Culture Lifestyle Local News Programs & Events

Mercer County Senior Art Show registration under way for annual event

Mercer County Executive Brian M. Hughes, along with the Office on Aging and Division of Culture and Heritage, is pleased to present the 2023 Mercer County Senior Art Show from July 28 through Aug. 15 at The Conference Center at Mercer at Mercer County Community College.

Any Mercer County resident age 60 or older may submit one entry that has been completed in the past three years. Artwork must be the original work of the applicant and must not have been previously entered into the County show. The categories included in the 2023 Mercer County Senior Art Show are acrylic, craft, digital art, mixed media, oil, pastel, photography, print, sculpture, watercolor, and works on paper (drawing).

First-place winners automatically advance to the State’s New Jersey Senior Citizen Art Show in the fall. One professional and one non-professional first-place winner are accepted into the State show in each of the above categories.

Registration through the Office on Aging begins June 1 at 9 a.m. and ends July 17 at 11:59 p.m. Artwork should be delivered to The Conference Center at Mercer on July 24 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Hours for viewing the exhibit at the conference center are Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. In-person viewing at The Conference Center at Mercer begins Friday, July 28, and the online viewing begins Tuesday, Aug. 1, on the Office on Aging’s web page.

For more information on the art show, including guidelines or a registration form, please contact Karina Turek from the Office on Aging at or 609-989-6661.

Culture Environment International & World Lifestyle Regulations & Security Science Technology

Traversing the great divide: How to navigate the contentious debate over the future of AI

Addressing AI Angst: Expert offers 15 ways to having productive, civil discourse on artificial intelligence—the preeminent hot-button tech topic spurring heated discussions, debates and disagreements


As the digital era rages on, perhaps no technology topic is more polarizing at the moment than that of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). Specifically, what are the roles these rapidly emerging nextgen technologies will, and should play in our daily lives and professions?

In the ever-expanding realm of AI, having civil conversations that address the potential and concerns surrounding this technology has become increasingly challenging. The two most extreme camps—one fearing an apocalyptic future ruled by machines and the other advocating for unchecked AI development—clash vehemently, leaving little room (nor inclinations) for more nuanced discussions.


Recognizing the urgent need for far more open dialogue and understanding, Milan Kordestani, famed Gen Z author of the new, number one best-selling book “I’m Just Saying: A Guide to Maintaining Civil Discourse in an Increasingly Divided World,” provides the below insights to serve as a de facto roadmap for engaging in productive conversations about present and future implications of AI and ML.


“The conversation surrounding AI is fueled by two extreme and polarized viewpoints,” explains Kordestani.


“On one side, there are those who harbor deep-rooted fears, reminiscent of dystopian sci-fi movies, wherein AI spells the demise of humanity. These individuals see AI as Skynet (of Terminator movie fame) come to life. This as an uncontrollable force that will override human control and wreak havoc on society. On the other side of the spectrum, there are proponents of unregulated AI development, who argue for unbridled advancement without consideration for potential job loss, ethical concerns, and socio-economic implications. This clash of ideologies creates an environment rife with hostility and ideological impasses.”


“The stakes are undeniably high when it comes to AI,” underscores Kordestani.


“The fear-driven perspective believes that the very survival of humanity hangs in the balance, while the unregulated development camp emphasizes the limitless possibilities and potential for progress. Such deeply entrenched positions make it difficult to find common ground, and discussions often devolve into heated exchanges and stubborn resistance to opposing viewpoints. Moreover, the rapid pace of AI advancements and the complex nature of its implications exacerbate the challenges, leaving little time for informed discourse and reflection.”


To combat this, Kordestani believes that having civil conversations about AI is crucial because the stakes are high and the impact of this technology on society at large is profound. The above strategies offer an easy-to-undertake though much-needed roadmap for engaging in productive and respectful dialogue. By acknowledging fears, bridging gaps, educating, fostering collaboration, considering ethical implications, and encouraging long-term thinking, individuals can navigate the minefield of AI discussions with nuance and open-mindedness.


Kordestani’s strategies provided below, singularly and in combination, are intended to foster more civil discourse amidst the high-stakes nature of AI’s impact on society. Here’s how he suggests we can communicate more effectively and productively on the topic.


