Art & Life Business Culture Economics Education Healthcare Lifestyle Perspectives Science

Expert advises creators and business founders on ‘Founder’s Exit Paradox’

The departure of founders from their business creations, termed the “Founder’s Exit Paradox,” is a complex phenomenon characterized by emotional involvement and detachment.


Despite existing research, a comprehensive understanding and guidance that encompass emotional, relational and existential dimensions are lacking.  As founders face the intricate interplay between emotional attachment and separation, they encounter challenges in employing effective coping strategies.


Furthermore, departing from not only their ventures, but also the people who contributed to their success, partnerships and collaborators, adds another layer of emotional complexity. Additionally, the transition brings forth questions about finding meaning and purpose in post-exit life

Business Exit Authority Jerome Myers, PE, MBA, PMP explores a holistic framework that addresses the emotional, psychological and practical aspects of the Founder’s Exit Paradox (self-image, relationships, work, health, prosperity and significance) in a way that empowers them to navigate the departure journey with resilience, transform personally and leave a lasting legacy.

To address the emotional complexities of departing from one’s creation, founders must first grasp the nuanced dynamics of the Founder’s Exit Paradox.


This understanding involves recognizing the interplay between emotional involvement and detachment, along with the amalgamation of behavioral, affective and cognitive processes. Jerome can extrapolate: 

  • Leveraging Coping Orientations
  • Integration of Positive Psychology Principles
  • Adoption of the Red Pill Model
  • Barrier Recognition and Dismantling
  • Promoting Awareness, Destigmatization, and Community Building
  • Fostering Personal Transformation and Legacy
  • Ongoing Self-Reflection and Adaptation


About the Expert

An award-winning engineer turned business strategist, Jerome uses his rich experience and innate understanding of human emotions to ensure that your journey from the corporate world to entrepreneurship is a fulfilling one.  At the helm of a division of a multibillion-dollar Fortune 550 company, Jerome created a thriving $20M operation with 175 dedicated team members. Now, he employs that expertise to advise leaders across diverse industries, from real estate to healthcare, guiding them to double their revenue, harmony in their work-life integration, and ramp up their charitable contributions.

His multifaceted experience also extends to the realm of real estate and academia. Jerome wears the hat of a general partner in a multifamily real estate portfolio and lends his strategic acumen to the North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University Entrepreneurship Advisory Board, driving entrepreneurial progress.  But, Jerome’s efforts to guide newly-exited operators (NEOs) doesn’t stop there. As the host of the DreamCatchers podcast, he assists founders in addressing the six centers of doubt they will face following a significant life transition. Self-image, relationship, work, health, prosperity, and significance; none of these challenges are insurmountable when navigated with the right guidance and perspective.

Jerome’s transformative program, the NEO Navigator, maps out the eight key exits a founder might encounter, from leaving a corporate role and becoming a ‘Chief Everything Officer’ to finally transitioning into roles of thought leadership and board chairmanship. He provides strategic guidance for each stage, culminating in successful business exits and the creation of a diverse post-exit investment portfolio. The ultimate goal? To help founders contribute to the causes they hold dear and leave a lasting legacy.  Whether grappling with the early stages of leaving corporate America or strategizing post-exit portfolio building, Jerome’s insightful advice and empathic approach helps founders navigate each transition with grace and confidence.

Art & Life Culture Education International & World Lifestyle

Agua Firme: Artist installation of exhibit depicts maritime cultural effects of La Americas

PITTSBURGH, Pa. — “Agua Firme,” showing work by iliana emilia García and Scherezade García, opened on Sept. 23, 2023, is on view until March 1, 2024, at the Rotunda of the University Art Gallery (PittUAG), Frick Fine Arts Building at University of Pittsburgh.


Description (PittUAG): Through video, sound and sculpture, Dominican-born artists iliana emilia García and Scherezade García explore how water and maritime culture shaped the history and identity of Las Americas. Agua Firme is a specially commissioned site-specific installation in the Gallery’s historic Rotunda.


Agua Firme is presented by the University Art Gallery with generous support from the Fine Foundation and the Department of History of Art & Architecture, and additional support from the University Center for International Studies (UCIS).


Many thanks to Peter Jordens for informing us that this is one of three exhibits on view this fall at the Pittsburgh University Art Gallery, 650 Schenley Dr.  [Also see previous post The kingdom of this world: reimagined].


