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Growing cybersecurity demand opportunity to create more racially inclusive workforce

Cybersecurity experts are in demand, but the current workforce contains too few African Americans and other minorities. Creating a more racially inclusive workforce benefits everyone and is vital to better identify technological risks and vulnerabilities. David Lee, founder of The Identity Jedi, explains how the industry can improve representation and the benefits that will offer.



MARIETTA, Ga.  — African Americans make up only 9.2% of cybersecurity analysts.1 This lack of representation is not merely unfortunate; it presents multiple issues in terms of creating effective security protocols and addressing critical vulnerabilities.


David Lee, and expert on identity access management and founder of The Identity Jedi, explains, “We live in a world where tech is intertwined in everything we do. In order to create products that serve all people, we need to make sure that we have all people building those products.”


The value behind bridging the diversity gap

Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) has become a hot topic in all industries, with research indicating how these initiatives can improve a company’s performance and outcomes. Companies that reported above-average diversity on their management teams also reported innovation revenue that was 19% higher than that of companies with below-average leadership diversity—45% of total revenue versus just 26%.2


Other benefits to DEI for organizations include greater cash flow and the ability to capture new markets as well as increased profitability. Studies have found 2.3 times higher cash flow than those of companies with more monolithic staff.3 Diverse organizations are also 70% more likely to capture new markets than companies that do not incorporate under-represented groups in their recruitment processes.Finally, a 1% increase in racial diversity similarity between upper and lower management increases firm productivity by between $729 and $1,590 per employee per year.5


The first step in bridging the diversity gap is to develop representation. As Lee says, “There are a million ways to accomplish something in tech. The more diverse perspective you have, the stronger product you get. Tech is used by everyone, so it should be created by a representation of everyone.”
He challenges organizations to:

  • Actually want to solve the problem. If an organization doesn’t really care, then it will show in their efforts and results.
  • Talk to current Black employees and create a safe space for them to talk about their experience.
  • Engage with the local community, from historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) to Black tech organizations such as Cyversity, NSBE and ACM, among others, and connect talent departments to these pipelines.


Become intentional about diversity, equity and inclusion

Lee finds that having an intentional DE&I program helps bring awareness and representation to the field of cybersecurity. “Organizations need to engage with HBCU’s,” he advises “Connect with their computer science and engineering departments to host events and provide pathways to connect with candidates.”


Other ways that cybersecurity companies or any organization can boost their employee diversity include creating a safe space for workers to connect with their co-workers and embrace their culture via employee resource groups. Offering leadership training on bias that includes open and intentional conversations with company leaders about bias can also be beneficial.


Lee’s firsthand experiences as a Black professional within the technology industry inspired him to write “The Only One in the Room: The Unwritten Laws of Being Black in Tech.” The book shares the challenges he and other African Americans have faced in that sector, in addition to drawing attention to the importance of representation and diversity in reshaping the industry.


About The Identity Jedi

David Lee transitioned from a software engineering background to become a harbinger of change and inclusivity in the tech world. With over two decades of experience, he has left his mark on government agencies, Fortune 500 companies, and numerous fields, specializing in identity and access management. Recognizing that for technology to truly transform the world, it must embrace diversity, David serves as an agent of transformation, inspiring individuals to unlock their full potential. His influential voice and actionable insights have solidified his reputation as a respected figure in the ever-evolving tech landscape. When he speaks people listen. He is The Identity Jedi.



  1. “Cyber Security Analyst demographics and statistics in the US”; Zippia; Accessed October 26, 2023;
  2. Rocío Lorenzo, Nicole Voigt, Miki Tsusaka, Matt Krentz, and Katie Abouzahr; “How Diverse Leadership Teams Boost Innovation”; January 23, 2018; Boston Consulting Group;
  3. Reiners, Bailey; “50 Diversity in the Workplace Statistics to Know”; Built in; updated March 28, 2023;
  4. Sylvia Ann Hewlett, Melinda Marshall, Laura Sherbin; “How Diversity Can Drive Innovation”; Harvard Business Review; December 2013;
  5. Lauren Turner, Maya Fischhoff; “How Diversity Increases Productivity”; Network for Business Sustainability; January 19, 2021;



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The Firsd Tea Sustainability Perspectives 2023 report finds tea outperforms coffee in 4 key sustainability areas

Firsd Tea’s new report suggests industry experts view some sustainability efforts in tea more favorably than in coffee

… the discovery that tea is perceived as performing relatively well in these sustainability areas came as a breath of fresh air.

SECAUCUS, N.J. – According to a new report from Firsd Tea, the largest importer of Chinese tea in the U.S., most professionals in tea and related industries—such as coffee and cocoa—say the tea industry outperforms coffee across four key sustainability focus areas.


Firsd Tea Sustainability Perspectives 2023 is the second annual survey that continues a first-of-its-kind global 2022 study to gauge opinions of tea sustainability among associated experts.