  1. Consider Ethical Implications: Engage in discussions around the ethical dimensions of AI, such as data privacy, bias, and accountability. Encourage thoughtful examination of potential risks and safeguards to ensure responsible AI development.
  1. Reflect on Your Own Position: Think about your own position within discussions about AI and reflect on your biases. Honestly evaluate your views, and determine if biases or intent is skewing your perspectives. Listen to your own tone and language to ensure you are being respectful.
  1. Listen Actively: Acknowledge people’s fears and concerns genuinely. Actively listen to their questions, doubts, and criticisms. Create a safe space where they feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and emotions.
  1. Empathize: Understand that fears and concerns about AI often stem from misinformation or a lack of understanding. Put yourself in their shoes and show empathy for their worries. Avoid dismissing or trivializing their concerns.
  1. Provide Accurate Information: Offer clear, concise, and accurate explanations about AI. Avoid technical jargon and use simple language to ensure everyone can understand. Provide examples and real-life applications to illustrate how AI can be beneficial.
  1. Discuss Current Regulations: Talk about existing regulations and policies in place to ensure the ethical and responsible use of AI. Explain how governments, organizations, and researchers are working together to address concerns and develop frameworks for AI governance.
  1. Educate and Inform: Counter misinformation and misunderstandings about AI by providing accurate information and insights. Share real-world examples of how AI is already improving lives and address concerns regarding job displacement, ethics, and transparency.
  1. Address Potential Risks: Acknowledge the potential risks and challenges associated with AI, such as job displacement, ethical concerns, and privacy issues. Discuss ongoing research and initiatives aimed at mitigating these risks. Highlight the importance of responsible AI development.
  2. Showcase Benefits and Opportunities: While addressing fears and concerns, also emphasize the positive aspects of AI. Talk about the potential benefits, such as improved healthcare, enhanced productivity, and personalized experiences. Highlight how AI can augment human capabilities rather than replace them.
  3. Acknowledge Fears and Concerns: Start by validating the fears and concerns of those who envision a dystopian AI future. By acknowledging their perspective, a foundation for constructive dialogue can be established.
  4. Encourage Long-Term Thinking: Shift the conversation from immediate fears to long-term perspectives. Explore the potential for AI to amplify human abilities, solve complex problems, and enhance various aspects of daily life.
  1. Bridge the Gap: Emphasize the need for open-mindedness and the exploration of shared values. Look for common ground, such as the desire to ensure ethical AI development or the pursuit of technologies that benefit society as a whole.
  1. Involve Diverse Perspectives: Ensure that discussions about AI involve diverse voices and perspectives. Include experts from various fields, policymakers, ethicists, and individuals directly impacted by AI to provide a well-rounded understanding of the topic.
  1. Be Transparent: Maintain transparency about AI development, deployment, and decision-making processes. Discuss data handling practices, algorithmic biases, and any potential risks openly. Transparency fosters trust and helps address concerns about AI’s impact on society.
  1. Foster Collaboration: Encourage collaboration between technology experts, policymakers, ethicists, and other stakeholders to collectively shape AI’s trajectory. Highlight the importance of interdisciplinary dialogue and the need to find balanced solutions.


The urgency to leave behind extreme positions and embrace civil discourse is paramount. Only through respectful and informed conversations can we find common ground, address concerns, and work towards a future where AI is harnessed as a tool that benefits humanity. By following Kordestani’s guidance and approaching AI discussions with empathy, knowledge and a genuine desire to understand different perspectives, we can collectively shape the trajectory of AI in a responsible and inclusive manner.


In this era of rapid technological advancements, the need for civil conversations about AI cannot be overstated. Let us rise above the heated battles and engage in meaningful exchanges that pave the way for a future where AI is accurately represented and understood—even amid differing positions about its cultural value.


About the Expert
Milan Kordestani is author of the new book “I’m Just Saying: A Guide to Maintaining Civil Discourse in an Increasingly Divided World”—a straightforward look at the history and the art of maintaining courteous communication in an increasingly divided world.


In I’m Just Saying,  author Milan Kordestani shows us that although challenging conversations can be unpleasant, they can also help us grow. Sometimes, people inspire us to change how we speak, making us better communicators in the process as we search to find common ground with those with whom we disagree. Kordestani uses contemporary case studies and personal experience to teach readers how to have constructive conversations by engaging in civil discourse—the idea that good-faith actors can reach consensus on any opinion-based disagreement. He discusses influential leaders and reflects on his successes and failures in creating The Doe, an online publication focused on civil discourse. He addresses the challenges that digital media consumption presents when seeking common ground—especially when people are only digitally connected.

The book is broken into sequential order, like modules of a lesson plan. Each chapter tackles a specific aspect of civil discourse, from the importance of active listening to the dangers of point-scoring in confrontational conversations. The conversational tone and writing style make for an engaging read, and the Q&A sections that break up the chapters provide a refreshing change of pace.


Kordestani’s personal anecdotes make the book relatable and add another layer of personality and personability. He acknowledges his own wealth and upbringing and how that has played into his life, not hiding from it but thanking it. The book is a conversation, and the “Let’s Talk” section shows that he is open to two-way communication and sets a tone for the rest of the book.


