Art & Life Culture Education Lifestyle Programs & Events

NJPF announces AI workshop for photographers and other artists

Nancy Ori and Umesh Bhatt will be doing two workshops: Nov. 12 in-person in Berkeley Heights, and Nov. 26 on Zoom regarding Artificial Intelligence image creation.

Both sessions will run from 11-4 p.m. Each will have limited seating in order to give participants a lot of one-on-one attention.


“Create images you could never do before. Artificial Intelligence software makes it possible to create images literally off the top of your head. You are no longer restricted to the images that come out of your camera and the traditional manipulations you know how to do in post-production.”


This workshop is specific to photographers and will teach them to create images that look like real photographs taken with a camera! Join them for a fun-filled day of learning how to set your computer up and get started using this new tool. Participants will not believe  when they see what it can do as soon as they take charge of the software.


Umesh and Nancy will demonstrate step by step so you will have no fumbling with the set up. Things are so new and obviously designed by techies, so having a techie and a right brainer explain it to you will be immensely helpful. Umesh and Nancy are the perfect combination to get you up to speed. You do not need to own any other complicated software programs. It will work with any type of subject matter. If you can imagine and describe it, you can create it. Supplement your library of images in a new and easy way.


Topics will include:

·      MidJourney installation, setup, and time for hands-on.

·      A formula and tools for creating effective prompts.

·      Using AI to generate photographs – Tips and techniques.

·      Use AI software to enhance your photographs (in painting, out painting etc.)

·      Learn how to use Photoshop Firefly, DALL-E, Stable Diffusion etc.

·      Advanced techniques to take your photographs to new levels never done before.


As an engineer at the top of his game with technology, Umesh has used his quest for precision and logic to inform his approach to photography. Through these workshops, he will share his passion for the craft and love of new technology. His analytical mind has drawn him to the exciting frontier of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Umesh says, “Let’s see what we can discover and create together during this workshop. In the world of art and photography, anything is possible.”


Nancy is the owner of New Jersey Media Center, LLC in Berkeley Heights where she continues to do product, portrait, and food photography after a 25-year career as photographer and manager of video and photographic services for Ciba and Novartis Pharmaceuticals. Nancy was taught by Ansel Adams and then affiliated for many years with the Ansel Adams Workshop in CA. She enjoys teaching locally and running photography tours globally. In 1994, she founded the New Jersey Photography Forum, which under Ori’s direction, has become the largest and most recognized group of fine art exhibiting photographers in the state. Nancy says, “Join us for this cutting-edge workshop and get inspired. Your creative world now has infinite possibilities. Let us help you open the door! You will only need a laptop and an open mind.”


Contact Nancy at for more information and to register.

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