Business Culture Entertainment News Lifestyle Sports & Gaming

When owners win big, fans lose out–the relentless optimization of sports businesses

Much has been celebrated about the analytics evolution and ‘Moneyball’ era of professional sports, yet journalist Bruce Schoenfeld argues the relentless optimization of franchises as businesses run the risk of undermining the special relationship between a team and its supporters.


In a compelling essay for The Atlantic, Schoenfeld notes that these new transactional relationships in the spectacle of pro sports have turned fans into unknowing participants (without financial gain) in owners’ franchises disguised as mutual funds.


An insightful examination of the world of analytics and sports business found in Moneyball and Soccernomics, GAME OF EDGES: The Analytics Revolution and the Future of Professional Sports by Bruce Schoenfeld delves into the optimization of professional sports, and shows how a new generation of tech-savvy franchise owners is reshaping every aspect of professional sports—in ways both appealing and alarming.


Innovation, data analysis, and technology have driven a tectonic shift in the sports business. Franchises that were once expensive hobbies for their owners have now grown into enormous businesses, operating at the creative nexus of entertainment, digital content, real estate, retail, and hospitality.


In Game of Edges, Bruce Schoenfeld delivers a high-stakes, character-driven narrative of how the analytics revolution has essentially professionalized business sports—from player selection and in-game strategy to ubiquitous gambling, ever-shifting rule changes, and much more.


Drawing on extensive interviews with franchise owners, general managers, executives, and players, Schoenfeld introduces dynamic leaders who are radically reimagining the operations of these decades-old teams—and producing mind-boggling valuations. Yet Schoenfeld also argues that this relentless pursuit of brand value threatens the basic appeal of the games themselves. Game of Edges explores a world where winning the game is only the beginning.

Culture Environment Lifestyle Local News Programs & Events Sports & Gaming

Mercer 4-H Fair exhibitions to take place at Howell Farms in July

Mercer County Executive Brian M. Hughes encourages residents to showcase their creative talents and skills by entering a project to exhibit at this year’s Mercer County 4-H Fair, planned for July 29 and 30 at Howell Living History Farm in Hopewell Township.

PHOTOS: A newborn donkey and a wagon ride at the Mercer County 4-H Fair. Children’s activities, hay rides, animal shows, music, farm tours, pony rides, magic shows, archery and exhibits will take place throughout the fair on July 29 and 30. (Photos by Chad Ripberger)

Any project created this past year can be entered in the fair, including arts and crafts, photography, gardening, clothing, baking, woodworking and more. There are many “Open Division” categories for public entries (youth and adult) – you do not need to be a 4-H member to exhibit.

The 104th annual Mercer County 4-H Fair will run from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday, July 29, and from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, July 30. Admission and parking are free. Children’s activities, hay rides, animal shows, music, farm tours, pony rides, magic shows, archery and exhibits will take place throughout the fair. Plenty of food and drink, including homemade ice cream, will also be available.

The opening ceremony will take place at 1 p.m. on July 29 in the Show Tent. A country dance with a string band and a caller is scheduled for 6 p.m. on July 29.

4-H, a youth development program operated by Rutgers Cooperative Extension, provides research-based, hands-on learning experiences for youth in Mercer County. For more information about 4-H or entering projects in the fair, please contact Altaira Bejgrowicz at Mercer County 4-H at (609) 989-6830 or

Click here for details about exhibiting at the fair as well as a complete schedule. Projects will be received from the general public for entry in the fair on Thursday, July 27, from 3 to 7 p.m. at Howell Farm. In addition to judging by experts, fairgoers will vote on their favorite exhibits in each category on Saturday, July 29, and those receiving the most votes will be recognized on Sunday, July 30.

Howell Farm is owned by the County of Mercer and operated by the Mercer County Park Commission. It is located on Valley Road, just off Route 29, seven miles north of Washington Crossing. The GPS address is 70 Woodens Lane, Hopewell Township, NJ 08530.

Culture Education Healthcare Lifestyle Science Technology

Parenting tips to uphold kids’ mental health in the digital age

There has been much critical discourse about the escalating children’s mental health crisis relative to how benchmarks like stress, anxiety and loneliness are driving depression and other serious psychological conditions amongst youth populations like never before.


Of course, children are not the only ones suffering, as parents and caregivers struggle to prevent, address and treat concerns in order to uphold kids’ emotional well-being.  In this process, the adults themselves are suffering in kind—often exacerbating their own mental and emotional struggles amid the copious complexities of modern life. This, of course, has a litany of macro-economic implications.