Kordestani is an entrepreneur, writer and founder of several companies who is redefining the meaning of success in business. With a focus on building sustainable businesses that drive positive social change at scale, Milan is a three-time founder who wants to encourage solutions beyond his companies through storytelling and narration of civil discourse.


Milan’s companies prioritize transparent practice, civil discourse, and respect for creatives, including “The Doe,” an anonymously published narrative publication launched in 2019 to promote civil discourse. Audo, the only personalized career-building destination that lets you learn skills and earn money at the same time, and Guin Records, an innovative record label that offers artist-friendly deals and helps purpose-driven lyricists to produce their visions while retaining control of their masters.


I’m Just Saying is an essential guide for anyone who wants to learn how to communicate more effectively and respectfully in today’s polarized society. Kordestani’s personal anecdotes, practical advice, and engaging writing style make this book a must-read for anyone who wants to promote civil discourse and find common ground with those whose opinions differ from their own.


Milan’s overarching expertise in entrepreneurship and civil discourse makes him a sought after expert. Whether discussing the future of sustainable business practices, the importance of civil discourse in today’s polarized society, or the art of entrepreneurship, Milan offers unique insights that are sure to engage and inspire listeners.

Art & Life Culture Lifestyle Perspectives Programs & Events

THE GAAGA, a new site specific phantasmagoria shows at Beat Brew Hall in Harvard Sq.

NEEDHAM, Mass. –– Arlekin Players Theatre & (zero-G) Virtual Theater Lab, an award-winning, artist-driven theater company helmed by Ukrainian-born artistic director Igor Golyak,  announces on May 30 the U.S. Premiere of THE GAAGA, a new site specific phantasmagoria written and directed by celebrated Ukrainian playwright and director Sasha Denisova.

THE GAAGA is presented at the abandoned Beat Brew Hall restaurant in Harvard Square, converted into a bomb shelter. The production is co-directed by Igor Golyak who is designing the virtual elements which will stream worldwide. The in-person performances run June 2-18; the virtual June 8-18.

Developed through first-person interviews with refugees and officials, and inspired by world events, THE GAAGA is a darkly funny, haunting and fantastical trip through the consequences of war. Set in a bomb shelter, a Ukrainian girl dreams Vladimir Putin and his cronies into a courtroom and tries them for crimes of war. The playwright and director, Sasha Denisova, a widely celebrated theater maker from Ukraine, fled Moscow in the first days of war and has been living as a refugee in Poland, where she interviewed refugees, officials and studies publicly available materials to create THE GAAGA. She directed the world premiere in February, 2023 at Theatre Polski, the oldest theater in Poland. “In the first days of the war, I fled from Moscow, where the police came for me. Russia bombed Kyiv and my mother, Olga Denisova, who was born under the bombing of Kyiv on July 7, 1941. She refuses to leave and awaits victory in her home. During these months, I thought about what would give hope to me and those who fled the war. A trial of Putin and his government was the biggest expectation. A new “The Hague” – The Gaaga,” says Denisova.

In the months after the war broke out, Igor Golyak and Sara Stackhouse of Arlekin spoke with the displaced Denisova several times on Zoom while they were working on The Orchard in New York. Golyak, who was born in Kyiv, explains, “I have long been influenced by Sasha’s brilliant productions, her explosion of ideas, their scope and spectacle, and the way her plays turn tragedy into comedy, exposing our humanity. When we talked about her idea for The Gaaga, we immediately commissioned her to write it and invited her to come to Boston to create it with the Arlekin company.” Arlekin’s production marks the US premiere for THE GAAGA, and the team made the decision not to set it in a theater, but instead in a converted restaurant – Harvard Square’s Beat Brew Hall – which closed during the pandemic.

Transforming the venue into a makeshift bomb shelter has been the work of environmental designer Irina Kruzhilina, collaborating closely with Denisova and an international design team that includes composers Jacek Jędrasik & Shimon Zyms (Poland), streaming video designer Eric Dunlap (Berlin), Boston-based lighting designer Kevin Fulton, costume designer David R. Gammons, sound designer Brendan Patrick Doyle, with Arlekin company members Irina Vilenchik designing props and Anna Furman overseeing hair and makeup. The project is co-directed by Igor Golyak who is designing and technically directing the virtual production. The producer is Sara Stackhouse.

THE GAAGA is experienced through the eyes of a Ukrainian teen who has lost her entire family in the war, situated in a bomb shelter. Taisiia Fedorenko is a 17 year old Ukrainian refugee who has been in the US, without her family, since the beginning of the war; she is playing the role of The Girl. She is joined by 17 other cast members, including Boston favorites Anne Gottlieb, Dev Luthra, Robert Pemberton and Robert Walsh, Arlekin company members Boris Berdnikov, Irina Bordian, Jenya Brodskaia, Darya Denisova, Polina Dubovikova, Julia Shikh, Misha Tyutyunik and Irina Vilenchik, Ukrainian actor Ilia Volok, with Jeremy Beazlie, Daniel Boudreau, Michael Saenz, and Garrett Sands.

