Culture Education Environment Politics Regulations & Security

C-suite coach interested in empowerment of women to overcome corporate barriers

Kathleen Gonzales from Elevated PR brings attention to the challenges women face in climbing the corporate ladder and introduces the invaluable support provided by Ephraim Schachter, a renowned C-Suite coach, and leadership advisor.


Did you know that only 6.6% of women currently hold CEO positions in Fortune 500 companies? This glaring statistic highlights the persistent obstacles women encounter when striving for top leadership roles in the corporate world. Despite progress, significant barriers hinder women’s advancement and limit their leadership opportunities, states  Gonzales.


Schachter has dedicated his career to addressing these challenges head-on. As an expert in executive coaching and leadership development, he provides invaluable guidance and support to women navigating the complexities of the corporate landscape. He understands the unique struggles faced by women, and he is committed to helping them overcome the biases and obstacles that impede their progress.


One of the primary issues women face in the C-suite is the unfair scrutiny they often endure. They are held to different standards compared to their male counterparts, leading to a narrower margin for error. Schachter’s female clients frequently express their frustration about being judged harshly for displaying toughness, often being labeled as a “bitch.” On the other hand, when they adopt a more lenient approach, they are perceived as too soft, undermining their authority and ability to lead effectively.


Furthermore, studies have shown that women are often given shorter timelines to prove themselves compared to their male colleagues, limiting their opportunities for advancement. Schachter actively advocates for the support and guidance needed for his clients to demonstrate their value and thrive in their careers.


His dedication to empowering women is exemplified by the fact that most of his practice consists of female clients. Schachter’s expertise, combined with a deep understanding of the gender dynamics within corporate environments, makes him a trusted partner for women seeking to shatter glass ceilings and claim their rightful place in leadership roles.


Schachter’s gains insights into the specific challenges women face in the corporate world and the strategies he employs to empower them. His holistic approach fosters confidence, resilience, and a sense of empowerment, ultimately enabling women to overcome obstacles and reach their full potential.


He is shedding light on the persisting barriers that hinder women’s advancement and offering practical solutions to address these challenges. Schachter’s expertise and commitment to gender equality in the workplace make him an ideal expert for this important discussion.

Energy Environment International & World News Now! Technology

Renewable electricity registers record growth, but renewable heat and fuels lag far behind, hindering a shift away from fossil fuels

With a record 30% share, renewable electricity is driving the energy transition. However, renewable-based electricity needs to more than double. Renewable-based heat and fuels need to grow much faster to ensure equitable access and security of supply. 

  • Renewable energy growth is most noticeable in the power sector (electricity generation), whereas critical energy carriers such as renewable heat and renewable-based fuels remain neglected.  
  • Solar photovoltaics (PV) had another record year of growth in 2022, with a 37% increase in additional installed capacity.  
  • Grid-connected wind energy additions fell 17% relative to 2021, due to delays in permitting, disruption in supply chains, and rising material and shipping costs.  
  • China was home to 44% of renewable energy deployment and also represented 55% of total investments in renewables. Renewable investments in Europe reached 11% and in the United States 10%, while Africa and the Middle East received the lowest share by region, at only 1.6%. 



PARIS – Wide-ranging barriers are preventing renewable energy from contributing effectively to meeting the world’s climate and development goals, according to the Renewables in Energy Supply module, launched on June 12, as part of the annual Renewables 2023 Global Status Report (GSR) collection.


These barriers include a lack of attention to all energy carriers, a failure to diversify renewable energy technologies beyond wind and solar power, deficiencies in policies, bottlenecks in permitting and grid connections, unequal investment levels in different regions, and continued large investments in fossil fuels.


The Renewables in Energy Supply module covers the way final energy is distributed among heat, fuel and electricity, geographies and technologies (bioenergy, geothermal power and heat, heat pumps, hydrogen, hydropower, solar PV, concentrated solar power (CSP), solar thermal heat, ocean power and wind power). Renewables in Energy Supplyfollows the release of the GSR 2023 Demand Modules, which explored renewable energy use in the key energy-consuming sectors of buildings, industry, transport and agriculture.


Energy carriers include electricity and heat as well as solid, liquid and gaseous fuels. Currently, the global energy supply is split mostly among heat (49%) and fuel (29%), with electricity having the lowest share (22%). In 2022, the share of renewables in the power sector reached 30%, mainly because the sector has received long-term policy attention that enabled market and technology development and drove down costs. Across all sectors, renewables cover only 12.7% of the total energy system, a relatively low share in the larger scheme of things.


“The record growth of renewables in the electricity sector is positive news. However, we need to more than double this growth and to achieve deep electrification of the heat and transport sectors. We also need to invest heavily in grid infrastructure to address climate change and to provide access to over 700 million people living without electricity, mainly in Africa and Asia,” said REN21 Executive Director Rana Adib.


Meanwhile, the other energy carriers – fuels and heat, which provide most of the world’s energy – have only dismal renewable energy shares of 3.6% and 9.2% respectively. This indicates that efforts are narrowly focused on transitioning the power supply. This limited focus is ultimately slowing the shift to a renewables-based system, delaying efforts to reach the Sustainable Development Goals and maintaining the status quo of energy insecurity.


Greater attention must be paid to renewable heat and renewable-based fuels and to the diversification of renewable energy technologies. While electricity is expected to play an increasingly important role in the global energy supply, the International Energy Agency (IEA) net-zero scenario and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) 1.5 degree Celsius scenario indicate that electricity will supply only half of the world’s total final energy in 2050.