As one case in point, a Morgan Stanley Alliance for Children’s Mental Health research report cited that six in ten of those who are concerned say their children’s mental health has impacted them negatively, with nearly half of those indicating it has affected their productivity at work.


The report goes on to reveal that fully 48% of working parents who reported concern said their children’s mental health has impacted their performance at work in some way—including having to deal with disruptions and an inability to concentrate on the job. Some concerned working parents have considered reducing their working hours to support their child(ren) while others have even considered quitting their jobs altogether.


Relative to the role Internet use, specifically, plays into the children’s mental health crisis, other reported research from the Child Mind Institute found approximately half of parents polled expressed concern over the impact of internet use on cognitive, social and emotional development.


“In today’s digital age, parents are tasked with navigating an ever-evolving technology landscape to address and safeguard their kids’ mental health while also balancing work and parenting—an endeavor that has become a daunting—often seemingly impossible—task that’s ushered in an era of pressure-driven parenting,” says Neuropsychologist, American Mothers New York State.


Mother of the Year” award recipient and Brilliant Minds Unite Founder Dr. Jatali Bellanton—author of Kidpreneurs and founder of the Kids Who Bank financial literacy program, deployed in, hundreds of elementary schools across the United States.


“It is certainly possible for kids to thrive and deeply benefit from technological advancements. But, parents and caregivers must wholeheartedly commit to not just monitor such usage and activities, but also achieve and sustain healthy boundaries away from screens and buttons—both the kids and the adults. The key is to fill that tech downtime with activities that foster connectivity to, and a reverence for, ‘real world’ experiences.


And, when technology is in use, to remain hyper observant and aware ensure it’s not impeding the child’s mental health in any way whether before, during or after. If red flags present, however minor, it’s imperative to address them immediately.”


Social media has long been a culprit of compromising kids’ mental health. A new American Psychological Association health advisory on social media use in adolescence offers the following scientific evidence-based recommendations:


1. Youth using social media should be encouraged to use functions that create opportunities for social support, online companionship, and emotional intimacy that can promote healthy socialization.

2. Social media use, functionality, and permissions/consenting should be tailored to youths’ developmental capabilities; designs created for adults may not be appropriate for children.

3. In early adolescence (i.e., typically 10–14 years), adult monitoring (i.e., ongoing review, discussion, and coaching around social media content) is advised for most youths’ social media use; autonomy may increase gradually as kids age and if they gain digital literacy skills. However, monitoring should be balanced with youths’ appropriate needs for privacy.

4. To reduce the risks of psychological harm, adolescents’ exposure to content on social media that depicts illegal or psychologically maladaptive behavior, including content that instructs or encourages youth to engage in health-risk behaviors, such as self-harm (e.g., cutting, suicide), harm to others, or those that encourage eating-disordered behavior (e.g., restrictive eating, purging, excessive exercise) should be minimized, reported, and removed;  moreover, technology should not drive users to this content.

5. To minimize psychological harm, adolescents’ exposure to “cyberhate” including online discrimination, prejudice, hate, or cyberbullying especially directed toward a marginalized group (e.g., racial, ethnic, gender, sexual, religious, ability status), or toward an individual because of their identity or allyship with a marginalized group should be minimized.

6. Adolescents should be routinely screened for signs of “problematic social media use” that can impair their ability to engage in daily roles and routines, and may present risk for more serious psychological harms over time.

7. The use of social media should be limited so as to not interfere with adolescents’ sleep and physical activity.

8. Adolescents should limit use of social media for social comparison, particularly around beauty- or appearance-related content.

9. Adolescents’ social media use should be preceded by training in social media literacy to ensure that users have developed psychologically-informed competencies and skills that will maximize the chances for balanced, safe, and meaningful social media use.

10. Substantial resources should be provided for continued scientific examination of the positive and negative effects of social media on adolescent development.



Dr. Bellanton, also a technology futurist and leading Metaverse influencer, has some additional valuable insights into how parents can navigate this tricky, ever-changing terrain—especially for younger elementary-age children.


1. Ditch rigid schedules. While it’s essential to have some structure in your child’s daily routine, it’s equally important to provide flexibility. Instead of imposing a strict, timed schedule on your child’s educational or other activities, Dr. Bellanton recommends creating a more relaxed and flexible approach that fits around the parents’ work schedule.

