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Non-GMO now considered higher priority for tea consumers than Fair Trade by industry professionals

Firsd Tea’s new report suggests industry experts view Non-GMO certification as more important to consumers than Fair Trade.


“Importantly, Organic certification is still the predominant priority standard for consumers in the eyes of industry professionals.”

SECAUCUS, N.J. — According to a new report from Firsd Tea, the largest importer of Chinese tea in the U.S., most professionals in tea and related industries say Non-GMO certification is now more important than Fair Trade for their consumers—a trend change from last year’s findings.


Specifically, most respondents in 2023 viewed Non-GMO certification (81%) as the second-most important standard and Fair Trade (68%) as the third-most important standard to consumers—a reversal from 2022’s survey findings.


“Though it’s unsurprising that Non-GMO certification has grown in perceived importance for consumers with our survey-takers, it was interesting to see it leap past Fair Trade certification this year,” Firsd Tea marketing director, Jason Walker, explains. He adds, “Importantly, Organic certification is still the predominant priority standard for consumers in the eyes of industry professionals.”


Along with revealing the Non-GMO certification’s increasing importance, the study also found:

  • Most survey-takers remain worried about the effects of climate change on their business operations (80% in 2022 vs. 75% in 2023).


  • Tea is still considered the most sensitive industry to the effects of climate change by most professionals in tea and related industries (93% in 2022 vs. 95% in 2023).


  • Most respondents in tea and related industries still agree Organic Certification is the most important standard to consumers (84% in 2022 vs. 88% in 2023).


  • Compared with Firsd Tea’s 2022 study, Vietnam (+37%), Kenya (+33%), China (+26%), and Sri Lanka (+26%) saw outstanding perceived sustainability improvements in 2023.


  • Most respondents in tea and related industries report improved outlooks on progress made in sustainability from 10 years ago, the current state of sustainability in tea, and the trajectory for the next 10 years.


“We look forward to this critical study providing important information to stakeholders across tea and related industries, hopefully helping their decision-making and giving them a more accurate pulse on their industry peers,” explains Firsd Tea executive director, Shengyuan Chen.


Firsd Tea Sustainability Perspectives 2023 is the second annual survey that continues a first-of-its-kind global 2022 study to gauge opinions of tea sustainability among associated experts.


“In this post-pandemic era, consumers remain focused on healthy lifestyles and recognize the importance of protecting the environment. The significance of organic certification with growing numbers of tea consumers echoes the mindset of many coffee consumers as well, specifically, that organic certification hits two touch points: it is good for the body and it is good for the planet,” says Vanessa L. Facenda, editor, Tea & Coffee Trade Journal.

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