Alternatives Program TAP-R-2017-Mercer County Great Western Bikeway, and traverses Hopewell Township, Pennington, Lawrence and Ewing.

The purpose of the meeting was to provide an opportunity for input on the project (as a follow up to a Virtual PIC held on March 9, 2022). The PIC was planned for in person at Hopewell Township Municipal Building Auditorium, 201 Washington Crossing-Pennington Road in Titusville, NJ Tues., June 27, 2023 from 6 to 8 p.m.  Attendants had an opportunity to review exhibits, ask questions, and discuss any concerns with County representatives and their consultant. Property owners with rental units are advised that tenants were also invited and encouraged to participate. For those unable to participate or want to provide comments after the meeting, they can visit the County’s website  for information about the project and provide comments by July 11, 2023.

The Great Western Bikeway (GWB) will be the first new link in a planned network of dedicated bicycle facilities throughout Mercer County. The primary route, Segment 1, will provide a continuous 10-mile bicycle route running east-west, predominantly along County Route (CR) 546 within Hopewell Township, Pennington Borough, and Lawrence Township and link between two branches of the D&R Canal State Park Trail: at Washington Crossing State Park to the west and Bakers Basin Road to the east. Two secondary routes will link Ewing Township to the south (Segment 2, CR 611) and Pennington Borough’s downtown district to the north (Segment 3, CR 640). Design and Construction costs are funded by federal funds administered through NJDOT Local Aid Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP).

Proposed project limits and improvements

• On-road bicycle lanes for a majority of the 14-mile route.

• In several locations where exclusive bicycle lanes cannot be provided, the bicycle facility will continue with either shared lanes or an off-road shared-use path.

• High visibility crossings with Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacons (RRFBs).

Cultural resources

Federal and State regulations pertaining to the protection of cultural resources, referred to as the Section 106 and the NJ Register of Historic Places Act processes, require Mercer County and NJDOT to consider the effect of proposed projects upon cultural resources listed on, or eligible for listing on, the NJ and National Registers of Historic Places. These processes require coordination between the NJDOT and the NJ Historic Preservation Office, along with other appropriate consulting and interested parties. The project is located within 3 historic districts – Washington Crossing State Park Historic District, Lawrence Township Historic District, and Bound Book (Reading) Railroad Historic District – and there are several other cultural resource sites along the corridor. An assessment of project effects will be provided for all historic districts and any other eligible resources that are identified within the project area.

Anticipated project schedule

Design Phase Completed: Summer 2024; Construction Start: Fall 2024

For further information, please contact: Matthew Zochowski, PP/AICP, Senior Planner Mercer County • Department of Planning 640 South Broad Street P.O. Box 8068 Trenton, NJ 08650 P: 609-989-6985 E: mzochowski@mercercounty.org

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From legends to next-gen artists, HCR plays Hip Hop that uplifts and inspires

WILMINGTON, Del. — Holy Culture Radio on SiriusXM channel 154 is a full-time edutainment channel featuring a mix of Hip Hop superstars like Lecrae, Trip Lee and A.I. The Anomaly, plus inspirational talk shows that speak to the African American experience.


Since its bold move to a 24-hour channel in April 2022, many listeners have tuned in to hear and experience HCR’s diverse programming, which includes:


• 116 Life with Reach Records execs Marcus Hollinger and Ace Harris, featuring exclusive world premieres of new music and riveting conversations with VIP guests.


• 3rd Coast Fiyah, a kaleidoscope of CHH and urban gospel hosted by DJ D-Lite.


• DJ Wade-O, one of the most powerful voices in all of Christian Hip Hop.


• The multiple award-winning Da Fixx Morning Radio show.


• Old School Sounds, hosted by DJ D-Lite, takes listeners back to the genre’s beginnings.


• The Underground Gospel Hip Hop Show, where Jay Williams helps to launch indie faith-based artists, personifying the notion of having a great time while inspiring listeners with meaningful messages.


• K.I.N.G. Talks, with open discussions on life to create an environment of effective communication and an atmosphere of compassion and understanding.


• Church on the Block, where Pastor Phil Jackson, Pastah J and DJ Ruckus engage in all-encompassing discussions and theological breakdowns of hip-hop and street culture and how the church can deliver hope. … and many more.