2. Create safe folders for YouTube videos and shows that your child is allowed to watch. With the abundance of inappropriate content available on the internet, it can be challenging to monitor what your child is watching. However, by creating special YouTube folders and streaming media playlists on Netflix and the like, parents can control the content their children consume and avoid unnecessary worry.

3.  Introduce your children to hobbies that require the use of different parts of the brain. Whether it’s sculpting, painting, or physical activities that teach children how to utilize new tools, engaging in a hobby at least once every other day can help children develop new skills and foster creativity.

4. Create a star chart system is another effective way to incentivize and reward children for doing things that do not involve digital devices. For instance, parents can reward their children for cleaning, reading, or playing outside, instead of spending time on screens.

5. Parents can also take advantage of the metaverse by teaching their children how to build and make money through playing video games. Children can be introduced to games that allow them to learn how to make money and build skills while playing.

7. Have conversations with children about online predators and to teach them to be cautious when playing games like Roblox. Parents should also pay attention to the music played in games, as some songs may contain inappropriate lyrics.

8. Put timers on devices to limit screen time. Parents can set a specific amount of time for their children to watch videos or play games on their devices, ensuring they have a healthy balance of screen time and other activities.

Parenting in the digital age is a challenge that requires a multifaceted and highly concerted approach with tactical strategies that must be employed with intention and upheld with consistency. Doing so will allow families to embrace the litany of benefits the digital age affords and use them to derive emotional and lifestyle advantages versus impairments.



About the expert

After 9.5 years in investment banking, and 4.5 years in forensic accounting, Jatali decided to leave the corporate world in order to share her years of financial experience to help the young and ambitious gain business knowledge to build successful careers from doing what they love which has formed into 6 years of her teaching youth in various systems worldwide, including in Ghana, Kenya, etc.


Among her corporate business accomplishments, Jatali restructured and managed accounting departments towards multi-million-dollar profits and clientele growth while lowering costs. She helped companies survive global shifts towards online business by implementing new software programs to replace outdated communication. As a financial consultant for a medical practice, she increased profit margins by 42% in just one year.


In March 2015, Jatali gave birth to her first child, which, little did she know, would lead her to create a youth financial literacy initiative by the name Kids Who Bank. The limited offerings of financial literacy books for children, when in search for her son, inspired her to write a story formatted finance book for youth, and also create a finance curriculum, thus starting her journey of becoming an entrepreneur.


In Kids Who Bank, Jatali strives to inspire children to continue following their dreams. She is passionate about combining her business expertise with her desire to give all children a fair chance to succeed in life.


Jatali has donated over $40,000 to schools worldwide to help students pay for their education, school supplies, backpacks, and books. She is committed to incorporating financial and business education into school curricula.


Also notable, she was awarded the 2019 New York State Mother Of The Year award. Jatali coordinated the “2nd Annual Kidpreneur Awards Gala” on April 7th, 2019, recognizing the entrepreneurial and philanthropic pursuits of bright minds across the nation.

Culture Education Lifestyle Local News Programs & Events

County Exec, Literacy Committee invite children to virtual story time during June

It’s never too early to help children develop a love of books, and during this month of June children have been participating in virtual reading sessions.

For more than a decade, the Mercer County Workforce Development Board  Literacy Committee, in conjunction with Child Care Connection, has been hosting “Early Mercer Reads,” where members of the Mercer County community foster a love of books by reading aloud as a guest at a participating child care center.

During the global pandemic, when it became impossible to read aloud in person, the WDB pivoted and instead had their guest readers video-record themselves reading their favorite children’s book, which was then shared virtually at child care centers.

“The goal of Early Mercer Reads, now in it’s 14th year, has always been to encourage children to read on a daily basis and instill in them a lifelong love of books,” said Mercer County Executive Brian M. Hughes.

“Despite the pandemic, the Literacy Committee found a creative work-around, and I applaud and thank the members and all the volunteers who devote their time and effort to this important cause.”

Over the years, more than 137 child care centers have participated in Early Mercer Reads and more than 15,000 children have been read to. View the videos by going to and entering the password EarlyMR%2023

Art & Life Business Culture Lifestyle Sports & Gaming

Great Clips® unveils inaugural class of the first-ever, Hockey Hair Hall of Fame

Grand prize winner and other inductees to be spotlighted during NHL Awards Broadcast on TNT


MINNEAPOLIS — (BUSINESS WIRE) — Great Clips, the Official Hair Salon of the NHL and the NHLPA, today announced the inaugural six member class of the first-ever, virtual Hockey Hair Hall of Fame as part of the #ShowYourFlow campaign.


