Business Technology

Castor leads next-gen clinical trials that support digital therapeutics

– Castor is supporting the next generation of digital therapeutics that can improve patient lives with disease-modifying potential

– Castor has worked with more than 30 DTx companies


HOBOKEN, N.J. — (BUSINESS WIRE) — #DTxCastor, a leading provider of clinical trial technology to democratize clinical research, announced that it is powering the next generation of clinical trials with more than 30 digital therapeutics (DTx) studies ongoing. A new class of therapeutics is rapidly advancing medicine: digital therapeutics or “DTx”. These digital treatments have disease-modifying properties that are effective for a wide range of debilitating and deadly diseases.


Castor is supporting this fast-growing segment in clinical trials, as DTx is expected to have continued exponential growth with a CAGR of 30%, according to a recent industry report. Castor helps DTx companies overcome many of the unique challenges they face in clinical trials, from recruitment, screening, and informed consent to data capture – while integrating sensor and app data seamlessly through an open API.


MedRhythms, a digital therapeutics company based in Portland, Maine, uses sensors, music, and software to build evidence-based, neurologic interventions to measure and improve walking. Intended to be a rehabilitative device for walking improvement, MedRhythms’ first product intends to serve chronic stroke patients with walking difficulties, and seeks to improve the speed and quality of walking. MedRhythms selected Castor as their Clinical Data Platform, citing Castor’s transparency with cost predictions, user-friendliness, and the ability to try a full version of Castor before buying.


“Castor’s solutions were easy to navigate and intuitive to use, which is why we were interested in working with them,” said MedRhythms CEO & Founder, Brian Harris. “They were able to accommodate the amount of data from our multi-site randomized controlled trial, and our sites have expressed how much they have enjoyed using Castor as well.”


For MedRhythms, even monitoring, often one of the most cumbersome trial activities, turned into a seamless process since sites quickly grasped Castor’s user interface. With Castor, study teams found it easy to log in, add a participant and randomize with Castor’s built-in randomization tool.


“Castor is powering the future of medicine, a new category of prescription digital therapeutics at the forefront of revolutionizing healthcare,” said Derk Arts, Ph.D., M.D., CEO & Founder, Castor. “Healthcare is slowly moving away from traditional therapies or a physical medical device, and instead adopting software as a medical device (SaMD). This shift changes everything about how we need to approach a novel clinical study in digital therapeutics. We look forward to powering additional studies with Castor’s DCT and Hybrid Trial platform to advance the field of digital medicine.”


Register for DTx East on September 28th to hear how Castor is “Reshaping the Future of Clinical Trials for Digital Therapeutics.”


About Castor

Castor is a leading provider of decentralized and hybrid clinical trial solutions to democratize research. With the highest rated eClinical platform for decentralized and hybrid clinical trials, Castor’s plug and play platform offers rapid deployment at scale, enabling researchers to create a trial in a matter of clicks, with easy enrollment, consent and real-world data capture. Castor is bringing human-centered design to the clinical trial process, from recruitment to analysis, and improving the quality, security and reusability of data for researchers worldwide. For more information, visit Follow us on Twitter at @castor.



Kimberly Ha

KKH Advisors

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