The project is part of Arlekin’s #Artists4Ukraine Initiative, which has included multimedia site-specific staged readings of JUST TELL NO ONE, directed by Golyak, presented at Lincoln Center in March and hosted at Huntington Theatre Boston in April. Launched within days of the start of the war in Ukraine, #Artists4Ukraine has raised significant funds for Ukrainian humanitarian organizations and for the Center for International Theatre Development’s Worldwide Ukrainian Play Readings project. In summer 2022, Igor Golyak traveled with actress Jessica Hecht, her Campfire Project, and IsraAID to lead artistic workshops with refugee women and children living in Moldova. Arlekin Players is a theater of immigrants from the former Soviet Union, committed to lifting up the talented playwrights and theater-makers of Ukraine and amplifying their voices during this time of war.

Details At-A-Glance

Arlekin Players Theatre and (zero-G) Virtual Theater Lab present

A site-specific phantasmagoria | US Premiere

Written and Directed by Sasha Denisova

Co-Directed by Igor Golyak

Produced by Sara Stackhouse

Environmental Design by Irina Kruzhilina

Lighting Design by Kevin Fulton

Costume Design by David R. Gammons

Music Composed by Jacek Jędrasik & Shimon Zyms

Sound Design by Brendan Patrick Doyle

Streaming Video Design by Eric Dunlap

Virtual Design & Technical Direction by Igor Golyak

Properties by Irina Vilenchik with Julia Shikh

Hair & Makeup by Anna Furman

Translation by Polina Dubovikova and Theresa Lang

Production Stage Manager, Kyra Bowie

Assistant Stage Manager, Natasha Kushnarova

Production Manager, Sara Stackhouse

Technical Director, Justin Lahue

Scenic Associate, Thijs Beuming

Wardrobe Supervisor, Alla Trachtenberg

Wardrobe Assistant, Natasha Mitlina

Cameras Operator, Denis Denisov

Maestro Interactive Platform Design, ArtCat

Networking Support, Seth Graham

Production Assistant, Emma Resek

General Manager, Mark W. Soucy

House Manager, Marianna Golyak

In Person | BEAT BREW HALL, 13 Brattle St, Harvard Square JUNE 2-18

Virtually Online | Streaming Worldwide JUNE 8-18

June 2 – Preview, 8:00pm In Person Only

June 3 – Preview, 8:00pm In Person Only

June 4 – Preview, 2:00pm In Person Only

June 5 – Press Opening, 7:30pm In Person Only

June 8 – Performance 7:30pm In Person & Virtual

June 9 – Performance 8:00pm In Person & Virtual

June 10 – Performances 3:00pm & 8:00pm In Person & Virtual

June 11 – Performance 2:00pm In Person & Virtual

June 15 – Performance 7:30pm In Person & Virtual

June 16 – Performance 8:00 In Person & Virtual

June 17 – Performances 3:00pm & 8:00pm In Person & Virtual

June 18 – Performance 2:00pm In Person & Virtual

Tickets & Info:

Arlekin Players Theatre was founded by Artistic Director Igor Golyak in 2009 and has since toured to New York, Chicago, and Hartford, as well as to international festivals in Russia, Armenia, Ukraine, and Monaco. Most recently Arlekin produced The Orchard featuring Jessica Hecht and Mikhail Baryshnikov, both Off-Broadway and in Boston. Arlekin received world-wide acclaim, including two New York Times Critic’s Picks, for their groundbreaking virtual theater projects during the pandemic, including of State vs Natasha Banina and chekhovOS /an experimental game/ featuring Mikhail Baryshnikov as Anton Chekhov. Arlekin has received multiple awards for its work including four 2020 Elliot Norton Awards from the Boston Theater Critics Association for recent productions of The Stone and The Seagull. Arlekin takes strong pride in their emphasis on self-identity; they are a company of immigrants performing works that play on the ideas of cross-culture, home, and traditions, challenging the idea of nationality, and finding common themes that unite us all. In 2020, Arlekin launched its Zero Gravity (zero-G) Virtual Theater Lab to explore new theater possibilities for a new time. The company makes its home in Needham, MA. For more information, visit

Culture Entertainment News Foodies/Tastylicious Lifestyle Travel & Leisure

Thompson Square, Josh Gracin set to ignite Mercer County Park Festival Grounds in July

Mercer County, get ready for an unforgettable evening of country music as award-winning duo Thompson Square and the sensational Josh Gracin grace the stage at Mercer County Park Festival Grounds July 14. Presented by Mercer County Park Commission and County Executive Brian M. Hughes, this highly anticipated concert promises to be a thrill for fans of all ages.