“This clearly means that we cannot continue to neglect the other carriers – renewable heat and fuels – if we are serious about cutting emissions and addressing the climate, energy and poverty crises. It took time, investment and policy attention to expand to 30% renewable power. We now need to award heat and fuels similar policy attention to achieve the critical shift we need,” said Adib.


Efforts in renewable electricity need to be accelerated as well. Despite the strong focus on the power sector, the ongoing failure to build and extend electrical grids and to speed permitting processes are creating bottlenecks that are slowing the shift to a renewable-based power system. More than 1 terawatt of renewable energy projects are still waiting to be constructed and connected to the grid globally due to delays in permitting and lack of investment in grid infrastructure. The status of Energy Systems and Infrastructure will be addressed in an upcoming module to be released as part of the GSR 2023 collection.


“Even in the power sector, we are still not taking a systemic approach that builds renewable energy as a healthy economic sector and industry by investing in manufacturing capacities, and skilling people. We focus on a few technologies like solar PV and wind and their generation capacity, neglecting distribution and connection to grids,” said Adib. “Electricity generation from renewables means attention to infrastructure. It´s like you manufacture cars and wait for roads. When we built cars, we did it with confidence that roads will accompany the process. The same thought and action process must apply to renewables.”


Momentum has been building for the creation of a worldwide target for renewable energy in the power sector, to be announced at the United Nations Climate Conference (COP 28) in Dubai in November. Recently, leaders of the G7 countries made a historic pledge to collectively increase the world’s offshore wind power capacity by 150 gigawatts and its solar capacity to more than 1 terawatt by 2030.


“These announcements are welcome signals for both countries and renewable energy markets; however, science and experience tell us that to be effective, these targets need to be urgently translated into concrete actions that will speed the energy transition in all countries – including through national policies, technology development and sharing, equitable investments in all regions, fossil fuel phase-outs, and the removal of barriers and bottlenecks”, said Adib.


The limited approach to the carriers has also been mirrored in the technologies and geographies. Solar and wind power currently dominate the annual additions of renewable power – together contributing 92% – with only 8% coming from other renewables such as hydropower, geothermal, bioenergy, CSP and ocean power.


“The energy crisis, which resulted from the Russian Federation invasion of Ukraine, has shown the importance of security of supply. To shield us from new crises, policy makers must immediately ramp up efforts in all renewable energy technologies, including hydropower, geothermal, ocean, CSP and bioenergy. If we don´t quickly evolve these alongside solar PV and wind, we will still need to depend on coal, oil and gas, and nuclear for our energy supply well into the future,” said Adib.


Geographically, China led the world in renewable energy investments in 2022, with 55% of the global total energy, followed by Europe with 11% and the United States with 10%. Africa and the Middle East together received the lowest share of renewable investments, at only 1.6%. Most of the worldwide deployment in renewables was in China, which accounted for 44% of all solar capacity additions and 38% of all wind capacity additions, pointing to the high geographic concentration of renewable energy additions.


“Within Africa, a continent blessed with an abundance of renewable energy, a silent storm rages on – the prolonged energy crisis, an ignoble plight that the world regrettably chooses to disregard. It is our moral imperative to accelerate the deployment of a sufficient quantity of renewable energy and to ensure that this transition uplifts the most vulnerable, improving livelihoods and fostering sustainable development that reaches far beyond economic gains,” said Joel Nana from Sustainable Energy Africa.


Financial flows are still not shifting fast enough towards renewables and away from fossil fuels. Of the USD 640 billion in global power investments in 2022, 26% still went to fossil fuels and nuclear power, even though renewable electricity is the least-cost option. This means that we continue to lock in more emissions in the atmosphere by investing in fossil fuel technologies that will soon become obsolete – depriving people and the planet of the sustainability, development, health and jobs benefits of the energy transition.


“Renewable energy is now recognised as the necessary backbone for all energy systems. However, it also needs to be developed as an economic sector, with clear and strategic focus on building a profitable industry. Investment in manufacturing and skilled labour are now crucial to deliver a secure, sustainable and thriving sector,” said Chief Executive Officer of the Global Renewables Alliance Bruce Douglas.


About REN21 and the GSR 2023 Collection

REN21 is the only global community of renewable energy actors from science, academia, governments, non-governmental organisations and industry across all renewable energy sectors. Our community is at the heart of our data and reporting activities. All of our knowledge activities, including the GSR 2023 Demand Modules, follow a unique reporting process that has allowed REN21 to be globally recognised as a neutral data and knowledge broker.


Since its first release in 2005, REN21 has worked with thousands of contributors to put the spotlight on ongoing developments and emerging trends that shape the future of renewable energy. Producing this report each year is a collaborative effort of hundreds of experts and volunteers contributing data, reviewing chapters and co-authoring the report.

Business Economics Energy Environment Government Lifestyle

OPT adopts tax benefits preservation plan to protect long-term shareholder value By Preserving Significant Tax Assets

MONROE TOWNSHIP, N.J. — (BUSINESS WIRE) — Ocean Power Technologies, Inc. (“OPT” or the “Company”) (NYSE American: OPTT), a leader in innovative and cost-effective low-carbon marine power, data, and service solutions, announced on Friday that its Board of Directors has approved the adoption of a tax benefits preservation plan (or “the plan”) in the form of a Section 382 Rights Agreement.