Specifically, most respondents in 2023 viewed tea as performing “very well or somewhat well” regarding reducing its environmental impact (75%), workers’ rights (64%), gender equity (58%), and improving the livelihood of smallholder farmers (66%) when compared with coffee and cocoa sectors.


“With so much negative news about the environment in the press, the discovery that tea is perceived as performing relatively well in these sustainability areas came as a breath of fresh air,” Firsd Tea marketing director, Jason Walker, explains. He adds, “What’s so compelling about our global 2023 study’s findings compared with those in 2022 is that a larger slice of our respondents were actually from the coffee industry this go-around.” Coffee professionals comprised 36% of this year’s vs. 19% of last year’s study.


Apart from revealing tea’s notable perceived performance in key sustainability areas, the study also found:

  • Most survey-takers remain worried about the effects of climate change on their business operations (80% in 2022 vs. 75% in 2023).


  • Tea is still considered the most sensitive industry to the effects of climate change by most professionals in tea and related industries (93% in 2022 vs. 95% in 2023).


  • Most respondents in tea and related industries still agree Organic Certification is the most important standard to consumers (84% in 2022 vs. 88% in 2023).


  • Compared with Firsd Tea’s 2022 study, Vietnam (+37%), Kenya (+33%), China (+26%), and Sri Lanka (+26%) saw outstanding perceived sustainability improvements in 2023.


  • Most respondents in tea and related industries report improved outlooks on progress made in sustainability from 10 years ago, the current state of sustainability in tea, and the trajectory for the next 10 years.


“We are honored to continue this essential research to encourage stakeholders across tea and related industries to reflect on and prioritize sustainability,” explains Firsd Tea executive director, Shengyuan Chen.


The study derives its results from a three-month long survey conducted from May 2023 to July 2023 in collaboration with Tea & Coffee Trade Journal, a 120+ year-old publication covering the global tea and coffee industries from origin through the supply chain. Princeton-based Crothers Consulting administered the survey to 100 voluntary respondents conducting business in tea and related sectors (e.g. coffee, wine and cocoa).


For the full Firsd Tea Sustainability Perspectives 2023 Report, click here.


About Firsd Tea:

Firsd Tea is the U.S. subsidiary of parent company, Zhejiang Tea Group, Ltd. (ZJT), China’s largest tea exporter and the world leader in green tea exports. Founded in 1950, ZJT has been the largest tea producer and exporter in China for 25 consecutive years. The company has remained one of the leading and most technologically advanced manufacturers and innovators in the Chinese tea industry. ZJT boasts strategic collaboration with the Science Department of Zhejiang University as well as the Hangzhou Tea Research Institute of All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Co-operatives. Zhejiang Tea Group’s portfolio of products include EU compliant conventional teas and organic teas (first organic tea producer in China since 1989), decaf teas (one of only two companies in China who have a CO2 decaf facility) and chemical solvent-free tea extractions, including instant teas, tea polyphenols, and EGCG.


About the Firsd Tea Sustainability Perspectives study:

The Firsd Tea Sustainability Perspectives study is an annual, first-of-its-kind global tea report that derives its findings from a survey of voluntary respondents conducting business in tea and related industries (e.g. coffee, sugar cane, wine and cocoa). Survey responses are primarily generated by website posting and subscriber outreach by Firsd Tea and The Tea & Coffee Trade Journal, direct messaging on platforms such as LinkedIn, and word-of-mouth networking. Industry-specific organizations also promote the survey by sharing it with their respective stakeholders.


Art & Life Culture Education Lifestyle Programs & Events

NJPF announces AI workshop for photographers and other artists

Nancy Ori and Umesh Bhatt will be doing two workshops: Nov. 12 in-person in Berkeley Heights, and Nov. 26 on Zoom regarding Artificial Intelligence image creation.

Both sessions will run from 11-4 p.m. Each will have limited seating in order to give participants a lot of one-on-one attention.


“Create images you could never do before. Artificial Intelligence software makes it possible to create images literally off the top of your head. You are no longer restricted to the images that come out of your camera and the traditional manipulations you know how to do in post-production.”


This workshop is specific to photographers and will teach them to create images that look like real photographs taken with a camera! Join them for a fun-filled day of learning how to set your computer up and get started using this new tool. Participants will not believe  when they see what it can do as soon as they take charge of the software.


Umesh and Nancy will demonstrate step by step so you will have no fumbling with the set up. Things are so new and obviously designed by techies, so having a techie and a right brainer explain it to you will be immensely helpful. Umesh and Nancy are the perfect combination to get you up to speed. You do not need to own any other complicated software programs. It will work with any type of subject matter. If you can imagine and describe it, you can create it. Supplement your library of images in a new and easy way.


Topics will include:

·      MidJourney installation, setup, and time for hands-on.

·      A formula and tools for creating effective prompts.