From April 17 through May 7, Great Clips received nearly 4,000 photo and video submissions from hockey fans throughout U.S. and Canada on social media and through

The six inductees enshrined include: Conor Busler from Lynnfield, MA (Age 3), Nigel McDonald from Dallas, TX (Age 15), Kate Boysen from Lee’s Summit, MO (Age 36), Micah Kim from La Prairie, Manitoba (Age 4), Everly Bain from Port Coquitlam, British Columbia (Age 9) and Grady Duden from Sioux Center, IA (Age 20). To view the first-ever class of the Hockey Hair Hall of Fame, visit


All inductees received free haircuts for a year and signed Show Your Flow prizing from NHL All-Star Jack Hughes and will be featured on Great Clips social and online channels.


With the highest score by judges, Conor Busler, a Boston Bruins fan, also received a Grand Prize package that included a trip to Nashville to attend the 2023 NHL Awards™. The prize package included tickets to the NHL Awards, roundtrip airfare, hotel accommodations and $300 for food and local transportation.


In collaboration with the NHL, Conor Busler and the other five inductees will be celebrated and featured in a segment during the NHL Awards broadcast on TNT this evening. Before the NHL Awards, Conor will also meet with NHL All-Stars Jack Hughes (New Jersey Devils) and Cale Makar (Colorado Avalanche®) who appeared in Great Clips television commercials during the 2023 Stanley Cup® Playoffs.


“We’d like to thank all of the hockey fans that participated in our #ShowYourFlow campaign and showed us their amazing hockey hair flows,” said Lisa Hake, vice president of marketing and communications at Great Clips, Inc. “Hockey hair comes in all shapes, sizes and styles and that was definitely put on display over the last several weeks. We’re excited to memorialize and reward these six fans for their hockey hair passion and hockey fandom.”


Submissions were scored by a judging panel based on their creativity and originality, their passion for hockey and hockey hair, and the overall quality and appeal of their content. Members of the all-star judging panel included two-time NHL All-Star and New Jersey Devils Center Jack Hughes, Canadian women’s hockey star Sarah Nurse, national talent show finalists and TV stars The Cline Twins, and hockey fan and influencer Jesse Pollock.


About Great Clips, Inc.

Great Clips, Inc. was established in 1982 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Today, there are over 4,400 independently owned Great Clips® salons throughout the United States and Canada, making it the world’s largest salon brand. Great Clips is 100 percent franchised, and salons are owned locally by more than 700 franchisees across the U.S. and Canada. Great Clips® franchisees employ more than 25,000 stylists. Great Clips® franchised salons provide value-priced, high-quality haircare for men, women and children. Getting a great haircut at a Great Clips® salon is more convenient than ever with Online Check-In, ReadyNext® text alerts and Clip Notes®. To check in online, visit or download the free app. For more information about Great Clips, Inc. or to find a salon location near you, visit


About the NHL

The National Hockey League (NHL®), founded in 1917, consists of 32 Member Clubs. Each team roster reflects the League’s international makeup with players from more than 20 countries represented, all vying for the most cherished and historic trophy in professional sports – the Stanley Cup®. Every year, the NHL entertains more than 670 million fans in-arena and through its partners on national television and radio; more than 191 million followers – league, team and player accounts combined – across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, and YouTube; and more than 100 million fans online at The League broadcasts games in more than 160 countries and territories through its rightsholders including ESPN, WBD Sports and NHL Network in the U.S.; Sportsnet and TVA Sports in Canada; Viaplay in the Nordics, Baltics, and Poland; YLE in Finland; Nova in Czech Republic and Slovakia; Sky Sports and ProSieben in Germany; MySports in Switzerland; and CCTV5+ in China; and reaches fans worldwide with games available to stream in every country. Fans are engaged across the League’s digital assets on mobile devices via the free NHL® App; across nine social media platforms; on SiriusXM NHL Network Radio™; and on, available in eight languages and featuring unprecedented access to player and team statistics as well as every regular-season and playoff game box score dating back to the League’s inception, powered by SAP. NHL Original Productions and NHL Studios produce compelling original programming featuring unprecedented access to players, coaches and League and team personnel for distribution across the NHL’s social and digital platforms.