The plan is designed to protect and preserve OPT’s tax assets primarily associated with net operating loss carryforwards or NOLs that could potentially be utilized in certain circumstances to offset OPT’s future taxable income and reduce its federal income tax liability.


Section 382 of the Internal Revenue Code imposes limitations on the future use of a company’s NOLs if it undergoes an “ownership change.” OPT’s ability to benefit from its tax assets would be substantially limited by Section 382 if an “ownership change” occurred. A company experiences an “ownership change” for tax purposes if the percentage of stock owned by one or a group of its 5% stockholders (as defined for tax purposes) increases by more than 50 percentage points over a rolling three-year period over the lowest percentage of stock of such corporation owned by such stockholders at any time during that period.


OPT’s tax benefits preservation plan is similar to those adopted by numerous other public companies with significant NOLs. In order to protect OPT’s NOLs from being limited or permanently lost under Section 382, the tax benefits preservation plan is intended to reduce the likelihood of an unintended “ownership change” occurring through the buying and selling of OPT’s common stock, $0.001 par value per share (the “common stock”). OPT’s tax benefits preservation plan is intended to deter any person or group from acquiring beneficial ownership of 4.99% or more of OPT’s outstanding common stock without the approval of the Board. OPT’s tax benefits preservation plan does not, however, block anyone from buying or selling OPT’s common stock. Accordingly, there can be no assurance that the tax benefits preservation plan will prevent an “ownership change.”


Under the terms of the tax benefits preservation plan, OPT will distribute to its stockholders one preferred stock purchase right for each share of OPT’s common stock held as of the close of business on July 11, 2023. Any shares of common stock issued after the July 11, 2023 record date will be issued together with associated preferred stock purchase rights.


Under the tax benefits preservation plan, the rights will initially trade with OPT’s common stock. The rights will generally become exercisable only if a person (or any persons acting as a group) acquires beneficial ownership of 4.99% or more of OPT’s outstanding common stock, without the approval of the Board, after the first public announcement by OPT of the adoption of the tax benefits preservation plan. A person or group who acquires, without the approval of the Board, beneficial ownership of 4.99% or more of OPT’s outstanding common stock could be subject to significant dilution.


If the preferred stock purchase rights become exercisable, all holders of rights, other than the person or group triggering the rights, will be entitled to purchase OPT’s common stock at a 50% discount. The Board also has the option to cause the exchange of one share of common stock for each preferred stock purchase right held (other than the rights held by the person or group triggering the rights). Preferred stock purchase rights held by the person or group triggering the rights will become null and void and will not be exercisable, exchangeable, or transferable.


Stockholders who beneficially owned 4.99% or more of OPT’s outstanding common stock prior to the first public announcement by OPT of the adoption of the tax benefits preservation plan will not trigger any penalties under the tax benefits preservation plan so long as they do not acquire beneficial ownership of any additional shares of common stock (other than pursuant to a stock split, stock dividend, reclassification, or similar transaction effected by OPT) at a time when they still beneficially own 4.99% or more of such common stock. The Board also has the discretion to exempt any acquisition of OPT’s common stock from the provisions of the tax benefits preservation plan.


The preferred stock purchase rights and the tax benefits preservation plan will expire no later than June 29, 2026. The preferred stock purchase rights and the tax benefits preservation plan may also expire on an earlier date upon the occurrence of other events, including a determination by OPT’s Board that the tax benefits preservation plan is no longer necessary for the preservation of OPT’s tax attributes. The preferred stock purchase rights may also be redeemed, exchanged, or terminated prior to their expiration.


Additional information with respect to the tax benefits preservation plan will be contained in the related Current Report on Form 8-K and Registration Statement on Form 8-A that OPT will file with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Copies of these documents can be obtained free of charge, when available, at the SEC’s website,, and at OPT’s website,


About Ocean Power Technologies

OPT is a provider of ocean energy and intelligent data services. OPT provides these services through its innovative low-carbon distributed and autonomous ocean power and data solutions, combined with its offshore engineering and design services. ‘OPT’s PowerBuoy® platforms offer persistent, reliable, and economical power and communications for remote surface and subsea applications for markets such as offshore energy, defense and security, science and research, and communications. OPT is headquartered in Monroe Township, New Jersey. To learn more, visit


Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains “forward-looking statements” as defined under the U.S. federal securities laws, including the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, and is subject to the safe harbors created by such laws. Forward-looking statements contained in this press release may relate to, but are not limited to, statements regarding our future taxable income, our ability to utilize and realize the value of our net operating loss carryforwards and how they could be limited or eliminated if we experienced an ownership change as defined in Section 382 of the Internal Revenue Code and whether the tax benefits preservation plan will reduce the likelihood of such an unintended ownership change from occurring. Such forward-looking statements are based on current expectations that involve a number of known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause actual events to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Information on factors that may impact these forward-looking statements can be found in the “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” and “Risk Factors” sections contained in OPT’s periodic reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including, but not limited to, its latest Annual Report on Form 10-K and its latest Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, copies of which may be obtained from The forward-looking statements in this press release are made as of the date hereof. Notwithstanding changes that may occur with respect to matters relating to any forward-looking statements, OPT assumes no obligation to publicly update, amend, or clarify its forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise, except as may otherwise be required by the federal securities laws. OPT, however, reserves the right to update such statements or any portion thereof at any time for any reason.



