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County Exec. Brian M. Hughes makes statement on mass shooting at Michigan State University

TRENTON, N.J. — Unthinkable. Senseless. Terrifying. Devastating. Once again, these words invade our worlds as we mourn for the loss of life that has occurred at Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan on Monday.


As we again try to make sense out of a senseless act, our thoughts and prayers are with the families who lost loved ones.


We are learning more about the assailant, his ties to Mercer County and Ewing Township and his longtime struggle with

mental illness, remarked Hughes.


In response to what was deemed an unconfirmed threat to Ewing schools, Ewing Township temporarily closed its schools Monday out of an abundance of caution, while police investigated.


Fortunately, no incident occurred, and the investigation determined there was no threat to Ewing schools. I commend the Ewing Police Department and Ewing school officials for their swift action that put the safety of the community first, and the police department’s Mercer County law enforcement partners for their assistance. This illustrates how important it is to have a plan in place – as was the case here — so appropriate action can be taken in the event of an emergency, Hughes said.


Our County mental health team reached out to the Ewing School District  to offer their services, and I have reached out to Mayor Bert Steinmann and offered any other assistance that the County might be able to provide, he stated.


I ask that we also use this as an opportunity to refocus our efforts on the safety and security of our schools, our children, and our neighbors.

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