HCR and its affiliated website and social media channels are owned and operated by The Corelink Solution, a nonprofit founded by James “Trig” Rosseau with the purpose of helping people develop their passion and purpose, create an informed plan and use provided tools to help them succeed, while establishing accountability and ownership.


“There has always been a question of whether there is a market for Christian hip-hop music,” Rosseau said. “I believe our audience has shown that the genre has broad viability given the above average listener engagement we’ve seen across our 14 shows and music mixes as we play a wide diversity of Christian Hip Hop artists.”


Learn more at, or follow Holy Culture on Twitter (holyculture), Instagram (holyculture), YouTube (holyculture), Facebook (holyculturenet) and TikTok (


About James “Trig” Rosseau

James B. Rosseau, Sr., known by many as “Trig,” is the founder and CEO of The Corelink Solution (, a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization committed to revitalizing communities through programs that empower people to reach their potential. He brings 20-plus years of expertise in creating growth and driving transformation, leveraging his unique blend of revenue generation and business acumen with his ability to skillfully assemble and lead high-performing teams.

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Temporary Protected Status designations for El Salvador, Honduras, Nepal and Nicaragua reinstated and extended for 18 months

Current Beneficiaries Must Re-register to Maintain Their Status After June 30, 2024

WASHINGTON — The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) recently posted Federal Register notices extending the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) designations of El Salvador, Honduras, Nepal, and Nicaragua for 18 months.


These notices follow the decision of Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas, announced June 13, 2023, to rescind the 2017 and 2018 terminations of these designations and extend the reinstated designations for 18 months.


Secretary Mayorkas decided to extend TPS after consulting with interagency partners and carefully considering the ongoing conditions in El Salvador, Honduras, Nepal, and Nicaragua. As always, DHS closely monitors conditions around the world to assess whether new TPS designations are warranted.


TPS beneficiaries under the four designations must re-register to maintain their TPS throughout the 18-month extension. DHS previously extended the validity of TPS-related documentation for current beneficiaries through June 30, 2024, to ensure continued compliance with court orders in the litigation challenging the now-rescinded termination decisions. The new notices do not affect that action. Re-registration is limited to individuals who previously registered for and were granted TPS under the prior designations of El Salvador, Honduras, Nepal and Nicaragua.


Individuals who arrived in the United States after the continuous residence dates for these designations are not eligible for TPS. The respective continuous residence dates are Feb. 13, 2001, for El Salvador; Dec. 30, 1998, for Honduras; June 24, 2015, for Nepal; and Dec. 30, 1998, for Nicaragua.


El Salvador
DHS is extending the designation of El Salvador for TPS for 18 months, from Sept. 10, 2023, through March 9, 2025. Additionally, DHS considers that the designation of El Salvador for TPS has been automatically extended in 6-month increments since March 9, 2018, under INA § 244(b)(3)(C). The extension allows approximately 239,000 current TPS beneficiaries to re-register to retain TPS through March 9, 2025, if they otherwise continue to meet the eligibility requirements for TPS. Existing TPS beneficiaries who wish to extend their status through March 9, 2025, must re-register during the 60-day re-registration period from July 12, 2023, through Sept. 10, 2023.


DHS is extending the designation of Honduras for TPS for 18 months, from January 6, 2024, through July 5, 2025. DHS considers that the designation of Honduras for TPS has been automatically extended in 6-month increments since July 5, 2018, under INA § 244(b)(3)(C). The extension allows approximately 76,000 existing TPS beneficiaries to re-register to retain TPS through July 5, 2025, if they otherwise continue to meet the eligibility requirements for TPS. Existing TPS beneficiaries who wish to extend their status through July 5, 2025, must re-register during the 60-day re-registration period from Nov. 6, 2023, through Jan. 5, 2024.


DHS is extending the designation of Nepal for TPS for 18 months, from Dec. 25, 2023, through June 24, 2025. DHS considers that the designation of Nepal for TPS has been automatically extended in 6-month increments since June 24, 2018, under INA § 244(b)(3)(C). The extension allows approximately 14,500 existing TPS beneficiaries to re-register to retain TPS through June 24, 2025, if they otherwise continue to meet the eligibility requirements for TPS. Existing TPS beneficiaries who wish to extend their status through June 24, 2025, must re-register during the 60-day re-registration period from Oct. 24, 2023, through Dec. 23, 2023.