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Culture Environment Lifestyle Local News Programs & Events Sports & Gaming

Mercer 4-H Fair exhibitions to take place at Howell Farms in July

Mercer County Executive Brian M. Hughes encourages residents to showcase their creative talents and skills by entering a project to exhibit at this year’s Mercer County 4-H Fair, planned for July 29 and 30 at Howell Living History Farm in Hopewell Township.

PHOTOS: A newborn donkey and a wagon ride at the Mercer County 4-H Fair. Children’s activities, hay rides, animal shows, music, farm tours, pony rides, magic shows, archery and exhibits will take place throughout the fair on July 29 and 30. (Photos by Chad Ripberger)

Any project created this past year can be entered in the fair, including arts and crafts, photography, gardening, clothing, baking, woodworking and more. There are many “Open Division” categories for public entries (youth and adult) – you do not need to be a 4-H member to exhibit.

The 104th annual Mercer County 4-H Fair will run from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday, July 29, and from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, July 30. Admission and parking are free. Children’s activities, hay rides, animal shows, music, farm tours, pony rides, magic shows, archery and exhibits will take place throughout the fair. Plenty of food and drink, including homemade ice cream, will also be available.

The opening ceremony will take place at 1 p.m. on July 29 in the Show Tent. A country dance with a string band and a caller is scheduled for 6 p.m. on July 29.

4-H, a youth development program operated by Rutgers Cooperative Extension, provides research-based, hands-on learning experiences for youth in Mercer County. For more information about 4-H or entering projects in the fair, please contact Altaira Bejgrowicz at Mercer County 4-H at (609) 989-6830 or

Click here for details about exhibiting at the fair as well as a complete schedule. Projects will be received from the general public for entry in the fair on Thursday, July 27, from 3 to 7 p.m. at Howell Farm. In addition to judging by experts, fairgoers will vote on their favorite exhibits in each category on Saturday, July 29, and those receiving the most votes will be recognized on Sunday, July 30.

Howell Farm is owned by the County of Mercer and operated by the Mercer County Park Commission. It is located on Valley Road, just off Route 29, seven miles north of Washington Crossing. The GPS address is 70 Woodens Lane, Hopewell Township, NJ 08530.

Art & Life Environment International & World Lifestyle

First gen immigrant, viral Gen Z interior designer launching e-commerce, taking over your feed

Bilal Rehman, a 23-year-old luxury interior designer and content creator who has skyrocketed to social media fame for his unapologetic and comedic style, takes on design and spaces.


Rehman is leading the next generation of luxury interior design. Featured on INSIDER.COM, Buzzfeed, and The New York Times for his viral content, Bilal is next gearing up to launch his e-commerce store where he will sell home goods to make any space feel more luxurious.


From an interior design intern to CEO of his own company in only 4 years, he is ready to impress the world with his talents and branch out to create a full fledged lifestyle brand. We would love to set up an interview with you and Bilal to discuss his unique take on design, tips for styling the interiors of your home or business, and what’s next for the young artist.


As CEO of his Design Studio & Gallery based out of Houston, Texas, Bilal has already shown his skills and talented eye for design in his numerous commercial and residential design projects. Bilal takes an all-encompassing approach, focusing on every detail of the space to make sure it is cohesive and tells a story. Bilal’s commercial projects have included plastic surgery offices that strived for a less “medical office” feel, law offices meant to stand out and have a stylish atmosphere, and retail stores that promised to leave their customers feeling at the height of luxury.


Growing up with immigrant parents (dad is Pakistani and mom is Lebanese), Bilal was expected to pursue a career in law, medicine, or something of the sort. He began his college career at the University of Houston majoring in computer engineering, but found that he hated the subject and quickly switched to the much more creative major of interior design. Surprisingly, he wasn’t thrilled about this major either as he discovered you couldn’t learn the intricacies of interior design in a textbook. He was learning such things as ADA laws, building policies, etc. and craved to learn the creative side of the industry. He switched his major for a third time to pursue a business degree and began searching for an interior design internship so he could get hands-on experience in the field. While it was a struggle for him to find the internship, he finally landed one at an interior design company where he worked his way up from intern to senior level designer in only 4 years. In October of 2022, Bilal decided to launch his own company, giving him the creative freedom he desired


Bilal was active on social media, creating content surrounding his passion for interior design and using it to promote his business. In January of 2022 he decided to bring on his younger sister Maya Rehman to help with socials. She developed a brand new strategy and suddenly Bilal blew up, going viral on his socials for his genuine and comedic attitude. He credits his sister’s natural marketing talent for getting the word out about his business all over the internet and is thrilled to work hand-in-hand with her everyday as a dynamic brother-sister duo. With over 740k followers across all major social media platforms (TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube), they create content that creatively promotes and grows the Bilal Rehman Studio.


Bilal spends most of his time working on design projects, brainstorming for the future, and creating content for his business, as he loves his job and never views it so much as “work.” He is also passionate about fashion, as a person with a great eye for design whether it be in a space on a person’s body. He can also normally be found shopping, or spending time with his family and partner of 3 years, as well as his two cats and two dogs.

Art & Life Culture Education Environment Lifestyle

Audible Original series, How to Change Careers- 3 questions to ask before you make the leap

Getting a new job doesn’t always help you find happiness—you might need a new career, according to Octavia Goredema, host of the Audible Original series, How to Change Careers.