The NHL is committed to building healthy and vibrant communities using the sport of hockey to celebrate fans of every race, color, religion, national origin, gender identity, age, sexual orientation, and socio-economic status. The NHL’s Hockey Is For Everyone™ initiative reinforces that the official policy of the sport is one of inclusion on the ice, in locker rooms, boardrooms and stands. The NHL is expanding access and opportunity for people of all backgrounds and abilities to play hockey, fostering more inclusive environments and growing the game through a greater diversity of participants. To date, the NHL has invested more than $100 million in youth hockey and grassroots programs, with a commitment to invest an additional $5 million for diversity and inclusion programs over the next year.


NHL and the NHL Shield are registered trademarks of the National Hockey League. NHL and NHL team marks are the property of the NHL and its teams. © NHL 2023. All Rights Reserved.


About the National Hockey League Players’ Association

The National Hockey League Players’ Association, established in 1967, is a labour organization whose members are the players in the National Hockey League. The NHLPA works on behalf of the players in varied disciplines such as labour relations, product licensing, marketing, international hockey and community relations, all in furtherance of its efforts to promote its members and the game of hockey. In 1999, the NHLPA Goals & Dreams fund was launched as a way for the players to give something back to the game they love. Over the past 23 years, more than 80,000 deserving children in 34 countries have benefited from the players’ donations of hockey equipment. NHLPA Goals & Dreams has donated more than $25 million to grassroots hockey programs, making it the largest program of its kind. For more information on the NHLPA, please visit


NHLPA, National Hockey League Players’ Association and the NHLPA logo are registered trademarks of the NHLPA and are used under license. © NHLPA. All Rights Reserved.


Media Contact:
Heather Leiferman


Business Culture Entertainment News Lifestyle Sports & Gaming

Inter Miami signs Messi: Is this the turning point of soccer in the US?

In a ground-breaking announcement around June 7, Inter Miami has secured the signing of Lionel Messi, widely regarded as the greatest soccer player the world has ever witnessed.


What does this mean for the sport in the US? Major League Soccer (MLS)? Inter Miami?


The US sporting and soccer landscape

Despite the global popularity of soccer, and a dominant U.S. women’s national soccer team for nearly a quarter-century, the United States has historically shown less interest in the sport compared to other countries. Brand Finance’s research found that American Football and the NFL is by far the most popular sport across the nation, with all but five states choosing it as their favorite sport. Soccer has varying levels of interest, however, ranging from a mere 3% to 32% of people claiming it is their favorite sport.




The US is one of only a handful of countries where sports are the most popular interest, demonstrating the huge scope for growth of soccer across the country.




Inter Miami’s historically lower brand strength could get a boost

Brand Finance’s in-depth MLS research reveals that Inter Miami’s performance falls short when compared to its counterparts across various metrics. Notably, Sporting Kansas City emerges as the frontrunner, claiming the top position in numerous categories, including: my favorite player plays for the club, the team is well run & managed off the pitch, the team has a great stadium, sustainable and positive for the environment, good reputation, the best club in the world. Real Salt Lake and D.C. United also perform strongly in the research.


By contrast, Miami does not rank 1st or 2nd across any of the metrics asked. The area in which they score the highest comparatively is for the team is ambitious. Similar to when Pelé joined New York Cosmos igniting a fever of national excitement and record-breaking attendances, Messi could reshape the fortunes of the Florida-based team and grow both MLS’ and Inter Miami’s global following.


The power of Messi

According to a 2021 release by Brand Finance, Lionel Messi’s departure from FC Barcelona could have led to an 11% decrease in brand value, equivalent to a staggering €137m reduction from its 2021 valuation of €1,266m. However, the actual impact turned out to be less severe than anticipated. Despite that, Barcelona has experienced a significantly slower recovery in brand value compared to their arch-rivals Real Madrid, with the gap widening from €10m to a considerable €84m. Indeed, the power of a superstar cannot be underestimated.


The addition of Lionel Messi to Inter Miami presents a significant opportunity to enhance commercial revenue, with sponsorship and merchandise sales poised to benefit immensely from his presence. Moreover, Messi’s exceptional skills and iconic status are expected to elevate on-field performance, attracting a larger fan base and likely enticing even more of the Latin American audience, which is already primarily driven by national team players. This surge in popularity has the potential to boost broadcasting and matchday income, while also leading to improved match-day attendance across the country.