·      Using AI to generate photographs – Tips and techniques.

·      Use AI software to enhance your photographs (in painting, out painting etc.)

·      Learn how to use Photoshop Firefly, DALL-E, Stable Diffusion etc.

·      Advanced techniques to take your photographs to new levels never done before.


As an engineer at the top of his game with technology, Umesh has used his quest for precision and logic to inform his approach to photography. Through these workshops, he will share his passion for the craft and love of new technology. His analytical mind has drawn him to the exciting frontier of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Umesh says, “Let’s see what we can discover and create together during this workshop. In the world of art and photography, anything is possible.”


Nancy is the owner of New Jersey Media Center, LLC in Berkeley Heights where she continues to do product, portrait, and food photography after a 25-year career as photographer and manager of video and photographic services for Ciba and Novartis Pharmaceuticals. Nancy was taught by Ansel Adams and then affiliated for many years with the Ansel Adams Workshop in CA. She enjoys teaching locally and running photography tours globally. In 1994, she founded the New Jersey Photography Forum, which under Ori’s direction, has become the largest and most recognized group of fine art exhibiting photographers in the state. Nancy says, “Join us for this cutting-edge workshop and get inspired. Your creative world now has infinite possibilities. Let us help you open the door! You will only need a laptop and an open mind.”


Contact Nancy at for more information and to register.

Art & Life Culture Education International & World Lifestyle Programs & Events

New Jersey Photography Forum announces opening of 29th Juried International Photography Exhibit ‘Our Best’

The NJ Photography Forum opened its 29th International Photography Exhibit, “Our Best,” online and in person on Nov. 1, 2023.


There are 66 works by 31 artists  for this year’s show selected from hundreds of entries which came from across the U.S and around the globe. The show will remain available online until Jan. 15, 2024. The in-person exhibit will be on display at the Watchung Arts Center in Watchung, N.J. from Nov. 1, through Dec. 3, 2023.


Nancy Ori, Director of the NJ Photography Forum and the Curator of the exhibit was very enthusiastic about the response to the call for submissions and says, “the emotional impact of the pieces range from mysterious and thought provoking, to stunning black and whites and digitally enhanced pieces, to traditional and beautiful color works. The variety of creative ideas and processing techniques has produced a stunning exhibit.”


There will be an Opening Reception and Holiday Art Fair: Sunday, Nov. 5, 2023, 1-4 p.m. (EST) at the Watchung Arts Center, Watchung, N.J. on the circle. The reception is free and open to the public. Wine and refreshments will be served.


The public is also invited to attend an online conference via Zoom moderated by the Curator to review the exhibit and hear from some of the artists on Nov. 18, 2023 from 3-5 p.m. eastern time. Contact Nancy Ori to get the link.


At the same time as the Our Best exhibit is in the Main Gallery of the Watchung Art Center, the New Jersey Photography Forum will also be showing The Best One, works by the members of the Forum’s Exhibit Committee in the more intimate downstairs gallery. Both exhibits can be viewed during regular gallery hours.


All of the images will be for sale with a portion of the proceeds going to support the Watchung Arts Center.


Four years ago, The New Jersey Photography Forum celebrated the 25th anniversary of its founding. The group is dedicated to furthering the interests of professional and serious photographers living or working in the Metro area. Under the direction of Nancy Ori, the NJPF has grown to be the largest and most recognized group of fine art exhibiting photographers in the state.


The monthly meetings are held virtually using Zoom or in-person at the Visual Arts Center of New Jersey in Summit when possible. Meeting attendees are encouraged to share expertise and advance their skills. At each meeting, member and guest photographers have an opportunity to show their work as well as have access to a wide variety of current creative and technical information through informal presentations and demonstrations. Exhibition possibilities within the fine art community are constantly being explored with the group producing as many as a dozen group exhibits each year at various venues. These opportunities have become an invaluable resource for Metro area photographers interested in becoming fine art exhibitors.


The Watchung Arts Center offers new art exhibitions each month, performances of music, comedy, improv and classes for children and adults in art, photography, dance, yoga, and more. Visit the Watchung Arts Center website at: for exhibit visitation times and current activities. The center is located at 18 Stirling Road in Watchung, N.J. on the circle.


You can learn more about the New Jersey Photography Forum by visiting their web site at where you will also find a link to the online exhibit or by contacting Nancy Ori at

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Skechers Pier to Pier Friendship Walk celebrates 15th anniversary with more than $3M raised for kids

Presented by Kinecta Federal Credit Union, the Annual Event Broke Records and Will Help Thousands of Children with Diverse Needs, Public Education and Scholarships


LOS ANGELES — (BUSINESS WIRE) — The Skechers Pier to Pier Friendship Walk celebrated its 15th anniversary event with more than $3 million raised for children with special needs, public education, and national scholarships—totaling over $24 million in donations since its inception in 2009. Thousands of registrants contributed to these causes at the milestone event, which was supported by Presenting Sponsor Kinecta Federal Credit Union and over 100 generous businesses and donors, and featured Brooke Burke, Mr. T and Amanda Kloots along with performances from Young Selena singer and America’s Got Talent golden buzzer winner Madison Taylor Baez, Team Siwa’s pop group XOMG POP! and teen group FuturePop.

