Local News

Princess Prom Project provides pretty, affordable dresses for H.S. girls

High school girls are able to choose a dress for their junior or senior prom from these donated dresses in the Prom Room at the 14th District Legislative Office in Hamilton. (Provided photo)

HAMILTON – For the sixth consecutive year, Princess Prom Project is making it affordable for high school girls to celebrate their junior and senior proms, which are usually memorable events of their high school experience.

The annual Princess Prom Project, which was launched in 2011 by Assemblyman, Wayne DeAngelo of the 14th Legislative District, strives to make sure that young ladies will be able to find formal prom dresses to wear on their special night instead of missing out because formal dresses are too expensive.

“Every year, it is heart-warming to see the joy that can be felt by a young lady who finds that perfect dress for the extremely special event in their youth,” said DeAngelo (D-Hamilton).

He said families in the area have been generous because they donate new or gently worn dresses each year.

Also, “the collaboration with youth service and community outreach agencies, plus local word of mouth has continued to make [the] program a great success to provide for the young ladies in our District,” DeAngelo said.

For example, approximately two months before their prom, Steinert High School will also mention the program to its students.

Steinert’s Fashion Show Co-Chair, Jennifer Persichetti, said their students will hear about Princess Prom Project at their fashion show on March 9th when DeAngelo attends the school event and speaks to them.

“He’s going to encourage [people] to come and drop off gowns at his office,’’ Persichetti said. “The Assemblyman or a rep has come to speak at the fashion show in the past. We help him spread the word,” she said.

The Princess Prom Project invites folks in the community to support the program by donating different size dresses that are in good condition. These include slightly used, formal or cocktail gowns hanging in their closets, accessories such as purses and jewelry. The 14th Legislative District Outreach Center located at 4621A Nottingham Way in Hamilton Township collects these items and holds them in their prom room.

“Throughout the year, but particularly during the spring, families continue to support the prom by opening their hearts and their closets to constantly refresh the collection of hundreds of dresses and accessories to complete their look,” DeAngelo said.

The project includes these dresses in the “dress collection” that young ladies choose from during the “shopping parties” that are held on selected days or by appointments between February and May.

“The Princess Prom Project continues to be a great avenue for families who want their daughters to have that once in a lifetime experience without the price tag becoming overwhelming for families living on a tight household [budget],” DeAngelo noted.

At the upcoming shopping parties, ladies looking for their formal dresses will browse through the large collection of dresses that are provided at no cost to them.

DeAngelo initiated the Princess Prom Project because he understands how both parents and young ladies appreciate the financial benefits as well as their special night out with their peers.

“As a father who has watched my two daughters beam with excitement as they went off to their formals and proms, I know how important it is as a parent t make sure their teenager feels that they look their best for those special events,” he said.

The Princess Prom Project is opened to high school girls who live in the 14th District that consists of Hamilton Township, East Windsor, Hightstown, Robbinsville, Monroe Township, Jamesburg, Plainsboro, Spotswood and Cranbury.

Shopping parties will be held 3 to 6 pm Tuesday, March 7; Monday, March 20; Wednesday, April 5; Thursday, April 20; and Wednesday, May 3, or by calling the 14th Legislative District Outreach Office at (609) 631-7501.

Art & Life

Black History Month allows for reflection on America’s role as ‘melting pot’ for ethnic cultures

History teaches us that America thrived for decades with appropriate, controlled approach to immigration that allowed for ethnic diversity of cultures, literature, art, foods, music and other contributions from immigrants who assimilated into America’s common culture and institutions.

"This American carnage stops right here and stops right now."

However, unless we preserve the values of a “melting pot’’ culture that makes America great, we stand to lose the successes of a country that brings people together, and America will change its appeal to the world.

During Black History Month, leaders and organizers of events hope that Americans at large and African-Americans will remember our history, our struggles, and the black males and females who have contributed to American society and thus makes it a better place to live for future generations.

Likewise, many other cultures and minority groups in America share a similar sentiment of wanting inclusion and recognition for their contributions to making America great.

But with illegal immigration, a struggling economy and declining real wages, terrorism and national security, government spending and taxation, record-high political partisanship, America has been changing its tune on immigration.