Considering Messi’s current age, his longevity becomes a crucial factor in assessing the overall impact on brand value. However, the prospect of him retiring at Inter Miami while maintaining a positive relationship could also open doors for mutually beneficial brand partnerships, extending beyond his playing days and benefiting both Messi and the club.


Hugo Hensley, Head of Sports Services at Brand Finance, commented:

“The arrival of Lionel Messi to Inter Miami signifies a turning point in the sport’s landscape, unlocking immense potential for growth across the U.S. With his iconic status and exceptional skills, Messi’s addition presents a unique opportunity to elevate commercial revenue, attracting sponsors and driving merchandise sales. Moreover, his impact on the field is expected to broaden the fan base, boosting broadcasting and matchday income. With Messi joining the club, it aims to redefine its brand, forging valuable partnerships that extend beyond his playing days. The power of this superstar endorsement cannot be underestimated.”


Celebrity endorsement and ownership model on the rise

We have seen big names try and build the sport from inside the nation. David Beckham – who is arguably more famous for his work off the pitch than on it – launched Inter Miami in 2020. More recently, Academy Award winner Natalie Portman co-founded Angel City FC, a National Women’s Soccer League expansion team.


Prominent Hollywood actor Ryan Reynolds and his business partner and fellow actor, Rob McElhenney, ventured into soccer club ownership by acquiring Wales’s Wrexham AFC in November 2020. This Hollywood story has generated significant media attention and the release of the Hulu and Disney+ docuseries on the club – Welcome to Wrexham – has garnered support and interest like never before. With Apple TV announcing a similar style documentary on Inter Miami, the club can leverage the star power of the player to captivate audiences and fuel the rapid growth of the sport across the country.

Business Culture Healthcare Lifestyle Regulations & Security Science

Members vote yes for first contract in UFCW Local 152’s cannabis division

EGG HARBOR TOWNSHIP, N.J. — (BUSINESS WIRE) — UFCW Local 152 members at The Botanist dispensaries in Egg Harbor and Atlantic City, N.J. voted overwhelmingly on June 21 to ratify a bargaining agreement with their employer, making it the first of its kind for cannabis workers at the local union.


The three-year agreement calls for raises as well as ratification bonuses and improved health benefits. The base salary for new hires is increased and all members at both Botanist locations have access to the grievance process through their union.


“This strong first contract is the culmination of months of hard bargaining on behalf of our members,” Local 152 President Brian String said. “The unity displayed by these workers was crucial to our success and sets a strong foundation for continued achievements.”


UFCW Local 152 represents more than 60 workers at The Botanist across the two locations. Members grow, harvest and process cannabis and sell it in several forms at their retail spaces. Customers can seek assistance from the experts at either location to find the products that meet their medical needs.


For more than a decade, Local 152 has been at the forefront of organizing the cannabis industry in New Jersey. Earlier this year, workers at another cannabis cultivation site owned by MPX NJ group voted to join the union and are in negotiations to determine their first contract.


“Our expertise in bargaining across many diverse, challenging industries makes Local 152 a powerful ally for cannabis workers,” String said.


“No one has to go it alone. With a union, we’re all in this together.”


Brian String, President

UFCW Local 152

(609) 704-3900

Art & Life Culture Education Environment Lifestyle

Audible Original series, How to Change Careers- 3 questions to ask before you make the leap

Getting a new job doesn’t always help you find happiness—you might need a new career, according to Octavia Goredema, host of the Audible Original series, How to Change Careers.


According to analysis by Pew Research Center, half of the employees who quit their jobs in 2021 made a career change. The typical American employee will spend almost 100,000 hours at work during the course of a lifetime. That equates to spending a third of our lives at work.


“The work that we do matters,” says Goredema.


“If you’ve dreamed of making a career change, this is your moment. You haven’t failed by not being where you want to be yet. Trying out a career, whether you continue to pursue it or not, is valuable life experience. Even when we know what we want to do next, changing direction is often daunting. But we’re not alone.  It is my hope that this course will shine a light on the opportunities and paths that lie ahead for you, and arm you with the tools and confidence to embark on the career you truly want.”


Goredema offers interviews, expert commentary, and has contributed articles around how to evaluate your career change options and can share three tips to clarify your next steps and overcome obstacles that stand in between where you are now and where you are headed:

  • Why:  Why are you making a career change? 
  • How: How you can do this? (8 questions to help you figure this out)
  • When: When will you do this?


About the Audible Original series, How to Change Careers

Few feelings in life are as awful as the feeling of being trapped in the wrong career. But how do you find a job that truly resonates with you? And once you’ve found it, how do you develop the confidence to take the necessary steps to arrive at the career of your dreams?


