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County Exec. Hughes honors memory and teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Mercer County proudly celebrates the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on Monday, Jan. 16, 2023.


This holiday is a chance for us to think about our values and goals, and how we might honor the tremendous intellectual and spiritual legacy left by Dr. King.


Here in Mercer County, we’re still working hard to realize the dreams and visions of Dr. King. My administration has always committed itself not only to ethnic and racial diversity, but also to the celebration of that diversity. When I became County Executive, I made a promise that I would create a government that reflected the people we represent. Proudly, I kept that promise and among Mercer County government’s greatest strengths is its diverse makeup and inclusive spirit.


My Cabinet is the most diverse in Mercer County history, represented equally by men and women, and half who are people of color, and our day-to-day operations are led by a woman, also a first for Mercer County.


In addition to diversity, we’re working to provide people in Mercer County with the conflict resolution skills that Dr. King called on so often in his work. And we’re teaching our young people, regardless of racial or economic background, to become good leaders and role models in their communities.


We’re empowering young people to make positive choices in their educations, careers, and relationships; we are giving them the tools they need to have the life of their dreams; and we are giving a second chance to those who are down.


As we work to empower our young people to make positive choices, no tool can serve us better than our own love for one another. Even though the acts of goodwill that we perform on a daily basis can seem small, this simple spirit of kindness and outreach can foster tremendous progress.


Let’s work together to kindle the spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. – the spirit of tolerance and mutual respect that he envisioned for every citizen of this great world.

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