Times have been tense in America for years, with the double-whammies of the Great Recession and the roll-out of Obamacare pitting the left against the right. With dollars seeming scarcer, America’s diverse groups may feel more competitive than cooperative, anxious about access to jobs, housing, and government influence.

The election of billionaire real estate mogul, Donald Trump, to the White House has exacerbated the already wide gulf between the left and right. As perhaps the most controversial major party presidential nominee in history, Trump’s aggressive and unchecked rhetoric had already incensed women, minorities, and the LGBTQ community long before Election Day. His election upset, coming despite losing the popular vote by a record 2.9 million votes, was seen by many as a signal that a wide swath of the electorate no longer appreciated diversity or inclusiveness.

Trump’s inaugural address, in which he declared “America first,” further alarmed the left by taunting the Washington establishment and declaring that America had been taken advantage of by other countries. The property tycoon blamed foreigners for the United States’ economic malaise, both illegal immigrants allegedly taking jobs and globalized competitors allegedly taking America’s business.

neighbors - vecinos

Immediately after taking office on Jan. 20, Donald Trump continued raising eyebrows by seeking to keep all of his campaign promises. While politicians are ordinarily lauded for such practice, Trump’s supporters had actually tried to make the billionaire more palatable to the public by insisting that he should not be taken literally. Literally is what we have gotten from the Oval Office: Trump’s most controversial acts in his two weeks in office have been signing executive orders to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border and ban any immigrants or refugees from seven predominantly-Islamic nations in the Middle East.

These two executive orders hammer home that the White House no longer considers the United States to be a genuine melting pot. Immigrants were once accepted as part of the powerful blend of America, but no more. In Trump’s America, immigrants are seen as statistics that must be monitored: Examined for crime, economic contribution, birth rate, use of welfare. While the president has not publicly suggested that immigration be discontinued, he has gone further than any modern-day predecessor in insisting that immigration has been a bust rather than a boon.

By portraying immigrants from Latin America as criminals, rapists, and drug dealers, Trump has actively sought to turn his supporters, and all citizens, against the idea of America as a melting pot. He wants us to see Mexicans as dangerous job-stealers and Muslims as budding proto-terrorists. If he can destroy the age-old idea of the U.S. as a melting pot, he can successfully pit societal groups against each other and enhance his own power. Once we become a society of us-versus-them, each group will constantly seek the favor of the White House…and guarantee Trump a second term.
Calvin Wolf contributed to this report
Wolf is his pen name and he has published over 2,000 articles on sites like the Yahoo! ContributorNetwork, Examiner, Helium, DigitalJournal, The News Hub, and Hubpages, as well as for his local newspaper. He has also published eight political thriller novels and is an AP teacher.

Local News

Hispanic role models motivate Hamilton students

Courtesy Photo –
HISPA CEO, Dr. Ivonne Diaz-Claisse speaks with students at a Hamilton high school recently, in a effort to motivate them to reach their educational goals.

It has been very motivational for Hispanic students at Hamilton high schools when Hispanic role models recently engaged them in thinking about their future.

Based in New Jersey, the new non-profit for Hispanics Inspiring Students’ Performance and Achievement, HISPA, seeks to mobilize Hispanic professionals all yearlong to be role models for Hamilton students.

Following a HISPA program at Hamilton High School West last Wednesday, one student told the Hispanic Hamilton Councilwoman, Ileana Schirmer, ‘“really needed to hear this today.”’

So far, the program has been launched in two Hamilton high schools in January, and students have participated in two HISPA sessions. The first was on Jan. 12 and the second on the 25th at Nottingham High School and Hamilton High School West, respectively.

At the first HISPA session, the Hispanic students’ role models were HISPA CEO, Dr. Ivonne Diaz-Claisse and Princeton University Computer Science Lecturer,
Sandra Batista, Ph.D. Role models for the students on Jan. 25 were Diaz-Claisse and Schirmer.

While lecturing and engaging the students, Diaz-Claisse shared her story about challenges and obstacles she overcame and earned two master’s degrees and a Ph.D. in Mathematics.

Diaz-Claisse told the students she faced obstacles while growing up in Puerto Rico, because she lacked role models. “Her story struck a chord with the school’s growing Hispanic student population,” states Communications and Development Manager of HISPA, Kelly Grossman.