Just ask Octavia Goredema, a noted career coach and author who made a major pivot in her professional career and has never looked back. Every day, in group workshops and one-on-one coaching sessions, she helps professionals find the right path to do the work that matters to them. And in her Audible Original How to Change Careers, she coaches you through the uncertainty behind any career change and gives you the confidence to hit a reset switch on your professional life.


In five informative and inspiring lessons, you’ll learn how to determine whether you need a gradual shift or an immediate pivot in your line of work; how to build out a road map of the resources, skills, and investment required to change careers; ways to conduct focused conversations with career changemakers and personal champions; tactics for handling the common pitfalls of personal doubt and rejection; and so much more.


With this invaluable professional resource, you’ll find yourself closer than ever to where you want to be in your life—and the work you want to be doing in it.


About the Host

Octavia Goredema is host of the Audible Original series, How to Change Careers.

A career coach, author, and the founder of Twenty Ten Agency, Goredema has coached leaders at renowned companies including Google, American Airlines, Tinder, General Motors, Nike, and Dow Jones.  Goredema shares her insights in her book, PREP, PUSH, PIVOT: Essential Career Strategies for Underrepresented Women, published by Wiley. She leads the PREP, PUSH, PIVOT Mastermind Circle, a virtual group coaching program that provides a catalyst for underrepresented women to advance their careers.


An acclaimed career expert, Goredema’s insights have been featured in leading media outlets including Fortune, CNN, Fast Company, Harvard Business Review, Los Angeles Times, The Guardian, and Black Enterprise, among others. During the pandemic she co-hosted HBR Now, Harvard Business Review’sweekly show about leadership.


A dual U.S. and U.K. citizen, Goredema was appointed a Member of the Order of the British Empire by the Queen (MBE) in recognition of her work, one of Great Britain’s highest civic honors. Octavia is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, where she leads the Gender Equity Network in the United States. Originally from England, Octavia lives in Los Angeles, California.

Business Culture Healthcare Lifestyle Science

Catalent appoints Matti Masanovich Senior Vice President & Chief Financial Officer

SOMERSET, N.J. — (BUSINESS WIRE) — Catalent, Inc. (NYSE: CTLT), the leader in enabling the development and supply of better treatments for patients worldwide, today announced that Matti Masanovich has been named Senior Vice President & Chief Financial Officer, effective July 5, 2023.


Prior to joining Catalent, Mr. Masanovich served as Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer of Tenneco Automotive until it was acquired by Apollo. Previously he was Chief Financial Officer at Superior Industries International and General Cable Corporation.


“Matti is a proven finance leader whose deep experience growing and driving profitability at publicly traded, complex global manufacturing companies is ideally suited to help Catalent reach its next level of performance, including enhanced profitability and value-creation for shareholders,” said Alessandro Maselli, President and Chief Executive Officer of Catalent.


“He brings significant expertise and a highly strategic approach that I am confident will make him an invaluable addition to Catalent’s executive leadership team as we continue to seize opportunities in the CDMO space.”


Earlier in his career, Mr. Masanovich held finance leadership roles of increasing responsibility in a number of companies in the automotive industry, where he demonstrated a strong history of improvement and profitability and operating efficiency. Mr. Masanovich began his career with PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. He has Bachelor of Commerce, Finance & Accounting and M.B.A. degrees from the University of Windsor and is a Chartered Accountant in Canada.


“Catalent is a dynamic company that operates in a critical, fast-growing sector that has a meaningful impact on helping people live longer, healthier lives. I am impressed with their portfolio of solutions and feel the company has the right capabilities to serve that market, and I am excited to work with Catalent’s talented team to create value for its customers, patients, and shareholders,” said Mr. Masanovich.


Mr. Masanovich will have responsibility for all aspects of Catalent’s global financial operations, including financial planning and analysis, controllership, public reporting and investor relations, capital markets activities, bill payment and collection, tax, and treasury. He will also be a member of Catalent’s executive leadership team, the highest level of company management.