Thompson Square, husband and wife duo Keifer and Shawna Thompson, have been captivating audiences worldwide with their incredible harmonies and captivating performances. With hit singles like “Are You Gonna Kiss Me or Not,” “If I Didn’t Have You,” and “Glass,” Thompson Square has become a prominent name on the country music scene. Their infectious energy and undeniable talent make them a must-see act for any country music enthusiast.

Joining Thompson Square on stage is the exceptional Josh Gracin, who shot to stardom as a finalist on the popular reality show “American Idol.” Since then, Gracin has released chart-topping hits such as “Nothin’ to Lose,” “Stay with Me (Brass Bed),” and “We Weren’t Crazy.” Known for his powerful vocals and heartfelt lyrics, Gracin continues to captivate audiences with his remarkable talent and stage presence.

Tickets for the Thompson Square and Josh Gracin concert at Mercer County Park Festival Grounds on July 14 are now available for purchase. Fans are encouraged to secure their tickets early for the special early-bird ticket price available until July 1. Tickets are $15 now and will go up to $25 after July 1. For ticketing information please visit Community Pass Catalog (

The Mercer County Park Festival Grounds will provide the perfect backdrop for this memorable event. Located in the heart of Mercer County, this picturesque outdoor venue offers a spacious and vibrant atmosphere, ensuring an incredible experience for concert-goers.

“When it comes to our concert series, we’ve built a summer-long series spanning a  range of genres, from rock to country to blues and funk, a lineup as diverse as our park patrons and visitors,” said Aaron T. Watson, Park Commission Executive Director. “In addition to our eclectic musical events, I encourage everyone to get outside and take advantage of the many other exciting things our parks have to offer.”

The venue’s state-of-the-art sound system and cutting-edge production will enhance the performances of Thompson Square and Josh Gracin, making it a night to remember. Don’t miss this opportunity to witness the magic of Thompson Square and Josh Gracin as they bring their exceptional talent and electrifying performances to Mercer County. Join us on July 14 for an unforgettable night of country music at Mercer County Park Festival Grounds!


About Thompson Square: Thompson Square is an award-winning country music duo composed of Keifer and Shawna Thompson. Known for their signature harmonies and heartfelt lyrics, Thompson Square has achieved chart-topping success with hits like “Are You Gonna Kiss Me or Not” and “If I Didn’t Have You.” With their captivating performances, they continue to captivate audiences worldwide.

About Josh Gracin: Josh Gracin is a talented country music artist who gained recognition as a finalist on “American Idol.” With his powerful vocals and compelling storytelling, Gracin has released several successful singles, including “Nothin’ to Lose” and “Stay with Me (Brass Bed).” His dynamic performances have garnered him a dedicated fan base and critical acclaim.

About Mercer County Park Festival Grounds: Mercer County Park Festival Grounds is a premier outdoor venue located in Mercer County, known for hosting a variety of events and concerts. With its picturesque setting and top-notch facilities, the park offers an exceptional experience for both artists and attendees.

Culture Economics Lifestyle Local News Regulations & Security

Most County offices to close for Juneteenth observance

TRENTON, N.J. — Most Mercer County government offices, including all branches of the Mercer County Library System, will be closed Friday, June 16, 2023, in observance of Juneteenth, which commemorates the emancipation of enslaved African-Americans.

The following County offices and facilities will remain open: Trenton-Mercer Airport (except for administrative offices), Correction Center, Sheriff’s Office and the Emergency Services Communication Center.

The following Mercer County Park Commission facilities will be open on Friday, June 16: Tennis Center, 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m.; all five County golf courses, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Mercer County Stables, open for visitors from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.; and Wildlife Center, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. by appointment only.

The outdoor education area will be open free of charge for self-guided tours from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Howell Living History Farm will be closed on June 16 but will have a Juneteenth program on Saturday, June 17, from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. (Farm open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.) will be closed on June 16.

Hopewell Valley Pool, Mercer County Park Marina and Spray ParkTulpehaking Nature Center and Park Commission administrative offices will be closed on June 16.

The Juneteenth Celebration Finale with music, food and vendors will be held Saturday, June 17, from noon to 8 p.m. at Mercer County Park. For more information on Park Commission facilities, visit

Culture Economics Lifestyle Local News Programs & Events

Expanded Rt. 130 Connection bus service recently takes effect

More local residents will be able to reach more job sites beginning Monday, June 12, under an expanded Route 130 Connection bus service provided by Mercer County and the Greater Mercer Transportation Management Association, County Executive Brian M. Hughes announced.