According to analysis by Pew Research Center, half of the employees who quit their jobs in 2021 made a career change. The typical American employee will spend almost 100,000 hours at work during the course of a lifetime. That equates to spending a third of our lives at work.


“The work that we do matters,” says Goredema.


“If you’ve dreamed of making a career change, this is your moment. You haven’t failed by not being where you want to be yet. Trying out a career, whether you continue to pursue it or not, is valuable life experience. Even when we know what we want to do next, changing direction is often daunting. But we’re not alone.  It is my hope that this course will shine a light on the opportunities and paths that lie ahead for you, and arm you with the tools and confidence to embark on the career you truly want.”


Goredema offers interviews, expert commentary, and has contributed articles around how to evaluate your career change options and can share three tips to clarify your next steps and overcome obstacles that stand in between where you are now and where you are headed:

  • Why:  Why are you making a career change? 
  • How: How you can do this? (8 questions to help you figure this out)
  • When: When will you do this?


About the Audible Original series, How to Change Careers

Few feelings in life are as awful as the feeling of being trapped in the wrong career. But how do you find a job that truly resonates with you? And once you’ve found it, how do you develop the confidence to take the necessary steps to arrive at the career of your dreams?


Just ask Octavia Goredema, a noted career coach and author who made a major pivot in her professional career and has never looked back. Every day, in group workshops and one-on-one coaching sessions, she helps professionals find the right path to do the work that matters to them. And in her Audible Original How to Change Careers, she coaches you through the uncertainty behind any career change and gives you the confidence to hit a reset switch on your professional life.


In five informative and inspiring lessons, you’ll learn how to determine whether you need a gradual shift or an immediate pivot in your line of work; how to build out a road map of the resources, skills, and investment required to change careers; ways to conduct focused conversations with career changemakers and personal champions; tactics for handling the common pitfalls of personal doubt and rejection; and so much more.


With this invaluable professional resource, you’ll find yourself closer than ever to where you want to be in your life—and the work you want to be doing in it.


About the Host

Octavia Goredema is host of the Audible Original series, How to Change Careers.

A career coach, author, and the founder of Twenty Ten Agency, Goredema has coached leaders at renowned companies including Google, American Airlines, Tinder, General Motors, Nike, and Dow Jones.  Goredema shares her insights in her book, PREP, PUSH, PIVOT: Essential Career Strategies for Underrepresented Women, published by Wiley. She leads the PREP, PUSH, PIVOT Mastermind Circle, a virtual group coaching program that provides a catalyst for underrepresented women to advance their careers.


An acclaimed career expert, Goredema’s insights have been featured in leading media outlets including Fortune, CNN, Fast Company, Harvard Business Review, Los Angeles Times, The Guardian, and Black Enterprise, among others. During the pandemic she co-hosted HBR Now, Harvard Business Review’sweekly show about leadership.


A dual U.S. and U.K. citizen, Goredema was appointed a Member of the Order of the British Empire by the Queen (MBE) in recognition of her work, one of Great Britain’s highest civic honors. Octavia is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, where she leads the Gender Equity Network in the United States. Originally from England, Octavia lives in Los Angeles, California.

Business Environment Lifestyle Regulations & Security Technology

Knightscope client further expands emergency communication system order

Shopping center security robot client renews contract for third year


MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. — (BUSINESS WIRE) — $KSCP #SecurityRobotKnightscope, Inc. [Nasdaq: KSCP] “(Knightscope” or the “Company),” a leading developer of autonomous security robots and blue light emergency communication systems, today announced that a University in New Jersey signed a purchase order for two additional K1 Blue Light Towers adding to the $1.25 million order announced earlier this year.

Universities are among Knightscope’s top priorities as the Company strives to protect all places people live, work, study and visit. Protecting the nation’s children and educators is essential to securing our future, and there are many steps that can be taken now to further enhance school safety as outlined in Knightscope’s blog here. New and existing users of Knightscope technologies that follow these recommendations, broaden their use of such enhanced safety measures, and continually renew service agreements further validate the Company’s efficacy and value.


Knightscope Authorized Partner Extends Shopping Mall Contract

Transcend Security Solutions – one of Arizona’s largest, premier contract security providers – extended its K5 Autonomous Security Robot (ASR) contract at a popular Arizona shopping mall for the third year. The K5 patrols the courtyard of the mall and much of the outer perimeter of the buildings that make up this mixed office and retail space. The mall prides itself on the property’s focus on technology, innovation and design, which makes Knightscope’s ASR right at home and a premium addition to their security staff.


To learn more about Knightscope’s Autonomous Security Robots and Blue Light Emergency Communication Systems, book a discovery call or demonstration now at


About Knightscope

Knightscope is an advanced public safety technology company that builds fully autonomous security robots and blue light emergency communications systems that help protect the places people live, work, study and visit. Knightscope’s long-term ambition is to make the United States of America the safest country in the world. Learn more about us at Follow Knightscope on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.