DHS is extending the designation of Nicaragua for TPS for 18 months, from Jan. 6, 2024, through July 5, 2025. Additionally, DHS considers that the designation of Nicaragua for TPS has been automatically extended in 6-month increments since Jan. 5, 2018, under INA § 244(b)(3)(C). The extension allows approximately 4,000 current TPS beneficiaries to re-register to retain TPS through July 5, 2025, if they otherwise continue to meet the eligibility requirements for TPS. Existing TPS beneficiaries who wish to extend their status through July 5, 2025, must re-register during the 60-day re-registration period from Nov. 6, 2023, through Jan. 5, 2024.


The rescission of the terminations for the designations of these four countries for TPS is effective as of June 9, 2023

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MOU finalizes $305 million allocation of federal funds for New Jersey’s Affordable Housing Production Fund

TRENTON, N.J. -– The New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency (NJHMFA) Board approved a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to finalize federal American Rescue Plan (ARP) funding for the State’s Affordable Housing Production Fund (AHPF) on June 20.
The MOU between NJHMFA and the Department of Community Affairs finalizes the $305 million allocated in the Fiscal Year 2023 budget towards the AHPF, aiding in the development of thousands of new affordable housing units in New Jersey.
The AHPF, which is administered by NJHMFA, was established by Governor Murphy in his Fiscal Year 2023 budget with the goal of building over 3,300 new affordable housing units across approximately 43 developments statewide. The AHPF was designed to allow for the full completion of all 100 percent affordable housing projects identified in municipal housing settlements that have yet to be built, eliminating the state’s backlog of these projects by the end of the Governor’s second term.


“In launching the Affordable Housing Production Fund last year, we took an urgent approach to addressing the affordable housing needs in our state,” said Governor Murphy.


“No family should ever have to experience the stress of finding an affordable place to call home. In building the Next New Jersey, this Administration remains committed to making affordable housing accessible to the individuals and families who call this great state home.”


“Governor Murphy’s full funding of 3,300 housing units through the Affordable Housing Production Fund is a huge step forward towards meeting the extreme need for quality, affordable housing in New Jersey,” said Lt. Governor Sheila Y. Oliver who serves as the Commissioner of the NJ Department of Community Affairs.


Since the launch of the AHPF, NJHMFA has already dedicated $202 million to support the construction of 3,020 new affordable housing units. The remainder of the funds will create close to another 1,000 new units.


“The Affordable Housing Production Fund is a key component of New Jersey’s comprehensive strategy to address housing access and affordability,” said Melanie R. Walter, Executive Director of the New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency.


“As of June 2023, we have committed two-thirds of the entire allocation amount, and we expect to allocate the remainder by the end of the upcoming fiscal year. With this MOU, we can begin expending the funds immediately. The Production Fund is helping New Jersey communities realize their affordable housing goals at an unprecedented rate, ensuring its impact will be felt for decades to come.”


The MOU approval allows for distribution of funds to begin immediately.


About Us: The New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency (NJHMFA) advances the quality of life for residents of and communities throughout New Jersey by investing in, financing, and facilitating access to affordable rental housing and homeownership opportunities for low and moderate-income families, older adults, and individuals with specialized housing needs. To learn more about NJHMFA, visit:

Art & Life Business Lifestyle Programs & Events

Miranda Lambert’s MuttNation & Tractor Supply award over $250,000 in grants to 52 animal shelters

Mutts Across America program makes surprise donation in every state


NASHVILLE, Tenn. — (BUSINESS WIRE) — #4H — Three-time GRAMMY Award-winning Country superstar Miranda Lambert’s MuttNation Foundation and Tractor Supply Company (NASDAQ: TSCO), the largest rural lifestyle retailer in the United States, teamed up for the third consecutive year to donate more than $250,000 to animal shelters across the nation.


Through MuttNation’s Mutts Across America program, one outstanding shelter or foster-based rescue in every state – plus Washington, D.C. and a “Wildcard” pick – are being honored with a surprise $5,000 grant.


“Finding deserving shelters and rescue groups across the country is easy,” said Bev Lambert, Miranda’s mother and co-founder of MuttNation, who also conceived Mutts Across America. “It’s narrowing it down to just one in each state that’s really tough.”