For more information, see

— Repeating Islands

Culture Economics Education Lifestyle Local News

Passage Theatre Company recently updates its management team for community sustainability


Passage Theater Company announced changes to its management team that will assist the state capitol’s only professional theater company with its vision to become a more adept and sustainable part of the community.


C. Ryanne Domingues, who has led the theater’s programming as Artistic Director for more than six years, has accepted a full-time position at Rider University as Assistant Professor in the BFA Acting program of the Department of Performing Arts. She will continue to work with Passage Theater in a part-time role to develop new, original programming through the 2024-2025 season, including the highly anticipated production of Ghetto Gods in Divineland.


“We are just delighted that Rider University recognized Ryanne’s amazing artistic voice and teaching talent and that she will have this opportunity to shape the next generation of theatre professionals,” said Caroline Wylie, president of Passage Theater’s board of directors.


Managing Director Brishen Miller was promoted to Executive Artistic Director, reflecting his innovative leadership and the additional responsibilities he’s taking on to ensure the theater’s continued success going forward.


Founded in 1985, Passage Theater at Trenton’s historical Mill Hill Playhouse is committed to creating and producing socially relevant new plays and arts programming the deeply resonate with and reflect our community.

Art & Life Culture Education Government Lifestyle Programs & Events Regulations & Security

Retired Navy captain exposes ‘The Great Lie’ and other lapses in military’s transition assistance program

COCOA BEACH, Fla. — The decision to retire from the Navy after 26 years wasn’t an easy one for Capt. William Toti, who says he had come to love his time in the service.


He knew he wanted a viable second career in the civilian market, and, as a commanding officer, he was told throughout the military transitioning program that all a civilian company would want from him was “good leadership” — advice he calls “The Great Lie” in his book, From CO to CEO: A Practical Guide for Transitioning from Military to Industry Leadership.


“Transitioning to industry is a stressful enough condition as it is, but when the military actively tells you things that are absolutely one hundred percent wrong, and start you headed down the wrong path, that makes that stress level go up even further,” Toti said during an interview.


Toti isn’t alone in feeling unprepared for certain aspects of transitioning to civilian employment. More than 200,000 service members separate from the military each year, and more than half of those surveyed about the process felt as if they had little to no help with the transition.


But Toti is one of the lucky ones. He managed to successfully progress from captain of a nuclear submarine to a captain of industry, and after accumulating more than a decade of firsthand experiences related to transitional challenges for veterans, Toti decided to put it all on paper. From CO to CEO  isn’t filled with hand-waving aphorisms, Toti says, but rather, practical nuts-and-bolts advice for veterans and the companies that want to help their military veterans succeed.


“Any company will proudly recite the number of veterans they hire as employees, but none of those companies can tell you how many of those new hire veterans are still with them after five years,” Toti noted. “Did you know that about 50% of military veterans leave their first job within two years of transitioning out of the military? This constitutes millions of dollars of lost investment in employee turnover.”


From CO to CEO can help readers understand:

  • How and when to make their transition.
  • How to properly define goals for their future careers.
  • How to prepare for job interviews, negotiate compensation and land the right position.
  • What it takes to succeed in today’s defense industry.
  • The pluses and minuses of 20 career options.
  • The language and assumptions of civilian business culture.
  • And much more.


“The book is intended to correct the defects the military injects into its transitioning veterans before they leave service; it’s intended to help companies head off problems in assimilating new veteran employees; and it’s intended to serve as a guide for transitioning veterans to help them understand the business environment and learn new skills necessary for them to succeed,” Toti added.


About the Author

William Toti served for more than 26 years on active duty, culminating as commodore of Submarine Squadron 3, then 15 years as a corporate executive and eventually a CEO. He has been featured in several documentaries, including The Lost Ships of World War II (Fox), USS Indianapolis: The Final Chapter (PBS), USS Indianapolis: Live from the Deep (PBS), USS Indianapolis: The Legacy, 9/11: One Day in America (National Geographic), 9/11: The Pentagon (The History Channel) and 9/11: Inside the Pentagon (PBS).


For more information, please visit, or follow him on Twitter (@william_toti).

Art & Life Culture Education Healthcare Lifestyle

Put a stop to self-sabotage: Trauma expert’s compassionate approach offers an antidote to tough love

NEW YORK — Growing up in a dysfunctional family conditioned Laura K. Connell to find more dysfunction in adulthood, perpetuating a cycle of self-sabotage that wouldn’t be broken until her marriage ended and she was forced to face her alcohol addiction head-on.


