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Area Park Naturalist explains: Tap, tap, tap! Woodpeckers at work

Many of us recognize that tapping sound as belonging to a woodpecker. But do you know why they are tapping? One reason may be that they are looking for their next meal.

A woodpecker’s diet consists of a variety of wood-boring insects, such as larvae, carpenter ants, termites, and carpenter bees. These insects are readily found in dead or diseased trees and the tapping means the woodpeckers are drilling a hole to get to the insects.

However, the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, a migratory woodpecker, will tap holes into trees to lick up some tasty sap along with the insects that are also attracted to the sap.

A second reason you may hear tapping is when woodpeckers are creating cavities to nest in. They will choose dying trees, as those are easier to dig out a cavity.

You may see wood shavings at the bottom of the tree, or if you witness them excavating, you may notice wood shavings getting tossed out and floating down to the ground. Each species will create a cavity that is deep enough for their eggs and a bird to sit in.  Our smallest woodpecker, the Downy, creates an entrance hole that is only 1 ½ inches in diameter, while the largest woodpecker, the Pileated, creates an oblong cavity that is 3 ½ inches wide and 4 ¾ inches tall and takes almost 6 weeks to build.

Woodpeckers also use drumming on trees to communicate to other woodpeckers. They are alerting others that this is their territory, and also trying to attract a mate. But what does it mean when a woodpecker drums on your metal chimney? Well, this drumming sound is much louder than on a tree, like using cymbals in an orchestra, and therefore sends across a much stronger louder message.

Unfortunately, if you hear a woodpecker drumming on your siding, or see evidence of holes, it’s time to call an exterminator, because this probably means that your siding has some of those yummy insects’ woodpeckers enjoy.

Next time you go out into a forested area, listen for a tap, tap, tap, and then look carefully for woodpeckers pecking into decaying trees. Better yet, join us for a Woodpecker Walk on Friday, February 23 where we will be looking for evidence of woodpeckers and the seven different species found in Mercer County parks. Use this link to register.

Alexandria Kosowski, Park Naturalist

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