According to Grossman, Diaz-Claisse realized that Hispanic students craved role models with whom they can identify – individuals “with whom they share a language or cultural background, someone that reminded them of their families.”

Thus, upon realizing Hispanic students’ success is not only critical to our community, but to America’s future, Diaz-Claisse joined forces with other Hispanic professionals like herself to encourage these students.

It is predicted that Hispanic students will make up “nearly one of every three students by 2025,” states Grossman.

She claims, “though we have made progress, Hispanics still have the highest dropout rates of all major racial and ethnic groups, and fewer than 10 per cent have earned a bachelor’s degree or higher.”

Therefore, the goal of HISPA is to close the academic achievement gap, so that students can “fulfill their potentials, participate in high-skilled jobs, and become key contributors to America’s future.”

Schirmer noted the Hamilton programs have been extremely rewarding and have made a positive impact and the community needs to be aware of HISPA.

HISPA has grown to more than 9,000 students from its grassroots connections since Diaz-Claisse’s visit a local school in New Jersey. Now, the program can be found in New York, Texas, and Florida.

Hamilton will have additional programs during the school year, with sessions scheduled at Nottingham High School and at Hamilton High School West on Feb. 16 and 22nd, respectively.


Women’s marches voice messages worldwide








Millions of women and others marched worldwide Saturday to express unity and concern, and to protest any idea that the new President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, would reverse women’s rights, marginalize immigrants, gays, the disabled, muslims, Mexicans, and other minority groups, and repeal ObamaCare.


There were about 700 sister marches that were held in about 60 countries, the day after President Trump took office as the 45th U.S. president.


There was a march in Trenton, NJ., Philadelphia; Washington, D.C.; Colorado, and several other U.S. cities and states. Worldwide, there were marches in Sydney and Melbourne, Au; Kenya, Africa; Canadian cities of Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver; Barcelona, Spain; Puerto Rico; Virgin Islands; and other cities and countries.


These marches outnumbered the protestors on President Trump’s inauguration day.



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Prez Trump’s Inaugural Speech aligns with brand



Today has been an “unbelievable” day for the 45th United States President, Donald J. Trump — President Trump responded to a CNN reporter during the Inauguration Parade.


Many thought this day would never come: For better or worse, a billionaire businessman with no public sector experience has become the president of the United States. Liberals are horrified, moderate Republicans are displeased, and the incoming Trump administration is alarmingly unprepared to take the reins. Trump, the controversial real estate scion and former reality TV star, delivered an impressive Inaugural Address and relished in his success today.


Some are cheering Trump as the take-charge outsider we need to end Washington dysfunction, while others fear that he is an incompetent blowhard who will provide only anger and outrage instead of leadership and guidance.


With little evidence as to how Trump will actually operate as America’s chief executive, the press hangs on his every word and searches for clues. Will he be as aggressive as he portrayed himself during his campaign, or will he relax into a hands-off delegator?


Donald Trump’s inauguration address is being examined as a preview of how the Washington outsider will run his Oval Office. Like virtually all of Trump’s politicking thus far, it is far from placid.


From the very beginning, Trump struck a strong populist tone, insisting that his presidency would return power “back to you, the people.” This is certainly a swipe at the outgoing Democratic administration of Barack Obama, who was accused by conservatives of engaging in significant federal overreach with the Affordable Care Act.


But the jab was not intended solely for the departing Democratic administration, but also at moderate Republicans: Trump proclaimed seconds later that “the establishment protected itself, but not the citizens of our country,” echoing his consistent displeasure with GOP elder statesmen.


Trump then addressed the woes of the nation, but saw them through a staunchly conservative lens: “inner cities, rusted out factories…an education system flush with cash, but which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of all knowledge…the crime and the gangs and the drugs.”


The comment about the education system being “flush with cash” will undoubtedly ruffle feathers, especially among K-12 public school teachers who have faced recent budget cuts. The focus on crime, gangs, and drugs as prominent ailments of America implies that president Trump will continue the controversial “war on drugs” and insist on harsh sentencing guidelines.


“This American carnage stops right here and stops right now” is a line that will divide citizens, with some praising Trump as a tough-on-crime advocate of order and others criticizing him as a proto-dictator looking to exaggerate problems and seek scapegoats.


