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D&R Greenway Land Trust announces dates for in-person Spring 2023 Native Plant Sale

PRINCETON, N.J. — D&R Greenway announces over fifty species of healthy local plants are ready for purchase at their annual Native Plant Sale sales taking place this spring in April. The Nursery is on the grounds of D&R Greenway’s Conservation Campus at the Johnson Education Center, One Preservation Place, [off Rosedale Road] Princeton, NJ 08540.


A bee collects pollen from an Echinecia (cone flower) plant

Planting natives enhances home gardens in natural beauty, attracts butterflies and birds in the landscape, and contributes to protection of a healthy bioregion.


Tina Notas, Director of Land Stewardship for D&R Greenway, remarks, “By adding locally-grown native plants to your garden, you’ll be rewarded with a melodious chorus of pollinators, including native birds. There are so many gorgeous native plants to choose from that will benefit wildlife and support our ecosystem.”


D&R Greenway’s comprehensive online catalog for review provides thorough plant descriptions, and pro-tips from D&R Greenway’s experienced Stewardship team. The catalog clearly addresses specific home garden conditions, such as filtered sun and varying soil conditions.


Possibilities include “Wildflowers, Herbaceous Shrubs, Trees, Ferns and even Grasses” as well as popular Cardinal flower, Purple Coneflower, Winterberry Holly, Blueberry, and Oaks.


D&R Greenway’s native trees, shrubs, perennial wildflowers, grasses, and ferns are grown either on-site or purchased from reputable local native-plant growers. Native Plant Nursery specimens are grown from locally sourced starter plants, and are free of harmful nicotinoid insecticides. Planting natives that evolved locally requires less maintenance, in terms of fertilizer, water and pesticides.


The sale dates are: Thursday, April 20, 12:00 – 4:00 pm; Friday, April 21, 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm; and EARTH DAY: Saturday, April 22, 9:00 am – 11:30 pm. Native Plant Sale proceeds support D&R Greenway’s preservation and stewardship mission.



About D&R Greenway Land Trust:

D&R Greenway Land Trust is an accredited nonprofit that has reached a new milestone of over 22,000 acres of land preserved throughout central New Jersey since 1989 and 44 miles of trails.


By protecting land in perpetuity and creating public trails, it gives everyone the opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors. The land trust’s preserved farms and community gardens provide local organic food for residents of the region—including those most in need. Through strategic land conservation and stewardship, D&R Greenway combats climate change, protects birds and wildlife, and ensures clean drinking water for future generations. D&R Greenway’s mission is centered on connecting land with people from all walks of life.


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