“Mutts Across America is MuttNation’s cornerstone – it was our first signature program,” added Miranda. “These grants give us the chance to show our appreciation and spotlight shelters across the country for their hard work, year-round, to improve the lives of shelter pets. We’re so proud to partner with Tractor Supply on this and other programs, allowing us to elevate our goals and increase the number of animals’ lives we can change.”


Since the initiative’s origin nine years ago, MuttNation’s Mutts Across America has supported more than 450 shelters with over $1.75 million in grants. Tractor Supply began partnering with MuttNation in 2021.


“Shelter pets have our hearts at Tractor Supply,” stated Kimberley Gardiner, chief marketing officer at Tractor Supply. “Miranda’s passion for this cause and the work she has done through MuttNation truly inspire us and supporting their work is a privilege and joy. These shelters are saving the lives of animals and pets and providing the care they need as they wait for their future owners.”


Each year, MuttNation conducts extensive research to carefully choose the organizations that will be honored with the annual grants and, this year, is specifically recognizing some of the outstanding shelters that help seniors, special needs dogs, large dogs and pit mixes; the “Love Harder” dogs that are easy to love but hardest to get adopted. There is no application process for Mutts Across America, and the recipients are given no advance notice before receiving the award.


In addition to the Mutts Across America partnership, MuttNation and Tractor Supply started the Relief For Rescues Fund earlier this year to help shelters and shelter pets recover from natural disasters. To date, the fund has generated over $357,000 to support shelter animals affected by disasters such as floods, fires, hurricanes and tornadoes, with funding already dispersed to organizations responding to shelter pets impacted by severe flooding in California’s Central Valley, a violent EF4 tornado in Mississippi and more.


Tractor Supply is the exclusive retailer of MuttNation pet products, with a percentage of all sales going to the MuttNation Foundation to promote and facilitate its mission.


The 2023 Mutts Across America grant recipients are:

Shelter Name State
Aide for Animals Sanctuary Alabama
Juneau Animal Rescue Alaska
Unconditional Love Pet Rescue (ULPR) Arkansas
NAGI Foundation Arizona
Animal Compassion Team of California California
Soul Dog Rescue Colorado
Army’s Legacy Animal Rescue and Sanctuary Connecticut
Rural Dog Rescue DC
Humane Animal Partners Deleware
UFAR Animal Parnters Florida
Homeward Bound Pet Rescue Georgia
The Hawaii SPCA Maili Waianae Hawaii
Heart of Idaho Animal Sanctuary Idaho
Second City Canine Rescue Illinois
Grateful Rescue and Sanctuary (Grateful Rescue) Indiana
Dogs Forever of Iowa (Dogs Forever) Iowa
Clay County Animal Rescue & Education Center Kansas
LIFE House for Animals Kentucky
4 Paws Rescue Inc. Louisiana
Underhound Railroad, Inc. Maine
Senior Dog Sanctuary Maryland
Cape Ann Animal Aid Christopher Cutler Rich Animal Shelter Massachusetts
K9 Stray Rescue League Michigan
Great River Rescue Minnesota
HoofBeats and PawPrints Rescue Mississippi
Columbia Second Chance Missouri
The Dedman Foundation Montana
FurEver Home, Inc. Nebraska
Hearts Alive Village Nevada
Second Chance Ranch Rescue NH New Hampshire
Marty’s Place Senior Dog Sanctuary, INC New Jersey
Pet-A-Bulls, Inc. New Mexico
Paws Crossed Animal Rescue New York
Lake Norman Humane North Carolina
Prairie Paws Rescue North Dakota
Multiple Breed Rescue Ohio
Oklahoma Alliance for Animals Oklahoma
Southern Oregon Humane Society Oregon
Speranza Animal Rescue Pennsylvania
Anchor Paws Rescue Rhode Island
Pet Helpers Adoption Shelter and Spay/Neuter Clinic South Carolina
B-Squad Dog Rescue South Dakota
New Leash on Life Tennessee
Dog Ranch Rescue Texas
Hearts 4 Paws Rescue Utah
Homeward Bound , Addison County’s Humane Society Vermont
Wolf Trap Animal Rescue Virginia
Old Dog Haven Washington
Humane Society of Harrison County- WV West Virginia
Bob’s House for Dogs Wisconsin
Laramie Peak Humane Society Wyoming
Bonaparte’s Retreat Dog Rescue *WILDCARD*



About MuttNation Foundation

Founded by Miranda and her mom, Bev Lambert, in 2009, MuttNation is a donation-supported 501c(3) nonprofit organization with a mission to promote the adoption of shelter pets, advance spay & neuter and educate the public about the benefits of these actions. MuttNation provides financial support and works with transport partners to assist and relocate animals during times of natural disaster. MuttNation Fueled by Miranda Lambert, a pet line of toys and supplies that benefits the Foundation, is available exclusively at Tractor Supply Company stores throughout the US.