Doubling down on order, Trump insisted that America had allowed “for the very sad depletion of our military,” implying that he will seek to increase defense spending.


He criticized foreign trade and foreign nations as eroding our economic strength and draining the middle class.


Though the last portion of Trump’s speech was more positive, seeking unity, he re-emphasized some key points that could be considered controversial: Biblical values, staunch support of military and law enforcement, and a criticism of “all talk and no action” politicians. Liberal critics of the “blue wall of silence” and the military-industrial complex are undoubtedly wary.


Though he remained a populist and was true to his brand, eschewing the usual Republican line of being pro-business and pro-free trade, Trump did signal an alliance with the defense hawk wing of the GOP by vowing to restore military funding. The prominent reference of Biblical values may have been intended as an olive branch to religious conservatives, many of whom have been ambivalent about supporting the former Republican nominee due to his extramarital affairs. Nevertheless, his strongest vow, throughout his address, was to the people.


By promising to never let the American people down, Donald Trump is taking a substantial risk. True to form, he chose an optimistic, aggressive message of guaranteed growth and success. He is playing to the crowd, promising results, but he stands to fall hard in 2020 if his administration has not delivered unparalleled security and prosperity.


This begs the question of whether or not Trump has considered re-election strategies. In an era where every utterance, tweet, or text is saved online forever, the ambitious promises made in an inauguration address could quickly become opposition fodder when miracles don’t occur. Remember George Bush Sr. and “no new taxes”?


All in all, Trump’s inauguration address had few major surprises. He did not deviate from the themes and tones of his unorthodox presidential campaign, which made ample use of tough talk and confrontation. He stuck to his guns on destroying ISIS, “bring[ing] back our borders,” and getting people “off welfare.” One thing he did not mention, however, was health care. And, there was also no explicit reference to a border wall. Does this signal that Trump is concerned about his ability to accomplish those two major reforms as originally planned?


It was a speech full of confidence, with a dash of defiance, and with little show of willingness to compromise. Liberals likely hated it, and conservatives probably loved it. In sum, Trump’s first speech as president was consistent with his brand, with the exact same tone as his controversial campaigns. He continued with his theme to “Make America Great Again.”

Culture Local News

MLK Day: Unification of educators and community

This week, Mercer County Community College, with other groups and organizations, celebrated Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day as a reminder of our progress and the power of education.

The highlight of the celebration at the James Kerney Campus in Trenton, was the message from the Keynote Speaker, Dr. Pamela Pruitt who spoke about, “The “’Power’’’ of Education: Then, Now and Tomorrow.”

Students and sorority group gather at MCCC in Trenton to serve the community on MLK Day of Service, Monday.

Dr. Pruitt reminded us that, “Dr. King sacrificed a lot for not only blacks, but for all peoples of this country,”

She emphasized that we all should value education because knowledge is power and it empowers us when moving forward. She encouraged us to keep the “dream” alive, and hoped that we had a meaningful day on Dr. M.L.K., Jr.’s Day.

Busar, Lucia Brown-Joseph and Youth College, Upward Bound Director, Stacy Denton, led the morning and afternoon activities at the James Kerney Campus. Joseph said they needed to reinforce Dr. King’s message so they helped the needy in the community.

The M.L.K. Jr. Day of Service celebration at the James Kerney Campus began at about 8 a.m. Monday. According the College’s Provost, Monica Weaver and Denton, there were about 200 volunteers in the café making more than 1,300 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the homeless at the Trenton Rescue Mission.

Volunteers doing their part Monday to assist needy members of the community on MLK Day of service at James Kerney Campus, MCCC.

Denton said that more than 10 organizations supported the effort. These included all the Youth College programs at MCCC; Teen Voices – A 21st Century Program from Pennsylvania; House of Blessings church; Boys and Girls Club; Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.; and Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc..


Freelancers, employees must think about taxes

With tax season almost here, employees and contractors are thinking about the forms the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will require them to use to report their earnings and to file their taxes.

There are two main types of workers: The self-employed (freelancers, contractors, business owners), and also employees who work for employers who deduct their taxes.


You need to understand the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidelines so that you can derive joy, satisfaction, benefits, and total happiness from your dream career.