Mercer County has designated $710,000 from its American Rescue Plan Act allocation to fund this two-year expansion of the Route 130 Connection, which provides bus service between the Trenton Transit Center and the N.J. Turnpike Exit 8A warehouse area in Monroe and South Brunswick, with stops in Hamilton, East Windsor and Hightstown, and at Mercer County Community College’s West Windsor campus. The fare is $1 each way per passenger. The Route 130 Connection is funded primarily through an annual NJ Transit grant and Mercer County funds, and administered by the Greater Mercer TMA.

Mr. Hughes noted that many new entry-level jobs are located in suburban areas, and that low-income individuals may have difficulty accessing these jobs.


“We’re pleased to be able to connect more people to employment opportunities by adding bus stops to the Route 130 Connection and providing additional service times to accommodate more people, such as those working evening or late-night shifts,” he said.

“I thank the Greater Mercer TMA for its support of this initiative and the important work it does every day to improve mobility for our residents and assist our business community.”

“Removing barriers to employment is critical,” said Cheryl Kastrenakes, Executive Director of the Greater Mercer TMA.

“One barrier is the lack of transportation to jobs at suburban sites and warehouse locations. Mercer County has been helping to address this transportation barrier with the Route 130 Connection bus and has stepped up again to meet a growing need for more service with this latest expansion. We applaud the County for making transportation access a priority.”

This expansion will serve the existing warehouse bus route, while adding stops at UPS, Wakefern and those employers located on Hightstown-Cranbury Station Road and Station Road, such as Wayfair and Amazon Cranbury.  The drive time is expected to take a maximum of one hour from the Trenton Transit Center to Wakefern in Monroe at the end of the route, but could take less time based on the number of stops on that particular run and time of day.

For more information on the Route 130 Connection, as well as other county and community bus services, visit

Art & Life Business Culture Foodies/Tastylicious International & World Lifestyle Travel & Leisure

Vilnius invites foodies to Pink Soup Fest amid its gastro ecosystem’s significant ranking in La Liste

The gastro scene in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, is peaking—two of its fine dining restaurants, Džiaugsmas and Nineteen18, have been named among the top restaurants in the world in 2023 by the prestigious La Liste guide. The selected restaurants are the first ones in Lithuania and two of five restaurants in the Baltic countries to make the list.


La Liste ranking lists the world’s best restaurants based on trusted reviews of the restaurants in local guidebooks and publications and customer ratings. The best-voted Vilnius’ restaurants reflect Lithuanian chefs’ respect for seasonal ingredients and passion for reimagining old recipes to delight modern tastes.


Nineteen18 and Džiaugsmas that have made the list blend haute cuisine with traditional recipes stemming from the country’s farmland roots. Besides the fine dining, Vilnius is also all over celebrating the national gastro heritage, which is why the capital is hosting Pink Soup Fest, a festival for the iconic cold beetroot soup, on June 10th.


Džiaugsmas, set up in the heart of the city, offers flavor-bursting treats from fresh, organic, and locally grown produce. Martynas Praškevičius, one of the country’s top-ranking chefs, is committed to adapting the menu to best highlight seasonal Lithuanian delicacies.


Nineteen18, an intimate restaurant nestled in the historical food court Senators’ Passage, celebrates local gastro heritage with an innovative tasting menu. The ingredients that come from farms nearby into the hands of a seasoned chef Andrius Kubilius are put in the spotlight through preservation techniques like fermentation and pickling—one of the key food trends this year.


The two fine dining restaurants in Vilnius that have been included in the prestigious La Liste ranking, lists the top 1000 restaurants around the world. This recognition further establishes Vilnius as the foodies’ hub that hides unique gastro experiences.


Celebrating national gastro pride

Just recently, Vilnius’ thriving gastro ecosystem that fuses multicultural flavors with beloved Lithuanian tastes has been given an honorary gift for all of its achievements—three real stars in the constellation Fornax. At the same time, Vilnius offers its residents and visitors the chance to explore historical cuisine recreated specifically for its 700th anniversary year. Several of the capital’s restaurants invite the foodies on a journey to Vilnius’ past, enticing them with dishes like bread soup or Jerusalem kugel and the stories surrounding them.


On June 10th when Vilnius celebrates one of its most iconic dishes of Lithuanian cuisine—cold beetroot soup,  Pink Soup Fest will tease the festivalgoers with multiple variations of the brightly-colored dish.  They will urge everyone to partake in an activity as wild as the dish itself—dress up like soup’s ingredients and slide down the Bastion hill straight into an artificial bowl.


There are many variations of the recipe—with yogurt, quail eggs, or sparkling mineral water. However, the one that packs a punch follows a fail-safe classic recipe: marinated beetroots, grated cucumbers, hard-boiled eggs, diced dills and spring onions, kefir, and a dash of salt are combined together in a bowl. Best served cold with a side of hot potatoes.