“I am very fortunate to have a platform to do good, and to be part of an organization at Skechers and the community of the South Bay that believes in giving back. It’s been my greatest joy to make a difference through philanthropy, especially the Skechers Pier to Pier Friendship Walk,” said Michael Greenberg, founder of the Walk.

“For over 15 years, I’ve seen thousands of our children form friendships, mature into young adults, realize their purpose, set out into the world—all the way knowing that we are here for them, behind them. The Walk has been such a beautiful and moving day to be part of, year after year—from seeing all the walkers to our generous celebrities and volunteers to incredible organizations like Kinecta and companies with so much heart—all here to uplift our kids. I’m deeply grateful for this experience—I know we’re helping future generations, and I encourage every community to do the same. I always say, ‘give until it hurts.’ But really, seeing the smiles on the kids’ faces, it just feels good.”


“This walk is about the power of friendship, which is actually quite profound when you think about it,” added fitness encourager and television host Brooke Burke. “Friendship is the thread that connects every human. It inspires us to make the impossible possible. And it’s the constant I’ve seen over the 12 years I’ve supported this walk. From the parents, neighbors and kids to the engaged sponsors and performers, athletes and icons who have graced this stage, everyone is here to celebrate friendship year after year.”


“This is my first time here, and what a thrill it’s been,” added actor and icon Mr. T. “Every kid has room to grow—there are no ceilings to what any person can learn and achieve. And what an amazing, special day this community has made to help them on their way. The energy and enthusiasm at this event is incredible. This Walk’s going to keep celebrating for 15 more years and beyond—and I’m so happy to be part of this beautiful legacy of love for our kids.”


Historically California’s largest event for children with special needs and education, the 3.5-mile Skechers Pier to Pier Friendship Walk supports the future Friendship Campus (The Greenberg Family / Skechers Center)—a $55 million, 3.25-acre campus that will offer a life-changing community for friendship and learning. Planned for completion by year-end 2025, the facility will include numerous vocational programs including a Creative Arts Center, Culinary Institute, Recreation Center, Life Skills programming, and early education and mentoring opportunities, giving young adults the tools to transition to the workforce and find lifelong passion and purpose.


The Campus will also be home to the new headquarters for the Friendship Foundation, which offers companionship, celebrates uniqueness and encourages acceptance for all with diverse abilities. The organization offers over 60 in-person programs such as art, music, fitness, sign language, science, social emotional wellness and yoga, as well as pop-up programs like virtual scavenger hunts and talent shows that are free for anyone to attend locally and across the United States.


Academically, the Walk supports public school education foundations—reducing class sizes, updating labs, libraries and facilities and protecting teachers’ jobs. The Skechers Foundation’s national scholarship program also gives a portion of Walk proceeds to students with financial need and proven excellence in academics, athletics and leadership, donating more than $1.1 million in scholarships to date.


The Skechers Pier to Pier Friendship Walk thanks Presenting Sponsor Kinecta Federal Credit Union and all of its sponsors, including Nickelodeon, Rare Beauty, Schwartz Family Foundation, Steel Sports, United Legwear & Apparel Co., Big 5 Sporting Goods, Petco Love, TJX Companies, Chevron, Bank of America, Ross Stores, Barco, Dakine, Vertra, LA Kings, LA Dodgers, McCarthy, LA Angels, Continental Development, WSS, Turkish Airlines, Cushman & Wakefield and many more companies that are committed to supporting our children.


To watch this year’s Skechers Pier to Pier Friendship Walk and learn more about the event, please visit or YouTube, and follow the Walk on Facebook, X and Instagram.


About Skechers Foundation

Established in 2010 to help children in need, the Skechers Foundation is dedicated to strengthening communities to ensure the health, success and well-being of youth worldwide. We invest in a global network of charitable organizations dedicated to embracing individuals with diverse abilities, improving education, empowering disadvantaged families and providing humanitarian, disaster and economic relief. By supporting millions through our products and services, we aspire to make a valiant effort in creating stronger, self-sufficient individuals for future generations.


About Skechers USA, Inc.

Skechers U.S.A., Inc. (NYSE:SKX), a Fortune 500® company based in Southern California, designs, develops and markets a diverse range of lifestyle and performance footwear, apparel and accessories for men, women and children. Collections from The Comfort Technology Company™ are available in 180 countries and territories through department and specialty stores, and direct to consumers through digital stores and over 4,900 Company- and third-party-owned physical retail stores. The Company manages its international business through a network of wholly-owned subsidiaries, joint venture partners, and distributors. For more information, please visit and follow us on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.


