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The Prospector creates competitive and inclusive employment for people with disabilities

RIDGEFIELD, Conn. — The Prospector, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, is dedicated to providing competitive and inclusive employment opportunities for people with disabilities through the operation of a first-run movie theater and online gourmet popcorn business.



With a mission to create meaningful work for millions, the Prospector operates a wide array of jobs and businesses while educating entrepreneurs, employers, and educators about their model.



The Prospector aims to address the pressing issue of unemployment among individuals with disabilities, where nearly 80% of Americans with disabilities do not have a job.



By showcasing the value that people with disabilities bring to the workforce, the Prospector is committed to transforming lives through meaningful work.  Prospects are paired with jobs that highlight their strengths and passions – or as the Prospector calls it, “sparkle.”   Approximately 75% of Prospects, the name given to all Prospector employees, self-identify with a disability.


“Our goal is to build a system where anyone with sparkle, determination, and drive can transform their lives through meaningful work,” the organization states.


“We are dedicated to creating a universally-designed, inclusive workplace where barriers are eliminated, and all individuals can thrive.”


Since its inception, the Prospector has established a workplace that embraces inclusivity at every level. Operating procedures are documented with accessibility in mind, while accommodations, modifications, and workarounds are integrated into daily operations. The organization believes in constant learning and teaching, adapting dynamic approaches to training and nurturing a supportive environment.


Prospects at the Prospector have trailblazed a revolutionary model of social enterprise, which can be adapted by businesses of all sizes. The key to their success lies in competitive and inclusive employment, with Prospects, both with and without disabilities, working together across various roles. This collaboration ranges from movie projection and production to concessions, clean team, grant writing, graphics, and more. Prospects earn competitive wages, benefit from upward mobility, professional development, and contribute to the organization’s high standards of excellence.

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