Whether to select a W2 or 1099 as the primary tax form is an important decision that will have an impact on ones work condition. It affects the ability to simply accept insurance, assignments, and benefits, and also influences tax liabilities. It is not merely a matter of decision, but it can legally implicate you. Therefore, it is necessary to make the right decision about your employment and the forms you will use.

For two different kinds of workers, W2 and 1099 are two distinct tax forms that are recommended. If you’re an employee, you will obtain a W2. If you’re an independent contractor or freelancer, you will use a 1099 form.

If you are a W2 employee, all payroll taxes are automatically removed or deducted from your paycheck and then your employer forwards the deductions to be paid to the government. On the other hand, it is the self-employed, contractor, or freelancer’s responsibility to make the necessary calculations about their payroll taxes and then forward the sum to the government on a quarterly basis.

The most important factor that must be considered in your decision-making is your personality or behavior. W2s and 1099s both vary in complexity when setting up your own business. The 1099s are the most complicated with W2s being simpler. You just have to decide what best fits your way of life. This is because the cash you save on taxes at the end of the day will not appear to be justified, despite all the trouble you have gone through. They are basically the same.


Consider these factors when deciding how you want to work:

1. Are you a procrastinator? Consider W2
You should try picking a W2 to save yourself a lot of sleepless nights and troubles if you are someone who dislike tax time and would prefer a root canal than completing and submitting 1099 government forms.

W2 Pros
• Simplest and easiest option if you are not a savvy employee.
• You are not totally responsible for the employee tax burden.
• Little or no accounting required.
• W2 employee can deduct or itemize business expenses.

W2 Cons
• Deductibility of unreimbursed operational expenses and medicinal insurance premiums are extremely restricted.
• Limited capacity to withhold income if a 401(k) is unavailable.
• Transportation is not deductible

2. Do you like challenging authority? Try choosing 1099
If you have the courage and strength to find your way out and overcome all the troubles of IRS, you should try using the 1099 form. In any case, there are a few drawbacks to this option that will probably make you consider choosing W2: like your sales will probably get the attention of the IRS. Since contractors may sometimes be irresponsible about paying their taxes, the IRS has been vigilant. The government has gathered $9.5 million in back wages from employers who misclassified workers as self-employed since 2011.

1099 Pros
• Easy to begin.
• You may be qualified to collect the Home Office Deduction.
• Losses may be used to counterbalance other income (limits apply).
• Easy to cease when your agreement closes.

1099 Cons
• An unlimited obligation for the sole proprietor.
• You must make quarterly calculated tax installments.
• More complications and accounting than the W2 option.
• All benefit is liable to self-employment tax notwithstanding the income tax.

Whether you are an employee or an employer, the issue about W2 vs. 1099 and employees vs. contractors/freelancers is worth thinking about. With regards to who ought to be classified as independent contractor and employees, the keyword here is “control.’’ It is all about who controls the work you choose to do and how you will be taxed.


Russia accepts Prez Obama’s sanctions


This new soap opera on the world’s stage is reuniting the global audiences’ favorite stars: The United States and Russia; and shows America standing up to Russia this week, winning back some of its eroded street cred.


The New York Times reports that, U.S. President Barack Obama has made good on his promise to impose sanctions on Russia in retaliation for its alleged hacking of the Democratic National Committee computers during the 2016 Presidential Election.


The United States, still claiming the mantle of benevolent protector of democracy, and Russia, back to its notorious tricks as a geopolitical instigator; while democrats are blaming Russia for helping Republican President-Elect Donald Trump win the election via the release of “digital dirt” that harmed Democratic Nominee Hillary Clinton.

Obama has punished the Russians by expelling 35 Russian diplomats (accused of being spies), imposed economic sanctions on four Russian intelligence officials, and closed two U.S. estates used by Russian diplomats.

Although the Russian Foreign Minister initially vowed that Russia would respond in kind and expel 35 American diplomats, Reuters reports that president Vladimir Putin has chosen to play nice instead, insisting that there will be no sending home of U.S. officials.

Putin, who has led the nation as either president or prime minister for 17 years as of December 31, appears to be trying to generate positive press by taking the high road.