“I was just constantly trying to keep myself safe from harm, and when you’re in that state of mind, you’re just not on your side; you’re not doing things that are going to help you; you’re just keeping your head above water,” she said in a recent interview.


She would go on to spend 12 years studying the dynamics of dysfunctional families, and she learned that her habits of self-sabotage were her inner child’s way of keeping her safe — a misguided form of self-protection that prevents far too many people just like her from living their lives to the fullest potential.


In her new book, It’s Not Your Fault, Connell helps readers uncover the subconscious reasons they hold themselves back and explains that these blind spots were often created in childhood as coping mechanisms in response to trauma. But rather than teach tactics that ignore or give surface attention to adverse childhood events, Connell lovingly guides readers toward a deeper understanding of the ways in which these negative childhood experiences have impacted their lives and fed into the problem.


“Those who have been let down by traditional therapeutic techniques know that behavior modification doesn’t work for everyone,” she said. “Simply doing things differently while staying the same on the inside might help in the short term, but before long, old patterns emerge.”


Throughout her book, Connell walks alongside the reader as a trusted guide who has been where they are now. She provides the tools and anecdotal evidence to show readers how to overcome the pain of self-sabotage and create the lives they desire.


“We are sometimes our own worst enemies, sabotaging our success and with it our chance for lasting happiness,” she added. “Readers will be relieved to discover that it’s not a lack of willpower that has held them back, but a lack of self-knowledge instead.”


About the Author
Laura K. Connell is a trauma-informed author and coach who helps her clients uncover blind spots that lead to relationship struggles and self-sabotage. She writes about healing dysfunctional family dynamics at her website


Her guest articles have further reached millions through personal development websites Life Hack, Pick the Brain, Dumb Little Man, Thought Catalog, Highly Sensitive Refuge, the anthology Chicken Soup for the Soul, and national newspapers The Globe and Mail and Toronto Star. She hosts popular multi-speaker online retreats that have helped thousands heal from dysfunctional family trauma. She has been featured on podcasts such as The Love Fix, Adult Child and A Date with Darkness.


To learn more, visit, or follow the author on Instagram (@laurak.connell) or Twitter (@laurakconnell).

Art & Life Culture Education Lifestyle Programs & Events Science

NJ Media Center offers artists workshop in photo encaustic medium

Nancy Ori of New Jersey Media Center LLC, invites artists to join her for a fun day of learning how to work in the creative and forgiving medium or Encaustic. She wants students to learn to layer their photographs with exciting and simple mixed media techniques to create new work with incredible diversity from their current portfolios.


There will be a presentation demonstrating several key techniques, a discussion with examples from contemporary artists, and a look at how abstraction, composition and wax can create amazing new pieces with your photographs. There will be time to look at the images and to make suggestions on how to use them and what additional collage materials you may want to collect to compliment them along with plenty of time for hands-on to learn the techniques.


Encaustic uses heated beeswax and colors to create unique works of art. An ancient medium that pre-dates oil painting, encaustic enjoys new popularity today amongst photography artists. The process allows you to work in layers, adding photographs & collage materials into the wax as you build your piece, or you can simply cover a single photograph for a unique presentation. Techniques like marking into the wax and filling the marks with color create varied surfaces that cannot be duplicated with any other medium.


“It’s not that often that you find a teacher who is completely open and forthcoming with their wealth of knowledge and ideas. Nancy’s photo encaustic workshop was so informative, interesting and incredibly fun. I left with a feeling of inspiration not only for my personal creative projects, but new ideas for my photography business too. Out of 5 stars I would definitely give this workshop a 5.” Sonya K.


During our session, there will be plenty of room for lots of creating with a great opportunity for one-on-one time with Nancy to walk you through the process.  Expect to leave with an inspired imagination and at least one finished work. All necessary wax, colors, boards to work on, equipment, & tools will be supplied to get you started. You will also receive a comprehensive handout to follow and use after the workshop.



No previous art experience is necessary. You only need to bring your photographs and a playful spirit.


New Jersey Media Center LLC is a provider of Professional Development Certification credit hours for New Jersey teachers and will issue a certificate at the completion of a class, workshop or lecture for qualified applicants upon request.

Art & Life Culture Education Lifestyle Perspectives Politics Regulations & Security

Political commentator exposes the extent of anti-White racism in new bestselling book

“At 30,000 feet, who wants an affirmative action pilot sitting in the cockpit?”
—    Ed Brodow, political commentator and bestselling author



MONTEREY, Calif. — Bestselling author and conservative political commentator Ed Brodow argues that White people are victimized by racism and entitled to government protection as much as any other group in his new, No. 1 Amazon Best Seller, The War on Whites.