About Kinecta Federal Credit Union

Headquartered in Manhattan Beach, California, Kinecta Federal Credit Union is one of the country’s largest credit unions, with assets of $6.7 billion and more than 270,000 members from coast to coast. Banking the Southern California area for more than 80 years, with additional branches in New York, New Jersey, Northern California and Florida, Kinecta offers its members a full range of financial products from banking, lending and insurance to wealth management services. Kinecta has been recognized by the Mortgage Bankers Association as a recipient of its Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Residential Leadership Award, and received the Best of Show award granted by the Credit Union National Association (CUNA) Technology Council. Residents of Rochester, NY, voted Kinecta as a finalist for Best Credit Union in the Democrat & Chronicle’s annual Rochester Choice Awards in 2022. Forbes awarded Kinecta as a top-ranked credit union in California on its America’s Best Credit Unions in Each State 2022 List. Kinecta has 29 branches, and its members can use a network of more than 5,800 shared branches and access over 85,000 fee-free ATMs nationwide. For more information on Kinecta, visit the website and LinkedIn.


This announcement contains forward-looking statements that are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These forward-looking statements may include, without limitation, Skechers’ future domestic and international growth, financial results and operations including expected net sales and earnings, its development of new products, future demand for its products, its planned domestic and international expansion, opening of new stores and additional expenditures, and advertising and marketing initiatives. Forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking language such as “believe,” “anticipate,” “expect,” “estimate,” “intend,” “plan,” “project,” “will,” “could,” “may,” “might,” or any variations of such words with similar meanings. Any such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected in forward-looking statements. Factors that might cause or contribute to such differences include the disruption of business and operations due to the COVID-19 pandemic; delays or disruptions in our supply chain; international economic, political and market conditions including the effects of inflation and foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations around the world, the challenging consumer retail markets in the United States, and the impact of wars, acts of war and other conflicts around the world; sustaining, managing and forecasting costs and proper inventory levels; losing any significant customers; decreased demand by industry retailers and cancellation of order commitments due to the lack of popularity of particular designs and/or categories of products; maintaining brand image and intense competition among sellers of footwear for consumers, especially in the highly competitive performance footwear market; anticipating, identifying, interpreting or forecasting changes in fashion trends, consumer demand for the products and the various market factors described above; sales levels during the spring, back-to-school and holiday selling seasons; and other factors referenced or incorporated by reference in Skechers’ annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2022 and its quarterly reports on Form 10-Q in 2023. Taking these and other risk factors associated with the COVID-19 pandemic into consideration, the dynamic nature of these circumstances means that what is stated in this press release could change at any time, and as a result, actual results could differ materially from those contemplated by such forward-looking statements. The risks included here are not exhaustive. Skechers operates in a very competitive and rapidly changing environment. New risks emerge from time to time and we cannot predict all such risk factors, nor can we assess the impact of all such risk factors on our business or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statements. Given these risks and uncertainties, you should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements as a prediction of actual results. Moreover, reported results should not be considered an indication of future performance.


Jennifer Clay

(310) 937-1326

Business Digital - AI & Apps Education Lifestyle Technology

Google completes its switch to mobile-first indexing of Search, a process that began in November 2016, and plans to reduce use of its legacy desktop crawler

—  Google said it will turn off the indexing crawler information in the settings page in Search Console.



Barry Schwartz / Search Engine Land:


Google’s mobile-first indexing initiative that started just about seven years ago is now complete, according to Google. “It’s been a long road, getting from there to here. We’re delighted to announce that the trek to Mobile First Indexing is now complete,” John Mueller from Google wrote on the Google blog.


History. As a reminder, Google started mobile-first indexing over 6.5 years ago, and eventually, after publishing deadline after deadline, Google removed the deadline. Google first introduced mobile-first indexing back in November 2016, and by December 2018, half of all sites in Google’s search results were from mobile-first indexing. Mobile-first indexing simply means that Google will crawl your site from the eyes of a mobile browser and use that mobile version for indexing and ranking.


Google in early March 2020, before all the lockdowns began across most of the world, announced the deadline for all sites to switch over to mobile-first indexing would be September 2020. At that time, Google said, “To simplify, we’ll be switching to mobile-first indexing for all websites starting September 2020.”  Then in July 2020, Google moved that deadline once again to March 2021.


But in May, Google told us that it was done switching sites over to mobile-indexing, so this announcement, that it is “done” now is a bit confusing.


What now. Google said there is “a very small set of sites which do not work on mobile devices at all.” Google explained that those “are primarily that the page shows errors to all mobile users, that the mobile version of the site is blocked with robots.txt while the desktop version is allowed for crawling, or that all pages on the mobile site redirect to the homepage.”