The former KGB agent and controversial shirtless strongman-figure seems to be mimicking Barack Obama’s famous dirt-off-your-shoulder gesture, explained USA Today. By mocking the lame-duck status of the Obama administration, which cedes the White House on January 20, basically the Kremlin is trying to portray the new U.S. sanctions as no big deal.

Russia’s refusal to respond in kind to U.S. sanctions can be seen as having positive effects for the United States.

The United States stood up for itself, and punished a historic rival for meddling in our election, but without provoking a potentially devastating brawl.

This will improve America’s standing in the eyes of many of its allies, some of whom may have thought that the U.S. was getting a bit soft after refusing to respect its own “red line” in Syria.

According to Politico, President Obama insisted in August 2012, that the U.S. would respond harshly to any use of chemical weapons by Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, who was battling rebels in the ongoing Syrian Civil War. A year later, it turned out that al-Assad’s regime had indeed used such weapons, including against civilians. The Obama administration declined to respond militarily, earning it a black eye.

Standing up to Russia helps America prove its status as a world leader, both internationally and with domestic defense hawks. Many have claimed that America’s weak foreign policy stances during the early Obama years created a power vacuum that allowed Russia to seize Crimea and ISIS to evolve in the Middle East.

The imposition of sanctions on Russia for election meddling will also dissuade other mischievous states, such as North Korea, from attempting their own hacks of U.S. political parties and candidates.

If anyone thought they could try to interfere with America’s elections and receive only verbal rebukes, they now know otherwise.

Digital - AI & Apps

News consumers deserve real News not fake news

Nowadays, everyone has an opportunity to deliver viral news content using social media and blogs as their outlet, but can we really trust all the news we get?

Whether or not news consumers are getting their news from social media, blogs, or mainstream media networks, the odds are that they need to analyze the information before digesting it as facts.

In reality, any news has a chance of being tainted by fake news sources. With news outlets aggregating from varied sources, sometimes viral news such as the “pizzagate” conspiracy about heinous child sex trafficking at Comet Ping Pong Pizzeria in Washington, D.C. spread and can lead to violence. Fact checking does not always happen immediately because the information is usually believable.


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In the case of Comet Ping Pong Pizzeria, the news was believable leading to folks flocking the pizzeria to investigate the propaganda that resulted in violence and thus disrupting business as usual.

There are several other examples of fake news infiltrating the minds and negatively impacting the actions of news consumers.

When President-elect Trump won the 2016 election, an individual, Eric Tucker, from Texas tweeted photos of parked buses alleging there were busloads of anti-Trump protestors demonstrating in the streets.

Mainstream news organizations caught on to this fake news and reported accordingly. Tucker’s tweet was retweeted more than 16,000 times in two days.

Even President-elect Trump responded with dismay, tweeting that, ‘“Professional protestors, incited by the media, are protesting. Very unfair!’’’

However, folks began to question Tucker’s allegations when they could not make connections with the buses of people and the alleged demonstrations.

Tucker then admitted that he did not see people boarding or exiting the buses, and issued a correction as follows: ‘“I strongly value the truth. There’s a pretty good case those buses were for a conference.”’

After his correction, Tucker was surprised that not many folks retweeted it and that he did not get as many likes and followers as he did when he posted the fake news.

The problem with fake News however, is that it usually only serves the point of view of a few and it sometimes can incite violence and rash decisions.

News consumers need to know the differences between what is real and what is fake in order to make better, informed decisions that will benefit the majority.

Local News

Mill Hill 50th House Tour delivers fun, surprises

– Photo by Michelle Dryden
The 50th annual House Tour in Mill Hill District featured a Horse and Buggy ride during the touring event from noon to 5 p.m. Saturday.
Historic Mill Hill District commemorates nostalgia and contemporary living as seen on 50th Anniversary House Tour event that featured various art forms and fun activities today.

Visitors and residents came out to tour homes, sing in choirs, see art show exhibits at Artworks, enjoy live music, look at classic/antique cars, have lunch from the Crepe Food Truck, enjoy the crisp fall weather, take fun photos, among other fun stuff.

The annual House Tour happens on the first Saturday of December each year. This year’s event was bigger and better than the tours in recent years because it marks a half-century milestone since Mill Hill residents have been opening their doors for visitors to see unexpected views and charms of homes in Trenton.