Business Culture Lifestyle Regulations & Security Science Technology

Navigating the jeopardy of board governance with cutting-edge AI solutions

Only 18% of board members find their organization’s disaster response and contingency planning to be highly effective.


95% of CEOs expect cybersecurity threats to affect their organization’s growth in the coming years, with the average cybersecurity breach in the U.S. already costing more than $9 million.


With economic uncertainty and cybersecurity risk on the rise, boards are under more scrutiny than ever. Companies need to shift their focus to prioritize internal corporate governance and ensure effective business processes.


The sustainability of board governance is in jeopardy. The solution is to incorporate AI-driven board portal software into corporate board processes,” says Marion Lewis, Co-Founder and CEO of Govenda, an innovative board management SaaS developer, who has launched their Artificial Board Intelligence Innovation called ‘Gabii’, to address digital transformation and keep organizations sustainable.


Lewis believes digital communication between board members and committees worked in the past, with boards finding the landscape more unsettled than at any time in the last 50 years. Rapid and constant digital transformation raises fears that they will not be able to pivot in response to needed change, putting the boards—and their organizations—at risk.


AI-based ‘Gabii’ will facilitate decision-making through a fast presentation of real-time data and ensure compliance from anywhere in the world, using customers’ data without compromising security:

  • Blockchain technology provides an additional layer of security for board materials.
  • Administrative tasks like creating meetings, managing committee members, and tracking RSVPs will help in reducing the need to perform tedious, repetitive tasks.
  • With faster access to relevant information, board professionals and directors can make more informed decisions.
  • ‘Gabii’ supports voice accessibility, by answering questions to help complete tasks.


Lewis notes that U.S. board members face challenges without AI, including limited real-time information access and the inability to spot patterns in large data sets or automate decision-making, emphasizing that companies that invest in AI technologies could increase profitability by an average of 38% by 2035.


Marion Lewis, Co-Founder and CEO of Govenda can speak on the following:

  • Why must organizations leverage the use of AI in the advancement of digital transformation?
  • How can AI integration in corporate governance ensure that disaster response and contingency planning are effective in the face of digital disruption?
  • Why has AI integration been missing in corporate governance systems till today?
  • What role can AI-driven board portal software play in improving corporate governance practices, decision-making, and managing risks associated with digital transformation?


About Govenda

Marion Lewis and Jeanette Thomas, two results-driven entrepreneurs, investors, philanthropists, and business community leaders co-founded Govenda. Govenda is reimagining how board of directors convene to provide intentional, strategic governance ─ by being the bridge between the boardroom and a company’s strategic goals. The board management software accelerates stakeholder governance as a force for good in the world and empowers organizations to create sustainable value by equipping stakeholders with innovative tools that transform practices. It was designed to magnify security and compliance as board tools to handle sensitive and confidential information crucial to compliance and control of proprietary data. Portability of access with enhanced collaboration is no longer a plus – it is essential. GABII, the Govenda product integrating its AI-driven portal tools with Microsoft 365 and enterprise resource planning (ERP) software streamlines workflows and improves efficiency. For more information on the most innovative platform in board governance visit

Art & Life Business Culture Lifestyle

DOM, Houston-based music artist talks about upcoming single, ‘SDA’

HOUSTON, Texas — Singer, producer, and rapper, DOM is the alter ego of Houston, Texas based music artist Dominique Side. She is known for her fierce female voice and unstoppable boss energy. Co-owner of VgnBae Music Group, she is also a serial entrepreneur, and vegan fashion/lifestyle influencer.


Born originally in Biloxi, Mississippi, Dominique had been a part of several R&B groups until forming VgnBae Music Group in 2019. After producing and singing on different projects at their studios, in 2021 she stepped into the spotlight, releasing music as the force named DOM. Her first EP “IRL” was received as a sonic blast dripping with bad b*tch magic.


“IRL” was a full concept album following the journey of a woman pushed to the edge by a cheating partner. Called “deliciously deranged” and a “dark and sexy rollercoaster ride,” it was streamed hundreds of thousands of times across platforms and accompanied by a visual series. Songs from “IRL” were featured on the radio, soundtracks, and at fashion retail stores.


Dominique has stayed busy in the 2 years since her last release came out creating her own luxury vegan clothing line and working on numerous projects with artists at VgnBae Music Group. Returning to the studio, in May 2023, DOM delivered a new single titled “SDA.” Featuring fellow Texas flow queen Erica Banks, it’s a red hot ass-shaking anthem that she released on May 26.


Leaving no doubt, this new track from DOM shows her boss attitude is still in top form. Her latest single, abbreviated from “shake dat ass”, is a raunchy banger. Giving fans a mouthwatering taste of DOM’s contagious songwriting and versatility in hip-hop and rap, it’s an undeniable audio feast. Continuing her uncompromising views on female empowerment of sexuality and success, DOM’s appetite appears to be insatiable and a radio edit of “SDA” is available. 