Google said these types of issues are issues that Google cannot workaround. Google said it will “continue to try to crawl these sites with our legacy desktop Googlebot crawler for the time being, and will re-evaluate the list a few times a year.”


Google will also reduce its crawling with legacy desktop Googlebot.


Search Console changes. Google also announced that it will be turning off the indexing crawler information in the settings page in Google Search Console. Google is removing this because the “information is no longer needed since all websites that work on mobile devices are now being primarily crawled with our mobile crawler,” Google explained.


Why we care. That is all folks – this is one for the history books. Mobile-first indexing is now really done, and Google will soon stop crawling via its legacy desktop crawler completely.



Read more here:

Google says mobile-first indexing is complete after almost 7 years



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Sources: Byju’s plans to sell Epic, acquired for $500M, to settle debts after defaulting on $1.2B+ in loans, and may also sell Great Learning, bought for $600M

—  Online education company was once India’s most valuable start-up but now plans asset sales to settle debts



Chloe Cornish / Financial Times:



An educational technology empire rapidly assembled by Byju’s during a pandemic funding boom is now set to be dismantled, as what was once India’s most valuable start-up looks to asset disposals to settle its pressing debts.


Byju’s had used loans and a war chest of more than $2bn, gathered from venture capital during the pandemic, to go on an acquisition spree, aiming to capitalise on the trend towards online learning and become a global edtech powerhouse. But overexpansion and a post-pandemic contraction in its market have left it desperate for cash to pay off creditors. The principal ones hold notes for a $1.2bn dollar-denominated term loan it took out in 2021 and has defaulted on, embroiling it in lawsuits and countersuits across the US.


In addition, it has borrowed $250mn this year from investment firm Davidson Kempner Capital Management, although two people with knowledge of the situation said under $100mn was disbursed before Byju’s defaulted on that loan too.


A lawyer familiar with the situation said he expected “Byju’s to drive a lot of M&A in the coming months.” Its efforts to realise cash through disposals are set to begin with Epic, a California-based digital reading platform, which it acquired in 2021 for $500mn. One person familiar with the matter said term sheets had been drawn up for a deal and another said Moelis, the investment bank, was running the sales process. Moelis declined to comment.


Nirgunan Tiruchelvam, head of consumer and internet at Singapore-based Aletheia Capital, said “a battle for the spoils” was beginning, as “various parts of the business could be sold to people who are interested in buying an asset at a discount to its fair value.”


Those spoils could include Byju’s subsidiary Great Learning, which offers online higher education courses. Through legal action, Byju’s term lenders won the right to appoint financial firm Kroll to oversee the Singapore-based edtech company. Byju’s acquired Great Learning just two years ago for $600mn, but two people familiar with the matter said it was likely Great Learning would ultimately be sold to help settle debts.


Byju’s financial problems also extend to the presentation of its accounts. It is roughly one year late in filing them for its financial year that ended in March 2022 and its chief financial officer Ajay Goel is quitting the company at the end of this week. Goel is rejoining Indian conglomerate Vedanta as CFO, after only leaving it in April to join Byju’s. He told investors in June that the audit to March 2022 would be completed by September.


The edtech company, which delayed reporting a $560mn loss in its 2020-2021 year, has suffered the resignation of its auditor Deloitte and of three board members representing its backers. One of them, Prosus, has written down its stake to give Byju’s an implied valuation of just $5bn, down from $22bn last year.  Byju’s did not respond to a request for comment.





Business Culture Economics Education Lifestyle Local News Programs & Events Regulations & Security

DEI Trailblazer Awards 2023 nominees announced

TRENTON, NJ – The African American Chamber of Commerce of New Jersey and the New Jersey Chamber of Commerce are excited to announce the nominees for the 2023 DEI Trailblazer Awards.

This event, now in its second year, aims to recognize companies and organizations that are making substantial strides in the areas of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). The awards reception, which celebrates these nominees and awardees, will take place on Monday, Nov. 20, 2023, at the Old Mill Inn in Basking Ridge, New Jersey, from 5-8 p.m.

The DEI Trailblazer Awards feature six distinct categories, each acknowledging a specific aspect of DEI commitment:

  • Supplier Diversity: Recognizing businesses that prioritize contracting with diverse enterprises for goods and services.
  • Access to Capital: Acknowledging businesses that actively work to enhance access to capital for historically marginalized businesses and entrepreneurs.
  • Corporate Board Diversity: Celebrating businesses with board compositions that reflect individuals from historically underrepresented communities.
  • Workforce Diversity: Commending businesses that demonstrate a commitment to diversity within their staff through comprehensive recruiting, hiring, and retention efforts.
  • Corporate Citizenship: Honoring businesses that engage in philanthropy and community engagement efforts, particularly benefiting historically marginalized communities.
  • Emerging DEI Influencer: Recognizing businesses in the early stages of implementing intentional efforts across the above categories.