Forward-Looking Statements

This press release may contain “forward-looking statements” about Knightscope’s future expectations, plans, outlook, projections and prospects. Such forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of words such as “should,” “may,” “intends,” “anticipates,” “believes,” “estimates,” “projects,” “forecasts,” “expects,” “plans,” “proposes” and similar expressions. Forward-looking statements contained in this press release include, but are not limited to, statements about the Company’s path to profitability, the Company’s targeted annualized revenue run rate, the Company’s plans for top-line growth, the Company’s ability to deliver on its backlog of new orders, the benefits of the Company’s planned streamlining of its operations and rightsizing of its combined workforce and the Company’s ability to achieve improved margins. Although Knightscope believes that the expectations reflected in these forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, there are a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from such forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, among other things, the risk that the restructuring costs and charges may be greater than anticipated; the risk that the Company’s restructuring efforts may adversely affect the Company’s internal programs and the Company’s ability to recruit and retain skilled and motivated personnel, and may be distracting to employees and management; the risk that the Company’s restructuring efforts may negatively impact the Company’s business operations and reputation with or ability to serve customers; the risk that the Company’s restructuring efforts may not generate their intended benefits to the extent or as quickly as anticipated. Readers are urged to carefully review and consider any cautionary statements and other disclosures, including the statements made under the heading “Risk Factors” in Knightscope’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2022. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of the document in which they are contained, and Knightscope does not undertake any duty to update any forward-looking statements, except as may be required by law.


Public Relations:
Stacy Stephens
Knightscope, Inc.
(650) 924-1025

Corporate Communications:

IBN (InvestorBrandNetwork)

Los Angeles, California
310.299.1717 Office

Business Environment Lifestyle Science Technology

New research: Only 4% of US organizations avoid network outages in an average quarter

Opengear shares research revealing that 96% of US businesses experience at least one outage quarterly, pointing to the need for improved network resilience


EDISON, N.J. — (BUSINESS WIRE) — Fewer than one in twenty CIOs can claim that they have avoided a network outage, according to new research by Opengear, a Digi International company (NASDAQ, DGII, and provider of secure and Smart Out of Band management solutions.

This finding is among new research by Opengear of both CIOs and network engineers in the US. The scale and frequency of network outages is revealed by 96% of CIOs stating that they experience downtime at least once a quarter.


Further survey statistics reveal that network downtime has a significant financial impact for businesses. Figures show that for each minute of disruption, 24% of organizations lose between $2,501 and $5,000. As an average, this figure equates to $4,344 for every minute of downtime incurred.


Due to continued network outages and rising economic pressures, 79% of CIOs now say it’s harder to meet customer expectations in today’s environment, a concern also reflected by 68% of network engineers.


92% of CIOs have therefore increased their budget over the last 12 months to improve their network resilience, with almost half (44%) dedicating over 50% of their IT budget to infrastructure spend in order to secure their operations.


“Our research findings lay bare the challenges that organizations in the US are facing with network outages in 2023,” said Gary Marks, President at Opengear. “It’s perhaps unsurprising that CIOs are allocating more investment to network resiliency to ensure that downtime doesn’t occur. The key is where this investment is being targeted. From critical first day deployments and everyday maintenance, to worst day scenarios such as network outages, organizations need always-on access to their critical resources to ensure business continuity. Smart Out of Band technologies can enable remediation of network issues from any location, helping to reinforce business resilience in a difficult economic climate.”


About Opengear

Opengear, a Digi International company, delivers secure, resilient access and automation to support critical IT infrastructure on the First Day, Every Day and Worst Day. Through presence and proximity, Opengear solutions enable provisioning, orchestration, and remote management of network devices through innovative software and appliances. Opengear solutions are trusted by global organizations across financial, digital communications, retail, and manufacturing sectors. The company is headquartered in New Jersey, with an R&D center in Brisbane, Australia. For more information, visit


About Digi International

Digi International (NASDAQ: DGII) is a leading global provider of business and mission-critical Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity products and solutions. We help our customers create next-generation connected products and solutions to deploy, monitor, and manage critical communications infrastructures and compliance standards in demanding environments with high levels of security, relentless reliability, and bulletproof performance. Founded in 1985, the company has helped customers connect more than 100 million things – and counting. For more information, visit, or call 877-912-3444 (U.S.) or 952-912-3444 (International).


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Emily Fishburn
+44 (0) 1252 727313

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Peter Ramsay / Melinda Pham

Global Results Communications
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New Jersey Resources hosts inaugural Shareholder Appreciation Day and presents the New Jersey Resources Innovation Award

Christopher Chen named inaugural recipient


WALL, N.J. — (BUSINESS WIRE) — New Jersey Resources Corporation (NYSE: NJR) today hosted its inaugural Shareholder Appreciation Day. This event provided existing shareholders with the opportunity to meet senior management and to interact with leaders across the company’s various business units.

Steve Westhoven, President and CEO of New Jersey Resources said, “Today’s Shareholder Appreciation Day is an opportunity for us to say thank you to our shareholders for their investment and confidence in New Jersey Resources. At every level of our company, we are committed to rewarding that trust.”


At the event, Mr. Westhoven presented the company’s first-ever New Jersey Resources Innovation Award to Christopher Chen, Manager of Business Development at New Jersey Natural Gas (NJNG), the principal subsidiary of NJR. In his role for the company, Mr. Chen led the development of the first Green Hydrogen Blending Facility in New Jersey and on the East Coast. This cutting-edge pilot project blends carbon-free hydrogen into NJNG’s distribution network to help decarbonize the energy it delivers to customers.


“We created the New Jersey Resources Innovation Award to recognize those who personify a commitment to developing transformative solutions that benefit our company, customers and the communities we serve,” said Mr. Westhoven.


“We are pleased to present our first ever Innovation Award to Chris Chen. Chris and his team conceptualized, designed and successfully built our hydrogen facility during a pandemic. Since its launch, it has been actively delivering green hydrogen into our customers’ homes. It Is people like Chris that reflect and embody the way New Jersey Resources is leading through innovation.”