Making his case for the reverse discrimination consequences of antidiscrimination measures, Brodow said, “Discrimination against whites is just as bad as discrimination against blacks or anyone else. Racism in any form is unacceptable.”


Advocating for a value system that prioritizes judging people based on the quality of their character instead of the color of their skin, Brodow takes a deep dive into the unintended divisive outcomes of the push for diversity.


“Under the widely accepted version of diversity, whites are demonized as oppressors and blacks are disempowered by being told they are helpless, oppressed victims,” Brodow said.


“Both contribute to the social disintegration of America.”


Some of the topics Brodow explores in his book include:

• Racism/discrimination against whites
• Systemic racism and white supremacy
• Diversity trainings
• Diversity vs. meritocracy
• The educational system
• Affirmative action
• Black Lives Matter
• Critical Race Theory
• Joe Biden’s presidency


Brodow argues that systemic racism and white supremacy no longer exist thanks to the changes that have occurred in the last 60 years. His arguments are supported by the opinions of leading African-American thinkers, including Thomas Sowell, Shelby Steele, Bob Woodson, Candace Owens, Larry Elder and John McWhorter.


“The War on Whites is a must-read for anyone concerned about the future of America,” Brodow said.


“You cannot say in the same breath that giving preference to white males is racist and sexist, but giving preference to minorities and women is not. It has to work both ways. We should be able to accommodate the rights of our minorities without depriving the majority of theirs.”


About the Author
Ed Brodow is a conservative political commentator, negotiation expert and bestselling author of 10 books, including the No. 1 Amazon Best Seller, America on its Knees: The Cost of Replacing Trump with Biden, and the business classic, Negotiation Boot Camp: How to Resolve Conflict, Satisfy Customers, and Make Better Deals. His new book, also a  No. 1 Amazon Best Seller, is The War on Whites: How Hating White People Became the New National Sport. He has contributed more than 250 articles as a columnist for American Thinker, Newsmax, BizPacReview, Human Events, Townhall, Daily Caller and other media outlets. An internationally recognized television personality, Brodow has appeared on ABC National News, Fox News, GBNews-UK, Inside Edition, CBS, Fortune Business Report and PBS. He is a former U.S. Marine lieutenant, Fortune 500 sales executive and Hollywood movie actor with starring and supporting roles opposite Jessica Lange, Ron Howard and Christopher Reeve.


For more information, visit, or follow him on LinkedIn and Twitter at edbrodow, or on Facebook at

Art & Life Culture Education Lifestyle Perspectives Science

College student’s summer job leads to remarkable discovery in Hatchie: Keeper of the Secret

TULEPO, Miss. — Some college students flip burgers during summer breaks; some have internships; and occasionally, one is plunged into an overwhelming flood of historical revelations with biblical implications.


In Hatchie: Keeper of the Secret, author Ed “Doc” Holliday tells the story of Patrick, a college student home for the summer helping his grandfather harvest pulpwood in the Hatchie Hills of North Mississippi. Patrick’s plan is to earn a little money to help with college expenses — not to uncover an ancient Native American secret with ties all the way back to King Solomon’s temple in Jerusalem.


As Patrick’s discovery is revealed, his world begins to unravel, and an evil force is unleashed that neither Patrick nor his grandfather is prepared to confront. Written to appeal to audiences who enjoy the Indiana Jones and National Treasure films, Hatchie: Keeper of the Secret draws inspiration from true stories of early explorers to North America, like Hernando DeSoto, to build a gripping tale that propels readers to places they never knew existed and introduces them to characters they never could have imagined.


Full of mystery and intrigue, Hatchie: Keeper of the Secret is an action-filled adventure that culminates in a surprising ending. The book is the first of a planned seven-part series.


“The series revolves around an ancient Chickasaw secret that is tied to Solomon’s temple,” Holliday explained. “That is a large span of time, but the tale is wrapped around the pursuit of world peace and some battles that are almost forgotten to history.”


About the Author

Ed “Doc” Holliday is an author and dentist living in Tupelo, Mississippi. He and his wife, Leslie, have four adult children. He enjoys studying history and contemplating solutions to problems in society. He loves reading books, magazines, newspapers and online newsletters dealing with a wide range of topics, including history, science, investing, macroeconomics, entrepreneurships and cryptocurrencies. He enjoys hiking, traveling, and spending time with his family and friends.