The 2023 DEI Trailblazer Awards nominees are:

  1. AmeriHealth
  2. Bank of America
  3. Bridge Builders Newark, LLC
  4. CannPowerment
  5. The Ceceilyn Miller Institute for Leadership & Diversity
  6. Chiesa Shahinian & Giantomasi PC
  7. Cole Schotz
  8. Delta Dental of New Jersey
  9. Gibbons P.C.
  10. Hackensack Meridian Health
  11. Johnson & Johnson
  12. Lockerbie & Co.
  13. Modivcare
  14. New Jersey Institute of Technology
  15. Phillips 66-Bayway Refinery
  16. PSEG
  17. Santander US
  18. Somerset County Business Partnership
  19. Tené Nícole Creative Agency
  20. UnitedHealth Group
  21. We Are Jersey


The awardees for 2023 will be revealed during the awards reception on Monday, Nov. 20.


“As we unveil the remarkable nominees for the 2023 DEI Trailblazer Awards, we are inspired by the dedication of these organizations to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. They are setting a strong example for all of us,” remarked AACCNJ Founder, President, and CEO John E. Harmon Sr., IOM. “I invite everyone to join us at the awards reception, where we will celebrate the achievements of these nominees and unveil the awardees. Your presence at this event is not just a testament to your support for DEI but also a commitment to fostering a more inclusive business landscape. Together, we can make a significant impact in the pursuit of equity and diversity in our communities.”


“The success of our inaugural DEI Trailblazer Awards left a lasting impact, but this year’s event promises to build on that legacy in even more profound ways. It’s inspiring to see organizations across New Jersey making substantial strides in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion,” added New Jersey Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Thomas Bracken. “We encourage everyone to be a part of this remarkable journey by attending the awards reception. Your presence will not only celebrate the achievements of our nominees but also propel us toward a more inclusive and equitable business environment. Together, we can continue to shape a future that reflects the values of diversity and equality.”


Notably, last year’s event featured the following nominees:

  1. Abitronix, LLC
  2. American Water Works
  3. Back Thru the Future
  4. Bestwork Industries for the Blind, Inc.
  5. Curio Wellness/Far & Dotter
  6. HelloFresh
  7. Joseph Jingoli & Son, Inc.
  8. Lyft
  9. Mental Health Association in New Jersey
  10. Phillips 66-Bayway Refinery
  11. PMO Solution Pro, LLC
  12. Princeton Area Community Foundation
  13. Quality Dental School of Technology, Inc.
  14. Somerset County Business Partnership
  15. Target International Shipping Inc.
  16. Truist Bank
  17. Valley Bank


The 2022 awardees included Burns & McDonnell for Supplier Diversity, Union County Economic Development Council for Access to Capital, Columbia Bank for Corporate Board Diversity, Hackensack Meridian Health for Workforce Diversity, Gibbons P.C. for Corporate Citizenship, and Provident Bank for Emerging DEI Influencer.


To celebrate the 2023 nominees and learn more about this year’s awardees, kindly register for the awards reception at

About the African American Chamber of Commerce of NJ

The African American Chamber of Commerce of New Jersey (AACCNJ) performs an essential role in the economic viability of New Jersey. While providing a platform for New Jersey’s African American business leaders to speak with a collective voice, the AACCNJ advocates and promotes economic diversity fostering a climate of business growth through major initiatives centering on education and public policy. The AACCNJ is a proactive advocacy group with a 501(c)(3) tax exemption, as is the National Black Chamber of Commerce, with which the AACCNJ is affiliated.

About the New Jersey Chamber of Commerce

The New Jersey Chamber of Commerce is a business advocacy association based in Trenton that lobbies key stakeholders for legislation and policies designed to make New Jersey a desirable state to operate a business and establish good-paying jobs. Chamber member companies receive exclusive invitations to events that offer valuable networking and educational opportunities. Additionally, the Chamber regularly disseminates legislative updates, industry insights, and employer-related news critical to conducting business in New Jersey. The organization unites local and regional chambers of commerce across the state to address significant business issues. The New Jersey Chamber of Commerce Foundation is committed to equipping New Jersey’s future workforce with the essential skills required for success in both college and employment.

Art & Life Culture Education Lifestyle

‘Maestro,’ ‘Poor Things’ and ‘Barbie’ among movies screening at SCAD Savannah Film Festival

Now in its 26th year, the (Savannah College of Arts and Design), SCAD Savannah Film Festival continues to train students to become the next generation of artisans.


Through careful programming, fest executive and artistic director Christina Routhier and her team have expanded their lineup.


Says Routhier, “This year, we’ve added more directors, producers, casting directors and animation — [as well as] working on the 10 Artisans to Watch series.”


She continues, “Our students are so eager to learn and to hear from all these differing voices in the film and TV industry. Their reaction and what they get out of it is probably the most rewarding part of my job.”