With a brand new EP on the way this year, she is making good on her promise that when it comes to her music, “one thing people can expect from me as an artist is authenticity.”

Business Culture Digital - AI & Apps Lifestyle Science Technology

How businesses can use AI tools to gain a competitive edge in digital marketing

AI is evolving quickly. Media buzz claims that the new ChatGPT tool is ready to replace copywriters and take over the world of digital marketing. Derek Chew, CEO of Fullmoon Digital Media, clarifies AI’s role in digital marketing, including where it shines and where it falls flat.


WINDERMERE, Fla.  – Recently, the Pew Research Center surveyed 11,004 U.S. adults to measure their awareness of the presence of AI technology in their day-to-day lives.


Over the past 15 years, artificial intelligence (AI) has become such a fixture in everyone’s daily activities that many people are unaware of how often they are actually interacting with it.


From GPS traffic updates, fitness watches, banking, and personalized online shopping experiences, 30% of Americans were considered to have a high level of awareness, 38% had a medium level, and 31% were not as conscious of just how much they interact with AI on a daily basis.(1)


The AI-powered Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer (ChatGPT), a next-generation natural language processing tool launched in November 2022, has been promoted as a time- and labor-saving device for writing and research from school papers to multimedia applications. It is also demonstrating its usefulness in digital marketing.


But could AI simply replace people and take control of the digital marketing profession? Derek Chew, CEO of Fullmoon Digital, explains that AI is a powerful tool — but only truly effective when combined with human expertise.


Chew clarifies, “The performance of AI tools relies on access to large sets of data to learn from. The current evolution of AI can perform writing and optimizing tasks well if it has sufficient, targeted data and is prompted accurately. In that way, marketers can save time by employing AI effectively. But AI lacks the big-picture understanding, emotional intelligence, and insights to direct the process on its own.”


Even before the launch of ChatGPT, AI has been increasingly adopted to assist with digital marketing tasks. AI and machine learning can personalize websites, analyze and predict customer behavior to segment communications, deliver personalized content, and help optimize advertising campaigns.(2)


AI is also used to help generate web content, although its ability to do that effectively is limited by access to existing, relevant data on the subject. This makes it more effective for some topics than for others. Google’s latest algorithm, the Helpful Content Update, is designed to reward human-generated content that delivers valuable and useful information.(3)


The long-term use of AI in digital marketing depends on improvements in writing code, mimicking human speech, optimizing advertising tasks, streamlining customer service functions, and building websites.(4) The future-world potential of AI is wide open. Experts imagine everything from data-controlled serfdom to an idealized society where AI can supercharge health and fitness as well as reduce pollution. And with machines taking care of most of the work, people may even enjoy a universal basic wage, enabling them to realize their full human potential.(5)


In the meantime, AI is a real economic force with a viable role as a digital marketing tool. Marketers who ignore AI are missing out on time-saving data analysis, like managing informational relationships, measuring results, and using statistical models in predicting outcomes. Those who rely too heavily on AI run the risk of plagiarism, inaccuracies, and content that lacks emotional intelligence.(6)


AI systems are skilled at modeling natural speech and logistical analysis but are entirely incapable of creativity, subjective thinking, or conscious thought.(6) Without human direction and adjustment, the AI output lacks insight, humor, and structural diversity — the elements that inspire the emotional reactions that move people to engage and act.


“AI is a time-saving tool but not a replacement for skill and experience. There is buzz that ChatGPT will replace copywriters, but companies that relegate content creation and ad generation to AI will fall behind. The output is intelligent but not emotional; emotions, not just logic, fuel human decisions. Just because you CAN automate doesn’t mean you SHOULD,” says Chew.


A powerful example is brand identity, which is a projection of the core values of a business and comes across as the company’s personality. It is essential to developing loyalty in today’s marketplace.(7) Well-directed AI tools can mimic a brand’s identity but cannot be relied upon to generate or direct it.


Fullmoon Digital’s marketing process is uniquely tailored to each individual client. Developing a winning digital marketing program entails more than 1s and 0s; it requires effective communication, consistent collaboration, and hard work.


About Fullmoon Digital

Fullmoon Digital Media, founded by Derek Chew, a former early Yahoo! employee, is one of the few 100% independent digital marketing agencies in the United States. The firm is cross-functional with deep experience in media planning and buying, digital consultancy, SEO, digital strategy, programmatic, analytics, performance marketing, paid media, social advertising, and creative. They push the envelope of what is possible in terms of marketing and technology, all the while providing best-in-class digital marketing service to their “pack” of clients. For more information, please visit