About New Jersey Resources:

New Jersey Resources (NYSE: NJR) is a Fortune 1000 company that, through its subsidiaries, provides safe and reliable natural gas and clean energy services, including transportation, distribution, asset management and home services. NJR is composed of five primary businesses:

  • New Jersey Natural Gas, NJR’s principal subsidiary,operates and maintains over 7,700 miles of natural gas transportation and distribution infrastructure to serve over 570,000 customers in New Jersey’s Monmouth, Ocean and parts of Morris, Middlesex, Sussex and Burlington counties.
  • Clean Energy Ventures invests in, owns and operates solar projects with a total capacity of approximately 440 megawatts, providing residential and commercial customers with low-carbon solutions.
  • Energy Services manages a diversified portfolio of natural gas transportation and storage assets and provides physical natural gas services and customized energy solutions to its customers across North America.
  • Storage and Transportation serves customers from local distributors and producers to electric generators and wholesale marketers through its ownership of Leaf River and the Adelphia Gateway Pipeline, as well as our 50% equity ownership in the Steckman Ridge natural gas storage facility.
  • Home Services provides service contracts as well as heating, central air conditioning, water heaters, standby generators, solar and other indoor and outdoor comfort products to residential homes throughout New Jersey.


NJR and its over 1,300 employees are committed to helping customers save energy and money by promoting conservation and encouraging efficiency through Conserve to Preserve® and initiatives such as The SAVEGREEN Project® and The Sunlight Advantage®.

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Follow us on Twitter @NJNaturalGas.

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Traversing the great divide: How to navigate the contentious debate over the future of AI

Addressing AI Angst: Expert offers 15 ways to having productive, civil discourse on artificial intelligence—the preeminent hot-button tech topic spurring heated discussions, debates and disagreements


As the digital era rages on, perhaps no technology topic is more polarizing at the moment than that of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). Specifically, what are the roles these rapidly emerging nextgen technologies will, and should play in our daily lives and professions?

In the ever-expanding realm of AI, having civil conversations that address the potential and concerns surrounding this technology has become increasingly challenging. The two most extreme camps—one fearing an apocalyptic future ruled by machines and the other advocating for unchecked AI development—clash vehemently, leaving little room (nor inclinations) for more nuanced discussions.


Recognizing the urgent need for far more open dialogue and understanding, Milan Kordestani, famed Gen Z author of the new, number one best-selling book “I’m Just Saying: A Guide to Maintaining Civil Discourse in an Increasingly Divided World,” provides the below insights to serve as a de facto roadmap for engaging in productive conversations about present and future implications of AI and ML.


“The conversation surrounding AI is fueled by two extreme and polarized viewpoints,” explains Kordestani.


“On one side, there are those who harbor deep-rooted fears, reminiscent of dystopian sci-fi movies, wherein AI spells the demise of humanity. These individuals see AI as Skynet (of Terminator movie fame) come to life. This as an uncontrollable force that will override human control and wreak havoc on society. On the other side of the spectrum, there are proponents of unregulated AI development, who argue for unbridled advancement without consideration for potential job loss, ethical concerns, and socio-economic implications. This clash of ideologies creates an environment rife with hostility and ideological impasses.”


“The stakes are undeniably high when it comes to AI,” underscores Kordestani.


“The fear-driven perspective believes that the very survival of humanity hangs in the balance, while the unregulated development camp emphasizes the limitless possibilities and potential for progress. Such deeply entrenched positions make it difficult to find common ground, and discussions often devolve into heated exchanges and stubborn resistance to opposing viewpoints. Moreover, the rapid pace of AI advancements and the complex nature of its implications exacerbate the challenges, leaving little time for informed discourse and reflection.”


To combat this, Kordestani believes that having civil conversations about AI is crucial because the stakes are high and the impact of this technology on society at large is profound. The above strategies offer an easy-to-undertake though much-needed roadmap for engaging in productive and respectful dialogue. By acknowledging fears, bridging gaps, educating, fostering collaboration, considering ethical implications, and encouraging long-term thinking, individuals can navigate the minefield of AI discussions with nuance and open-mindedness.


Kordestani’s strategies provided below, singularly and in combination, are intended to foster more civil discourse amidst the high-stakes nature of AI’s impact on society. Here’s how he suggests we can communicate more effectively and productively on the topic.