Among the films screening this year: Hayao Miyazaki’s “The Boy and the Heron,” Bradley Cooper’s “Maestro,” Ava DuVernay’s “Origin,” Sofia Coppola’s “Priscilla” and Yorgos Lanthimos’ “Poor Things.”


The list of honorees includes: DuVernay, receiving the Virtu- oso Director Award; Emerald Fennell “(Saltburn),” who will be honored with the Spotlight Director Award; Hoyte van Hoytema “(Oppenheimer)” is receiving Variety’s Creative Impact in Cinematography Award; and Todd Haynes “(May December)” will receive the Outstanding Achievement in Directing. Sarah Greenwood and Katie Spencer will receive the Outstanding Achievement in Production Design honor for “Barbie.”


Yes, the festival is hosting Barbenheimer, Routhier confirms, “We are screening ‘Oppenheimer’ in 35mm, and we’re also screening ‘Barbie.’ We’re honoring the two production designers, Sarah Greenwood and Katie Spencer.”


Academy Award winning makeup artist Kazu Hiro will receive a Career Achievement Award. Routhier says his work as a sculpture artist should be exciting for the sculpture students, and this was another way to expand the festival and what it’s showcasing to students majoring in the sculpture degree program.


Todd Haynes’ “May December” will also screen at the fest. The film, starring Julianne Moore and Natalie Portman, was shot on location in Savannah. Similarly, “Origin” and “The Color Purple” were also shot there. Routhier says the films utilized Savannah College of Art and Design proprieties and many students worked on the films.


Furthermore, the festival will coincide with the university’s opening of the new backlot at Savannah Film Studios. The 11-acre production hub includes a next-generation LED volume stage for virtual productions and new soundstages, among other features. It is the largest and most comprehensive university film studio complex in the nation.


Also new this year: the festival and Amazon MGM Studios have created a dedicated LGBTQ+ Short Film Competition. Amazon MGM Studios will donate $10,000 for the jury-awarded best overall film and $5,000 for an Audience Award. Films in the program are under 40 minutes in length and represent excellence in storytelling and execution in narrative or documentary formats, reflecting unique insight into LGBTQ+ themes, issues or ideas.


“The future of film lives at SCAD, where audiences can see next year’s Oscar winners at our SCAD Savannah Film Festival later this month, and where guests are treated to a behind-the-scenes tour of the latest and greatest SCAD triumph: the new backlot at Savannah Film Studios, the largest at any university in the world,” said SCAD president and founder Paula Wallace.


“From Savannah cityscapes, to a courthouse square and suburbs, the backlot is a paradise for filmmakers.”



Business Economics Education Lifestyle Local News Programs & Events

Mobile Academy to launch AACCNJ Entrepreneur Academy

TRENTON, NJ – The African American Chamber of Commerce New Jersey’s (AACCNJ) Mobile Academy is pleased to announce the formation of the AACCNJ Entrepreneur Academy.


This eight-part program is tailored to empower new entrepreneurs and those considering business ownership by equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in their ventures. All classes will be free of charge, facilitated by seasoned entrepreneurs and consultants, and held in-person at Mill One located at 1 N. Johnston Ave., Hamilton, NJ.


“We are excited to offer this opportunity to aspiring entrepreneurs in New Jersey,” said John E. Harmon Sr., IOM, Founder, President and CEO of AACCNJ.


“The AACCNJ Entrepreneur Academy empowers individuals from all backgrounds to take the next step toward realizing their dreams of self-sufficiency and generational wealth creation. By providing this program at no cost, we aim to remove barriers and ensure that all interested individuals have the chance to participate.”


The AACCNJ Entrepreneur Academy will cover a wide range of topics crucial to entrepreneurial success, including:


  1. ABCs of Starting a Small Business
  2. Writing a Business Plan/QuickBooks
  3. Goal Setting
  4. Marketing Your Business
  5. 5 Cs of Credit/Access to Capital
  6. Accounting Do’s and Don’ts and Taxes
  7. Networking 101
  8. Excellent Customer Service
  9. How to Obtain MBE or WMBE Certifications


The academy is a testament to AACCNJ’s ongoing commitment to fostering economic growth and equity in disadvantaged communities. This initiative aligns with AACCNJ’s mission to provide resources, opportunities, and information to individuals looking to make a meaningful impact in the business world.

About the African American Chamber of Commerce of New Jersey

The African American Chamber of Commerce of New Jersey (AACCNJ) performs an essential role in the economic viability of New Jersey. While providing a platform for New Jersey’s African American business leaders to speak with a collective voice, the AACCNJ advocates and promotes economic diversity fostering a climate of business growth through major initiatives centered on education and public policy. The AACCNJ serves as a proactive advocacy group and holds a 501(c)(3) tax exemption, as does the National Black Chamber of Commerce, with which the AACCNJ is affiliated.


Click here to be considered for the academy’s inaugural cohort. For any inquiries or assistance, please send an email to