Holliday has written a Point/Counterpoint column in the Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal for the past 15 years with a friend. He has worked for years in a racial reconciliation group called Mission Mississippi, and he has been active in local and international dental missionary efforts.


For more information, visit, or follow the author on Facebook and Instagram at hatchiebooks.

Art & Life Culture Education Government International & World Perspectives Regulations & Security

Daring rescue unfolds moment by heart-pounding moment in escape from Dachau

BOSTON, Mass. — The tragic events of the Holocaust are remembered as some of the darkest moments in human history. As Nazis rummaged through towns and homes, the Jews had one goal: to not be found. Apprehension by the Nazis meant they would be carted off to concentration camps, where their chances of survival were slim to none.


Kathe Mueller Slonim tells the remarkable story of the daring rescue mission that helped her father escape from Nazi Germany’s first concentration camp in Escape from Dachau: A True Story of Survival, Courage, and a Daring Escape in the Face of Unthinkable Evil.


Before her death in 2021, Slonim documented her family story and memories, including her father being taken to Germany’s first concentration camp when she was a young girl and the daring rescue mission undertaken by her father’s cousin that plays out moment by heart-pounding moment in this book.


The book begins with the rich, rarely told history of the Jewish people living in Germanic lands from the Middle Ages through WWII and how that led to the persecution of Jews.


All of this sets the stage for the harrowing mission undertaken by former First Reich official Max Immanuel, who climbed into his car in Berlin on a rainy night in December 1938 with one profoundly dangerous goal in mind: to rescue his cousin from Dachau — Nazi Germany’s first concentration camp.


Max’s mission was particularly risky and unusual because this former German government official was a Jew himself. Born Imanuel Rosenfeld, Max had changed his name and his religion, living in fear that his truth would be discovered.


Torn between his own plans to flee Germany and the chance to save a family member from the clutches of the Nazis, Max makes the excruciating choice to go to Dachau. It is a journey that will require him to risk his life as he passes through one Nazi checkpoint after another, brandishing expired Third Reich papers, claiming that he is a loyal member of the Nazi Party on official business.


Brought to life with 30 archival photos, Escape from Dachau pays tribute to the bravery, sacrifice and resilience of those who sought to flee the horrors of Nazi Germany during one of the darkest periods of human history and serves as a dramatic example of how the human spirit can overcome even the worst atrocities.


About the Author
Escape from Dachau is the true story of the life of Kathe Mueller Slonim. Prior to her passing in 2021, Slonim wrote down the major events of her life. Her own documentation, along with a brief family history written by her uncle, Julius Falk, together form the backbone of this story.


For more information about the book, please visit

Art & Life Culture Education Lifestyle Perks

Lofty Goals: Hillary sets her sights on the moon in latest adventure in children’s book series

KILLEEN, Texas — The Adventures of Hillary the Little Ladybug children’s book series weaves a tapestry of experiences designed to intrigue, educate and inspire young readers.


Hillary’s exciting escapades have included saving other ladybugs from a praying mantis, meeting Bigfoot, exploring a haunted castle, vacationing in Malibug Beach, going on a nuclear submarine ride, entering a mystery cave and traveling on an alien spaceship into outer space.


In the latest book, Hillary Flies to the Moon, Hillary the Little Ladybug is admiring a full red moon when she begins to dream about flying through the night sky.


Hillary passes over Ladybug Lake, marvels at the stars and wonders what it would be like to be the first ladybug on the moon. Flying faster than she has ever flown before, she heeds a small voice saying, “Come to me.” Once her feet touch down and she begins exploring, she comes face to face with aliens! A black hole and time/space warping are part of her thrilling journey through outer space, as she unlocks secrets of universal truths.


“The mystery and excitement of her adventure will keep you on the edge of your seat,” said author Gary Revel.


Co-authored by William Dandurand, Elisabeth Revel and Mary Cohen, the Adventures of Hillary the Little Ladybugseries explores climate change and other topics through stories aimed at young readers. Parents have found the books entertaining as well, especially when they read them to their children.


“The Adventures of Hillary the Little Ladybug is in development at Jongleur Pictures LLC for the making of an animated series to be produced by Jeff Olm,” Revel added.


“Jeff has been on the film-making team of many top-grossing films over the last 20 years. These include Titanic, The Revenant, Shrek Forever After, Kung Fu Panda, Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted, Avengers: Age of Ultron, and many more.”


For more information about how the Hillary the Little Ladybug series is helping to stop global warming, visit