  1. Consider Ethical Implications: Engage in discussions around the ethical dimensions of AI, such as data privacy, bias, and accountability. Encourage thoughtful examination of potential risks and safeguards to ensure responsible AI development.
  1. Reflect on Your Own Position: Think about your own position within discussions about AI and reflect on your biases. Honestly evaluate your views, and determine if biases or intent is skewing your perspectives. Listen to your own tone and language to ensure you are being respectful.
  1. Listen Actively: Acknowledge people’s fears and concerns genuinely. Actively listen to their questions, doubts, and criticisms. Create a safe space where they feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and emotions.
  1. Empathize: Understand that fears and concerns about AI often stem from misinformation or a lack of understanding. Put yourself in their shoes and show empathy for their worries. Avoid dismissing or trivializing their concerns.
  1. Provide Accurate Information: Offer clear, concise, and accurate explanations about AI. Avoid technical jargon and use simple language to ensure everyone can understand. Provide examples and real-life applications to illustrate how AI can be beneficial.
  1. Discuss Current Regulations: Talk about existing regulations and policies in place to ensure the ethical and responsible use of AI. Explain how governments, organizations, and researchers are working together to address concerns and develop frameworks for AI governance.
  1. Educate and Inform: Counter misinformation and misunderstandings about AI by providing accurate information and insights. Share real-world examples of how AI is already improving lives and address concerns regarding job displacement, ethics, and transparency.
  1. Address Potential Risks: Acknowledge the potential risks and challenges associated with AI, such as job displacement, ethical concerns, and privacy issues. Discuss ongoing research and initiatives aimed at mitigating these risks. Highlight the importance of responsible AI development.
  2. Showcase Benefits and Opportunities: While addressing fears and concerns, also emphasize the positive aspects of AI. Talk about the potential benefits, such as improved healthcare, enhanced productivity, and personalized experiences. Highlight how AI can augment human capabilities rather than replace them.
  3. Acknowledge Fears and Concerns: Start by validating the fears and concerns of those who envision a dystopian AI future. By acknowledging their perspective, a foundation for constructive dialogue can be established.
  4. Encourage Long-Term Thinking: Shift the conversation from immediate fears to long-term perspectives. Explore the potential for AI to amplify human abilities, solve complex problems, and enhance various aspects of daily life.
  1. Bridge the Gap: Emphasize the need for open-mindedness and the exploration of shared values. Look for common ground, such as the desire to ensure ethical AI development or the pursuit of technologies that benefit society as a whole.
  1. Involve Diverse Perspectives: Ensure that discussions about AI involve diverse voices and perspectives. Include experts from various fields, policymakers, ethicists, and individuals directly impacted by AI to provide a well-rounded understanding of the topic.
  1. Be Transparent: Maintain transparency about AI development, deployment, and decision-making processes. Discuss data handling practices, algorithmic biases, and any potential risks openly. Transparency fosters trust and helps address concerns about AI’s impact on society.
  1. Foster Collaboration: Encourage collaboration between technology experts, policymakers, ethicists, and other stakeholders to collectively shape AI’s trajectory. Highlight the importance of interdisciplinary dialogue and the need to find balanced solutions.


The urgency to leave behind extreme positions and embrace civil discourse is paramount. Only through respectful and informed conversations can we find common ground, address concerns, and work towards a future where AI is harnessed as a tool that benefits humanity. By following Kordestani’s guidance and approaching AI discussions with empathy, knowledge and a genuine desire to understand different perspectives, we can collectively shape the trajectory of AI in a responsible and inclusive manner.


In this era of rapid technological advancements, the need for civil conversations about AI cannot be overstated. Let us rise above the heated battles and engage in meaningful exchanges that pave the way for a future where AI is accurately represented and understood—even amid differing positions about its cultural value.


About the Expert
Milan Kordestani is author of the new book “I’m Just Saying: A Guide to Maintaining Civil Discourse in an Increasingly Divided World”—a straightforward look at the history and the art of maintaining courteous communication in an increasingly divided world.


In I’m Just Saying,  author Milan Kordestani shows us that although challenging conversations can be unpleasant, they can also help us grow. Sometimes, people inspire us to change how we speak, making us better communicators in the process as we search to find common ground with those with whom we disagree. Kordestani uses contemporary case studies and personal experience to teach readers how to have constructive conversations by engaging in civil discourse—the idea that good-faith actors can reach consensus on any opinion-based disagreement. He discusses influential leaders and reflects on his successes and failures in creating The Doe, an online publication focused on civil discourse. He addresses the challenges that digital media consumption presents when seeking common ground—especially when people are only digitally connected.

The book is broken into sequential order, like modules of a lesson plan. Each chapter tackles a specific aspect of civil discourse, from the importance of active listening to the dangers of point-scoring in confrontational conversations. The conversational tone and writing style make for an engaging read, and the Q&A sections that break up the chapters provide a refreshing change of pace.


Kordestani’s personal anecdotes make the book relatable and add another layer of personality and personability. He acknowledges his own wealth and upbringing and how that has played into his life, not hiding from it but thanking it. The book is a conversation, and the “Let’s Talk” section shows that he is open to two-way communication and sets a tone for the rest of the book.


Kordestani is an entrepreneur, writer and founder of several companies who is redefining the meaning of success in business. With a focus on building sustainable businesses that drive positive social change at scale, Milan is a three-time founder who wants to encourage solutions beyond his companies through storytelling and narration of civil discourse.


Milan’s companies prioritize transparent practice, civil discourse, and respect for creatives, including “The Doe,” an anonymously published narrative publication launched in 2019 to promote civil discourse. Audo, the only personalized career-building destination that lets you learn skills and earn money at the same time, and Guin Records, an innovative record label that offers artist-friendly deals and helps purpose-driven lyricists to produce their visions while retaining control of their masters.


I’m Just Saying is an essential guide for anyone who wants to learn how to communicate more effectively and respectfully in today’s polarized society. Kordestani’s personal anecdotes, practical advice, and engaging writing style make this book a must-read for anyone who wants to promote civil discourse and find common ground with those whose opinions differ from their own.


Milan’s overarching expertise in entrepreneurship and civil discourse makes him a sought after expert. Whether discussing the future of sustainable business practices, the importance of civil discourse in today’s polarized society, or the art of entrepreneurship, Milan offers unique insights that are sure to engage and inspire listeners.