About Miranda Lambert:

Already a decorated songwriter, Academy of Country Music Entertainer of the Year, passionate shelter animal advocate, restaurateur and business woman, superstar Miranda Lambert adds New York Times best-selling author to her impressive list of titles with the arrival of her debut book, “Y’all Eat Yet?,” available everywhere now.


Palomino, her eighth solo album, arrived in 2022 as the largest female Country album debut of the year and earned a GRAMMY nomination for Best Country Album. Named among the best of the year by the New York Times, TIME, Rolling Stone, Billboard, Stereogum, People and many more, it marks the latest installment in a storied career that has spanned seven previous No. 1 solo albums, 11 No. 1 hit radio singles, more than 70 prestigious awards and countless sales certifications, earning the most-awarded artist in ACM history praise from NPR as “the most riveting country star of her generation.”


With her headlining Velvet Rodeo Las Vegas residency extended through late 2023 at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino’s Bakkt Theater, the top streaming female Country artist of 2022 was also named to the TIME100 list honoring the world’s most influential people, with Pitchfork declaring that she “manages the hat-trick of both timelessness and timely activism.” Whether challenging conventional gender notions in her recent Top 10 hit “If I Was A Cowboy” or using her voice to write and record the inclusive “Y’All Means All” anthem for Netflix’s “Queer Eye,” the Texas native continues to expand the tent of the Country genre via her music, including with her latest release, the cross-genre collaboration “If You Were Mine” with Leon Bridges.


Idyllwind, her clothing and cowboy boot collection, is an exclusive brand sold at all Boot Barn stores nationwide, while her home goods collection, Wanda June Home, is available exclusively at Walmart. She is also the first female artist to have her own venue on Broadway in Nashville with her Casa Rosa Tex-Mex cantina. An avid animal lover, Lambert’s MuttNation pet product line is available exclusively at Tractor Supply Co. with proceeds benefitting her MuttNation Foundation, a 501c3 nonprofit that has raised over $8 million since its inception in 2009. The Foundation’s mission is to promote the adoption of rescue pets, support animal shelters across the country, advance spay & neuter and assist with the transport of animals during times of natural disaster. | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | TikTok | YouTube


About Tractor Supply

For 85 years, Tractor Supply Company (NASDAQ: TSCO) has been passionate about serving the needs of recreational farmers, ranchers, homeowners, gardeners, pet enthusiasts and all those who enjoy living Life Out Here. Tractor Supply is the largest rural lifestyle retailer in the U.S., ranking 291 on the 2023 Fortune 500. The company’s more than 52,000 Team Members are known for delivering legendary service and helping customers pursue their passions, whether that means being closer to the land, taking care of animals or living a hands-on, DIY lifestyle. In store and online, Tractor Supply provides what customers need – anytime, anywhere, any way they choose at the low prices they deserve.


As of April 1, 2023, the Company operated 2,164 Tractor Supply stores in 49 states, including 81 stores acquired from Orscheln Farm and Home in 2022 that will be rebranded to Tractor Supply by the end of 2023. For more information on Tractor Supply, visit


Tractor Supply Company also owns and operates Petsense by Tractor Supply, a small-box pet specialty supply retailer providing products and services for pet owners. As of April 1, 2023, the Company operated 189 Petsense by Tractor Supply stores in 23 states. For more information on Petsense by Tractor Supply, visit



Media Contact for Tractor Supply Company:
Mary Winn Pilkington (615) 440-4212

Tricia Whittemore (615) 440-4410

Media Contacts for Miranda Lambert:
Ebie McFarland | Janet Buck

Essential Broadcast Media

(615) 327-3259 |

For MuttNation:
Nina Miller