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NJPF photographers to host a free informative, networking, virtual conference for artists

Two well-known New Jersey photographers will host a free virtual meeting Sunday to provide an opportunity for other artists to network and share their journeys with younger photographers.


The well-known N.J. photographer, author and international instructor, Nancy Ori, along with Andrew Darlow, who is an award-winning author, photographer, and consultant, have joined forces to support other artists.


The two photographers have collaborated many times in the past to teach together. They have now written articles for each other’s newsletters on the topic of It’s a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood.


Their newsletters and conference content are a look back at the creative inspiration they gathered from nature and how they generate positive energy and artwork during this past year.


“Early in 2020, life suddenly shifted in so many ways for so many people, yet the natural world of my neighborhood, including the birds, flowers, geese, and trees, didn’t seem to notice. During the virtual presentation, I look forward to sharing some of the images and text that helped me, and my family get through that time,” said Darlow


The artists have identified the beauty of their collaboration, how powerful their journeys have been, and so they decided that it will be worth sharing with other artists as well as hearing from them about their topics.


At 3 p.m. Sunday, Ori and Darlow will host the free virtual meeting with an opportunity for other artists to network and share their thoughts about their own journeys, give helpful tips for younger artists, and help make some plans. To get the discussion rolling, they will be showing their most recent works.


The hosts have invited three additional artists to present their work that was inspired and created during the pandemic.


The six artists will have time to talk about what inspired them during the pandemic and how that inspiration impacted their lives and work.


The three guest artists are: Gerry Heydt, a traditional American impressionist who paints in oil, and whose students inspired her to create in new ways; Charles Chessler, a NYC-based portrait photographer, who has been inspired to photograph from his computer monitor; and Mike Pach, who is an award-winning photographer and author based in Colorado Springs, CO.


Anyone interested in joining the discussion will need to contact Ori at to get the Zoom link. Attendance is open to any artist of any age using any medium. Along with important information about how to manage an art business through trying times, a major part of the conference discussion with attendees will be about what has been learned and how to draw inspiration from difficult situations.


Darlow is a Piscataway, New Jersey-based photographer, author, and digital workflow coach. For over 25 years, he has helped people capture, edit, print and backup their photographs and other media. He is the author of four award-winning books. His newest book is titled: Focus and Filter, Professional Techniques for Mastering Digital Photography and Capturing the Perfect Shot, which is available in both English and Spanish on Amazon.


Ori, owner of New Jersey Media Center in Berkeley Heights, is respected internationally as a corporate photographer, author, and photography instructor for many years. She teaches workshops both locally and internationally and was affiliated for many years with the Ansel Adams Workshop in California. She currently teaches privately and is on the faculty of several museums and art centers in New Jersey. Her international tours are scheduled to start up again next spring with visits to her typical off-the-beaten-path locations in Europe. Her latest book: 5 Important Elements of a Portfolio and Critique is available on Amazon.


Ori says, “I came up with this idea of collaboration with other artists and invited Andrew as the second artist. I would like to continue these conversations with other artists moving forward to share our thoughts on a variety of topics in future conferences. It will be a great networking opportunity for everyone.


The Zoom conference is a great way for experienced artists to share their inspirations and realizations to help other artists. The conference will be void of discussions on anything political or negative. I would like the attendees to walk away with some positive energy and tips for how to make some plans. How will they redefine their normal?”


For more information on the It’s a Beautiful Day in the NeighborhoodConference, please contact Nancy Ori at 908-790-8820 or to receive the Zoom link to attend. You can visit both artists websites at for more information and free photo tips.

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