About Catalent

Catalent, Inc. (NYSE: CTLT), an S&P 500® company, is the global leader in enabling pharma, biotech, and consumer health partners to optimize product development, launch, and full life-cycle supply for patients around the world. With broad and deep scale and expertise in development sciences, delivery technologies, and multi-modality manufacturing, Catalent is a preferred industry partner for personalized medicines, consumer health brand extensions, and blockbuster drugs. Catalent helps accelerate over 1,000 partner programs and launch over 150 new products every year. Its flexible manufacturing platforms at over 50 global sites supply around 80 billion doses of nearly 8,000 products annually. Catalent’s expert workforce of approximately 18,000 includes more than 3,000 scientists and technicians. Headquartered in Somerset, New Jersey, the company generated nearly $5 billion in revenue in its 2022 fiscal year. For more information


Forward Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements contained in this press release that do not relate to matters of historical fact should be considered forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based on management’s current expectations. These statements are neither promises nor guarantees, but involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other important factors that may cause actual future events, results or achievements to be materially different from Catalent’s expectations and projections expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Important factors include, but are not limited to, those discussed under the caption “Risk Factors” in Catalent’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended June 30, 2022 (as amended), Catalent’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the three and nine months ended March 31, 2023, and Catalent’s other filings with the SEC. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this press release and are based on information available to Catalent as of the date of this press release, and Catalent assumes no obligation to update such forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.


Investor Contact:

Paul Surdez, Catalent, Inc.

(732) 537-6325

Media Contact:

Chris Halling

+44 (0)7580 041073

Business Culture Environment Lifestyle Programs & Events Science

New Jersey Resources hosts inaugural Shareholder Appreciation Day and presents the New Jersey Resources Innovation Award

Christopher Chen named inaugural recipient


WALL, N.J. — (BUSINESS WIRE) — New Jersey Resources Corporation (NYSE: NJR) today hosted its inaugural Shareholder Appreciation Day. This event provided existing shareholders with the opportunity to meet senior management and to interact with leaders across the company’s various business units.

Steve Westhoven, President and CEO of New Jersey Resources said, “Today’s Shareholder Appreciation Day is an opportunity for us to say thank you to our shareholders for their investment and confidence in New Jersey Resources. At every level of our company, we are committed to rewarding that trust.”


At the event, Mr. Westhoven presented the company’s first-ever New Jersey Resources Innovation Award to Christopher Chen, Manager of Business Development at New Jersey Natural Gas (NJNG), the principal subsidiary of NJR. In his role for the company, Mr. Chen led the development of the first Green Hydrogen Blending Facility in New Jersey and on the East Coast. This cutting-edge pilot project blends carbon-free hydrogen into NJNG’s distribution network to help decarbonize the energy it delivers to customers.


“We created the New Jersey Resources Innovation Award to recognize those who personify a commitment to developing transformative solutions that benefit our company, customers and the communities we serve,” said Mr. Westhoven.


“We are pleased to present our first ever Innovation Award to Chris Chen. Chris and his team conceptualized, designed and successfully built our hydrogen facility during a pandemic. Since its launch, it has been actively delivering green hydrogen into our customers’ homes. It Is people like Chris that reflect and embody the way New Jersey Resources is leading through innovation.”


About New Jersey Resources:

New Jersey Resources (NYSE: NJR) is a Fortune 1000 company that, through its subsidiaries, provides safe and reliable natural gas and clean energy services, including transportation, distribution, asset management and home services. NJR is composed of five primary businesses:

  • New Jersey Natural Gas, NJR’s principal subsidiary,operates and maintains over 7,700 miles of natural gas transportation and distribution infrastructure to serve over 570,000 customers in New Jersey’s Monmouth, Ocean and parts of Morris, Middlesex, Sussex and Burlington counties.
  • Clean Energy Ventures invests in, owns and operates solar projects with a total capacity of approximately 440 megawatts, providing residential and commercial customers with low-carbon solutions.
  • Energy Services manages a diversified portfolio of natural gas transportation and storage assets and provides physical natural gas services and customized energy solutions to its customers across North America.
  • Storage and Transportation serves customers from local distributors and producers to electric generators and wholesale marketers through its ownership of Leaf River and the Adelphia Gateway Pipeline, as well as our 50% equity ownership in the Steckman Ridge natural gas storage facility.
  • Home Services provides service contracts as well as heating, central air conditioning, water heaters, standby generators, solar and other indoor and outdoor comfort products to residential homes throughout New Jersey.


NJR and its over 1,300 employees are committed to helping customers save energy and money by promoting conservation and encouraging efficiency through Conserve to Preserve® and initiatives such as The SAVEGREEN Project® and The Sunlight Advantage®.

For more information about NJR:

Follow us on Twitter @NJNaturalGas.

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