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Beauty Hype: World’s most expensive bird droppings better than Botox!

Better than Botox: Many celebrities swear by it – over 400 years old recipe

NEW YORK — It’s supposed to work better than Botox, and after just a few minutes, you look 10 years younger. The story about it from “Asami Geisha” goes back to the 17th century and comes from Japan.


On special farms, nightingales produce valuable feces. The songbirds are fed exclusively with plant seeds. The feces contain the urea known in cosmetics and the enzyme guanine.


The nightingales’ feces are disinfected by ultraviolet light and then ground into a fine powder. The effect on the skin is instantaneous, and you’re left with a peachy complexion.


More than 300 years ago, geishas used “Asami Geisha” very successfully to regenerate and rebuild their skin bleached with lead and zinc.


Numerous celebrities all over the world admire the radiant skin of Japanese women. “Asami Geisha” is a pure natural cosmetic and does not require any chemical additives.


But if you want to enjoy these valuable cosmetics, you have to dig deep into your pocket. 50 ml of “Asami Geisha” costs an incredible  Euro 490. This makes “Asami Geisha” by far the most expensive bird droppings in the world.


British journalist Claudia Cornell tested the cosmetics for Mail Online. Her conclusion: “Even after two days, my skin looked radiant, and my girlfriend thought I had had Botox injections. I’m more than satisfied with the result.”



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